Sudoku Solver using entropy heuristic and back-tracking search.
Language: C++
The algorithm starts by applying the row, column and submatrix contraints to generate a list of all possible values for each unknown cell.
It then performs the following:
Pick the most constrained cell (cell with fewest possibilities) so we enouncter an unsolvable situation as quickly as possible.
Pick the least contraining value for cell (the value which applies the fewest contraints to all other cells) so we try leave open as many solutions in this solution branch as possible.
Apply contraints created by the new cell on all other cells.
Check if the puzzle is solved. If it is return the solution.
Perform forward checking to see if the puzzle is now unsolvable (some cell has no values) then propagate the unsolvable value backwards as long as it's still unsolvable. If we hit the top of the return stack then exit, otherwise try new values when available.