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knit 0.0.15-alpha.1

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @easy-games/knit@0.0.15-alpha.1
Install via package.json:
"@easy-games/knit": "0.0.15-alpha.1"

About this version


A roblox-ts package for Sleitnick's Knit framework.

Differences from the Luau version of Knit

1. Importing Knit

Knit must be imported differently on the server and client.

On the server-side, you should use:

import { KnitServer as Knit } from "@rbxts/knit";
// Use Knit

On the client-side, you should use:

import { KnitClient as Knit } from "@rbxts/knit";
// Use Knit

2. Services and Controllers must be registered.

You can register a service like this:

declare global {
	interface KnitServices {
		MyService: typeof MyService;

Or for a controller:

declare global {
	interface KnitControllers {
		MyController: typeof MyController;

3. The entire Service or Controller definition must be an object.

You must describe your service as a single object with fields, events, methods, etc. all together. Full example below.

4. this.Server in Client methods is not supported.

As a workaround, you can access your service directly via Knit.Services.

i.e. Knit.Services.MyService.FooBar()

5. Components

Components should defined using implements Component.ComponentClass. Here's an example:

import { Component, Maid } from "@rbxts/knit";

class Lava implements Component.ComponentClass {
    public static Tag = "Lava";

    private maid = new Maid();

    constructor(instance: Instance) {
            instance.Touched.Connect((otherPart) =>

    public Destroy() {

export = Lava;

Complete Example


import { KnitServer as Knit, Signal, RemoteProperty, RemoteSignal } from "@rbxts/knit";
import { Players } from "@rbxts/services";

declare global {
	interface KnitServices {
		PointsService: typeof PointsService;

const PointsService = Knit.CreateService({
	Name: "PointsService",

	// Server-exposed signals/fields:
	PointsPerPlayer: new Map<Player, number>(),
	PointsChanged: new Signal<(player: Player, points: number) => void>(),

	Client: {
		// Client exposed signals:
		PointsChanged: new RemoteSignal<(points: number) => void>(),
		GiveMePoints: new RemoteSignal<() => void>(),

		// Client exposed properties:
		MostPoints: new RemoteProperty(0),

		// Client exposed GetPoints method:
		GetPoints(player: Player) {
			return Knit.Services.PointsService.GetPoints(player);

	// Add Points:
	AddPoints(player: Player, amount: number) {
		let points = this.GetPoints(player);
		points += amount;
		this.PointsPerPlayer.set(player, points);
		if (amount !== 0) {
			this.PointsChanged.Fire(player, points);
			this.Client.PointsChanged.Fire(player, points);
		if (points > this.Client.MostPoints.Get()) {

	// Get Points:
	GetPoints(player: Player) {
		const points = this.PointsPerPlayer.get(player);
		return points ?? 0;

	// Initialize
	KnitInit() {
		const rng = new Random();

		this.Client.GiveMePoints.Connect(player => {
			const points = rng.NextInteger(0, 10);
			this.AddPoints(player, points);
			print(`Gave ${player.Name} ${points} points`);

		Players.PlayerRemoving.Connect(player => this.PointsPerPlayer.delete(player));

export = PointsService;


import { KnitClient as Knit } from "@rbxts/knit";

const PointsService = Knit.GetService("PointsService");

function PointsChanged(points: number) {
	print("My points:", points);

// Get points and listen for changes:
const initialPoints = PointsService.GetPoints();

// Ask server to give points randomly:

// Grab MostPoints value:
let mostPoints = PointsService.MostPoints.Get();

// Keep MostPoints value updated:
PointsService.MostPoints.Changed.Connect(newMostPoints => {
	mostPoints = newMostPoints;

// Advanced example, using promises to get points:
PointsService.GetPointsPromise().then(points => {
	print("Got points:", points);


This repository provides VSCode snippets for constructing Services, Controllers, and Components.

Simply copy this file into .vscode/knit.code-snippets.



  • knit-0.0.15-alpha.1-npm.tgz

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