scene.js 2.1.3
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @digipost/scene.js@2.1.3
Install via package.json:
"@digipost/scene.js": "2.1.3"
About this version
Scene.js is a small JavaScript library for rendering view models. A view consists of a JS object (the model), an HTML file (the template), and an object with properties (the data). Scene.js takes care of loading the template, compiling it with the model, and adds a few helpful methods.
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This example assumes you are using jQuery and underscore.js, but those are completely optional.
<!-- mytemplate.html -->
<div>Hello <span><%= greet() %></span>!</div>
var mymodel = {
// The URL to your template file.
// This could also be a string of HTML.
template: 'mytemplate.html',
// This is run before the HTML is compiled.
// Use it to set or change properties.
before: function() { =;
// This is run after the HTML is compiled.
// Use it to add listeners, change HTML etc.
init: function() {
this.$('span').css('color', 'red');
// All methods and properties are available
// to the HTML templating language.
greet: function() {
scene(mymodel, { name: 'world' }, function(view) {
// => '<div>Hello <span style="color:red">WORLD</span>!</div>'
By default, Scene generates document fragments. If jQuery is available, jQuery objects are generated in stead.
Also, by default, no templating language is required.
If you are using underscore.js, Scene will use _.template
to compile templates.
You can set your own templating language by overriding scene.compiler(html) => fn
See the 'hooks' section on how to override any assumptions.
* The scene method renders view models with a model prototype, a set of properties, and a callback.
scene(model, properties, callback(view));
* The model can have a couple of optional magic methods.
// The URL to your template. This can be a function or a property.
// If the template starts with '<', it is treated as an HTML string.
// The before method runs before the HTML is rendered.
// The init method runs after the HTML is rendered.
* Rendered views also have a few methods.
// The rendered HTML is stored in view.el. This will be a jQuery object or a document fragment.
// Use view.$ to find something inside the HTML of this view.
// Use view.set to add a subview inside an element in this view.
view.set(selector, model, data, callback)
You can add filters, or middleware, to Scene, which will be applied to each rendered template:
// Add a filter which will do something to the view:
scene.use(function(view) {
// Render a view model:
scene({ template: '<span>1</span>' }, {}, function(view) {
console.log(view.el.innerHTML); // => '<span class="foo">1</span>'
Hooks let you override default behaviour for getting templates, compiling HTML, and for creating and manipulating elements.
* Hook: Get a template from the server.
* @template: The template property, or result of the template function.
* @callback: Must be called by this function with the template HTML.
* The default hook will use jQuery if available, or plain XHR.
scene.get = function(template, callback) { ... };
* Hook: Create a compiler from an HTML string.
* @html: An HTML string for this template.
* @return: A compiler function or a new HTML string.
* The default hook will use _.template if available, or skip compilation.
scene.compile = function(html) { ... };
* Hook: Create empty elements.
* View models without elements use this function to create blank elements.
* Override it to create different blank elements.
* The default hook will use jQuery if available, or create a document fragment.
scene.el = function() { ... };
* Hook: Find elements within another element.
* @el: The parent element.
* @selector: The selector of the child to find.
* The default hook will use jQuery if available, or use querySelectorAll.
scene.find = function(el, selector) { ... };
* Hook: Insert HTML by selector.
* @el: The parent element.
* @selector: Where to insert the HTML.
* @html: The HTML to insert.
* The default hook will use jQuery if available, or appendChild.
scene.insert = function(el, selector, html) { ... };
* Hook: Append HTML to an element.
* @el: The parent element.
* @html: The HTML to insert.
scene.append = function(el, html) { ... };