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27 repositories
PublicA developer portal based on Backstage and supporting application developers with paved paths to production on Kubernetes.kadras-packages
PublicThe Kadras collection of Kubernetes-native packages built with Carvel. Composable capabilities for cloud native platforms.- Kubernetes-native package for Knative Serving, a solution for deploying and serving of applications and functions as serverless containers.
PublicKubernetes-native package for Flux, a continuous deployment solution for Kubernetes powered by the GitOps Toolkit.- Kubernetes-native package for OWASP Dependency Track, a continuous SBOM Analysis Platform for managing software supply chain security risks.
PublicKubernetes-native package for Contour, a high performance ingress controller using Envoy.package-for-cert-manager
PublicKubernetes-native package for cert-manager, a cloud-native solution to automatically provision and manage X.509 certificates.package-for-kyverno
PublicKubernetes-native package for Kyverno, a policy engine designed for Kubernetes. It can validate, mutate, and generate configurations using admission controls and background scans.kadras-docs
PublicDocumentation for the Kadras application platform, package catalog, and cloud native toolkit.package-for-dapr
PublicKubernetes-native package for Dapr, that provides integrated APIs for communication, state, and workflow.gitops-configurer
Public- Kubernetes-native package for Metrics Server, a scalable and efficient source of container resource metrics for Kubernetes built-in autoscaling pipelines.
- Kubernetes-native package for RabbitMQ Operator, an open-source message broker supporting multiple messaging protocols and streaming.
Public- Kubernetes-native package for secretgen-controller, a cloud-native solution to generate and share Secrets, passwords, keys, and certificates.
PublicA Carvel package providing supply chains to build golden paths to production for applications and functions, from source code to deployment in a Kubernetes cluster.backstage-templates