Use client-side scripting in PocketMine-MP!
This proof of concept was based off of a pull request on PocketMine-MP by @Spajker7 and from PocketMine-MP internals from around April of 2019.
That being said, please don't expect stuff to still work. I don't have the time and interest to update this anymore as this used to be a private repository to prove that it is possible with an external PocketMine-MP plugin.
Don't bug me about stuff not working, but if you do fix it, please open a Pull Request and I'll be more than happy to merge it. TeaSpoon died of inactivity because it is not worth my time anymore, I get nothing from it.
This repository was publicized in hopes that other people may improve it, or build things for/on it for the improvement of the MC:Bedrock open source community. Have fun, just abide by the AGPL v3 License 😜
now gimme some street rep, baby
Repository publicized on December 18, 2019. Merry Christmas! 🎅