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As the maintainers of Cordite Network Map Service (NMS), we value every community member's positive contribution of time and effort. We made a choice to open source the code making it free and available for everyone. As the use of Cordite NMS grows so does the demands for support and maintenance. We have introduced a Cordite subscription to be able to provide support and maintenance to those organisations who are reliant on Cordite. The subscription will prioritise your issues and answer your calls for support. It will also accelerate the roadmap and delivery of your feature requests. If you are intending to use Cordite in production we would recommend your company evaluates the value of a Cordite subscription. If this is of interest to you then please drop an email to [email protected]


Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

  • v0.5.2 latest - latest stable release
  • edge - latest master build, unstable

Design criteria and Features

  1. Meet the requirements of the Corda Network Map Service protocol, both documented and otherwise
  2. A nominal implementation of the Doorman protocol
  3. A new protocol, Certman, for registration with client-provided certificates
  4. Completely stateless - capable of running in load-balanced clusters
  5. Efficient use of I/O to serve 5000+ concurrent read requests per second from a modest server
  6. Transparent filesystem design to simplify maintenance, backup, and testing

Backlog of Features, Improvements, and Optimisations

See our issues board for what this networkmap can't do as yet:

The following are on the roadmap but not implemented yet:

  1. Keys are not stored in a HSM and crypto operations are executed in-process.
  2. The doorman protocol implementation doesn't have the necessary KYC human workflow - all CSRs to the doorman are automatically accepted.
  3. The integration tests do not cover HA configurations for either the service or the database.
  4. There are several features of the API that as yet have not been surfaced to the front-end and hence the front-end is limited for production admin dashboard.
  5. The admin access control is not integrated with typical ACL services used by enterprise organisations (e.g. ActiveDirectory etc).

It is recommended that these amoungst other things would be need for this software to be suitable for production.
If you would like to accelerate the roadmap and use this software in production then feel free to either contribute or get in contact on the #cordite channel on Corda slack

How do I get in touch?

What if something does not work?

We encourage you to raise any issues/bugs you find in Cordite. Please follow the below steps before raising issues:

  1. Check on the Issues backlog to make sure an issue on the topic has not already been raised
  2. Post your question on the #cordite channel on Corda slack
  3. If none of the above help solve the issue, raise an issue following the contributions guide

How do I contribute?

We welcome contributions both technical and non-technical with open arms! There's a lot of work to do here. The Contributing Guide provides more information on how to contribute.

Who is behind the Network Map Service?

Network Map Service is being developed by a group of financial services companies, software vendors and open source contributors. The project is hosted on here on GitLab.

What open source license has this been released under?

All software in this repository is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

How do I start a simple network on my local workstation or laptop?

Using Docker:

docker run -e NMS_ROOT_CA_FILE_PATH="" -p 8080:8080 cordite/network-map:latest

You can configure the service using -D system properties. See the section for command line parameters.

See the detailed instructions in the FAQ for more details and option.

Command line parameters

Java properties (pass with -D=) and env variables:

Property Env Variable Default Description
auth-password NMS_AUTH_PASSWORD admin system admin password
auth-username NMS_AUTH_USERNAME sa system admin username
cache-timeout NMS_CACHE_TIMEOUT 2S http cache timeout for this service in ISO 8601 duration format
certman NMS_CERTMAN true enable Cordite certman protocol so that nodes can authenticate using a signed TLS cert
certman-pkix NMS_CERTMAN_PKIX false enables certman's pkix validation against JDK default truststore
certman-strict-ev NMS_CERTMAN_STRICT_EV false enables strict constraint for EV certs only in certman
certman-truststore NMS_CERTMAN_TRUSTSTORE specified a custom truststore instead of the default JRE cacerts
certman-truststore-password NMS_CERTMAN_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD truststore password
db NMS_DB .db database directory for this service
doorman NMS_DOORMAN true enable Corda doorman protocol
hostname NMS_HOSTNAME interface to bind the service to
mongo-connection-string NMS_MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING embed MongoDB connection string. If set to embed will start its own mongo instance
mongod-database NMS_MONGOD_DATABASE nms name for mongo database
mongod-location NMS_MONGOD_LOCATION optional location of pre-existing mongod server
network-map-delay NMS_NETWORK_MAP_DELAY 1S queue time for the network map to update for addition of nodes
param-update-delay NMS_PARAM_UPDATE_DELAY 10S schedule duration for a parameter update
port NMS_PORT 8080 web port
root-ca-name NMS_ROOT_CA_NAME CN="", OU=Cordite Foundation Network, O=Cordite Foundation, L=London, ST=London, C=GB the name for the root ca. If doorman and certman are turned off this will automatically default to Corda dev root ca
storage-type NMS_STORAGE_TYPE mongo file
tls NMS_TLS false whether TLS is enabled or not
tls-cert-path NMS_TLS_CERT_PATH path to cert if TLS is turned on
tls-key-path NMS_TLS_KEY_PATH path to key if TLS turned on
web-root NMS_WEB_ROOT / for remapping the root url for all requests
nmp-path NMS_NMP_PATH path to network parameters file. sample file can be found in resources folder.
allowNodeKeyChange NMS_ALLOW_NODE_KEY_CHANGE false to allow registration of a node with same legal name but different legal identity with NMS
root-ca-file-path NMS_ROOT_CA_FILE_PATH path to root cert file

Node re-registration with same legal name but different identity/key

NMS supports a node to re-register with a different key by setting the property allow-node-key-change to true.

Important Note: We strongly recommend not to set this property for a production and test environment.

Doorman protocol

This network map supports the Corda doorman protocol. This facility can be disabled with doorman system property or NMS_DOORMAN environment variable.

Retrieving the NetworkMap network-map-truststore.jks

If you wish to use the doorman protocol to register a node as per Corda you will need the network's network-map-truststore.jks.

You can do this using the url <network-map-url>/network-map/truststore.

Certman protocol

This network map provides an alternative means of gaining the required keystore files using any TLS certificate and private key, issued by a formal PKI root CA.

Assuming you have certificate domain.crt and its corresponding private key domain.key, and assuming the network map is bound to http://localhost:8080, the following command line will retrieve the keystore files:

openssl dgst -sha256 -sign domain.key domain.crt | base64 | cat domain.crt - | curl -k -X POST -d @- http://localhost:8080/certman/api/generate -o

This essentially signs the certificate with your private key and sends only the certificate and signature to the network-map. If the certificate passes validation, the request returns a zip file of the keystores required by the node. These should be stored in the <node-directory>/certificates.

Releasing NMS

To release NMS you just need to tag it. It is then released to docker hub.


This project would not have been possible without the following contributors:

  • @dazraf
  • Chris Jones
  • @nimmaj
  • @oj222
  • @pinkgrass
  • @ajithagiz
  • @opticyclic
  • @joeldudleyr3
  • @ivanschasny
  • @ashu


View license information for the software contained in this image.

As with all Docker images, these likely also contain other software which may be under other licenses (such as Bash, etc from the base distribution, along with any direct or indirect dependencies of the primary software being contained).

As for any pre-built image usage, it is the image user's responsibility to ensure that any use of this image complies with any relevant licenses for all software contained within.


corda network map service







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