Get source code
cd /home/orbbec/Documents/orbbec
git clone [email protected]:orbbec/opdk.git
cd opdk
git submodule update --init --recursive
Install deb dependencies
sudo apt-get install git-lfs
git lfs install --skip-repo
sudo apt install vpi3-dev libnvvpi3 ros-humble-isaac-ros-nitros \
ros-humble-isaac-ros-managed-nitros ros-humble-isaac-ros-nitros-image-type \
ros-humble-isaac-ros-nitros-camera-info-type -y
sudo apt install libbenchmark-dev ros-humble-foxglove-bridge ros-humble-nav2-costmap-2d libgoogle-glog-dev -y
sudo apt install libgflags-dev nlohmann-json3-dev \
ros-humble-image-transport ros-humble-image-publisher ros-humble-camera-info-manager \
ros-humble-diagnostic-updater ros-humble-diagnostic-msgs ros-humble-statistics-msgs \
ros-humble-backward-ros libdw-dev ros-humble-image-transport \
ros-humble-image-transport-plugins ros-humble-compressed-image-transport \
ros-humble-rqt-tf-tree -y
sudo apt install ros-humble-rqt-image-view ros-humble-rviz2 clang-format -y
Install udev rules.
cd /home/orbbec/Documents/orbbec/opdk/src/OrbbecSDK_ROS2/orbbec_camera/scripts
sudo bash
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
cd /home/orbbec/Documents/orbbec/opdk
colcon build --packages-skip nvblox_test_data nvblox_test --event-handlers console_direct+ --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
- Run all opdk nodes
cd /home/orbbec/Documents/orbbec/opdk
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch isaac_orbbec_launch dev_matrices:=config/dev_matrices_SN1423724335594.yaml
Another step-by-step execution method
- Run static TF broadcast
cd /home/orbbec/Documents/orbbec/opdk/install/isaac_orbbec_launch/share/isaac_orbbec_launch/launch
python --dev_matrices=/home/orbbec/Documents/orbbec/opdk/install/isaac_orbbec_launch/share/isaac_orbbec_launch/config/dev_matrices_SN1423724335594.yaml
- Run 4 cameras launch
cd /home/orbbec/Documents/orbbec/opdk
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch orbbec_camera
- Run Nvblox and cuVSLAM
cd /home/orbbec/Documents/orbbec/opdk
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch isaac_ros_perceptor_bringup config_file:=/home/orbbec/Documents/orbbec/opdk/install/isaac_orbbec_launch/share/isaac_orbbec_launch/param/orbbec_perceptor_detached.yaml
- Run cuVSLAM without Nvblox
cd /home/orbbec/Documents/orbbec/opdk
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch isaac_ros_perceptor_bringup config_file:=/home/orbbec/Documents/orbbec/opdk/install/isaac_orbbec_launch/share/isaac_orbbec_launch/param/orbbec_perceptor_detached.yaml disable_nvblox:=true
- Visualize the TF frame hierarchy using rqt_tf_tree with forced discovery.
ros2 run rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree --force-discover
- View the output Pose from cuVSLAM, which is of type nav_msgs/msg/Odometry.
cd /home/orbbec/Documents/orbbec/opdk
source install/setup.bash
ros2 topic echo /visual_slam/tracking/odometry --no-arr
- How to check the SN number of Orin device?
cat /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/serial-number
- How to check the USB port number and SN number of the camera?
ros2 run orbbec_camera list_devices_node
- How to switch the camera extrinsics file when starting launch?
ros2 launch isaac_orbbec_launch dev_matrices:=config/dev_matrices_SN1423724335594.yaml
Replace dev_matrices_SN1423724335594.yaml
with the external reference yaml file of the current device.
For example:
ros2 launch isaac_orbbec_launch dev_matrices:=config/dev_matrices_SN1423624327954.yaml
- How does the camera use specific camera parameter configuration yaml files?
For example, if you want to run the configuration of cuvslam+nvblox 640*360 60fps, open
and replace camera_params.yaml
with camera_params_cuvslam_nvblox-640_360_60fps.yaml
- How to determine the topic frame rate?
For example, if you want to check the frame rate of the depth stream of left_camera:
ros2 topic hz /left_camera/depth/image_raw
- Nvblox topic content judgment
Isaac ROS Nvblox Topics and Services
a. /nvblox_node/color_layer
:Pointcloud visualizing color voxels.
:A pointcloud of the people/dynamic occupancy map (only voxels with occupation probability > 0.5).
c. /nvblox_node/combined_esdf_pointcloud
:A pointcloud of the combined static and people/dynamic 2D ESDF (minimal distance of both), with intensity as the metric distance to the nearest obstacle or person.
Effect of subscribing to two topics at the same time:
- VSLAM content judgment
The normal operation of VSLAM mainly depends on whether the odom data is updated normally:
ros2 topic echo /visual_slam/tracking/odometry
- OrbbecSDK log storage and analysis
Modify OrbbecSDKConfig_v2.0.xml
in the OrbbecSDK_ROS2 package and change FileLogLevel to 0
Then recompile and start the camera, and you can see the camera log file OrbbecSDK.log.txt
in the Log folder in the opdk folder
- If you find that the ros2 topic hz frame rate is not as expected, check whether the following optimization points are still effective
Optimizing FastDDS:
Increase the usb cache to 128MB:
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/usbfs_memory_fix.service
add the following to usbfs_memory_fix.service
Description=Set USBFS memory limit
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "echo 128 | tee /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb"
Reload systemd
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Start the service to verify operation
sudo systemctl start usbfs_memory_fix.service
Check whether it works
cat /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb
Enable the service to start automatically at boot
sudo systemctl enable usbfs_memory_fix.service
Verify service status
sudo systemctl status usbfs_memory_fix.service
After the system restarts, check again
cat /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb
- Put nvblox, cuvslam, and orbbec_camera into the same container
Open the orbbec_perceptor_detached.yaml file and modify the container_name and attach_to_container
container_name: 'nvblox_container'
attach_to_container: false
container_name: 'cuvslam_container'
attach_to_container: false
container_name: 'shared_orbbec_container'
attach_to_container: true
container_name: 'shared_orbbec_container'
attach_to_container: true