ifct2017--nutrients 2.0.7
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @ifct2017/ifct2017--nutrients@2.0.7
Install via package.json:
"@ifct2017/ifct2017--nutrients": "2.0.7"
About this version
Detailed description of various nutrients, and its components.
📦 Node.js,
📜 Files.
This is part of package ifct2017.
Online database: ifct2017.github.io.
const nutrients = require('@ifct2017/nutrients');
// nutrients(query)
// → nutrient description if found, null otherwise
// Amino acid profile of each food is determined by three different analyses.
// Tryptophan is determined by alkaline hydrolysis, methionine and cystine by
// performic oxidation and the rest of the amino acids by acid hydrolysis. The
// amino acid profile of each food is expressed as g/100 g protein.
nutrients('what is soluble oxalate?');
nutrients('are organic acids useful?');
// Organic acids is naturally present in a wide variety of foods especially fruits,
// berries and vegetables. Organic acids cis-aconitic acid, citric acid, fumaric
// acid, mallic acid, quinic acid, succinic acid and tartaric acid were determined
// in single liquid chromatographic run. Soluble, insoluble and total oxalates were
// determined separately by HPLC method. The organic acids are energy contributing
// components, although it varies between the different organic acids. According to
// the Codex Alimentarius Commission’s Guidelines for Nutrition Labeling, the energy
// conversion factor for organic acids is 13 kJ/g. However, organic acids have not
// been included in the total energy of foods given in the IFCT.
// Additional methods:
nutrients.load() // → corpus
Data was obtained from the book Indian Food Composition Tables 2017.
Food composition values were measured by National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad.