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10 repositories
Publicdadjokes Microservice echo-service as an alternative to httpbin for testing k8s, docker, kong, istio, kuma, etc. Built on FSL php microframework. Who says testing and dev ops can't be fun?kong-jwt2header
PublicThis Kong API Gateway Plugin can be used to route requests by JWT claim. It does this by converting JWT claims to headers during rewrite phase so that Kong's route by header functionality can be used to route the request appropriately. Alternatively, the plugin can be used to simply convert JWT claims to headers that can be consumed by the upstr…kong-map
PublicKongmap is a free visualization tool which allows you to view and edit configurations of your Kong API Gateway Clusters, including Routes, Services, and Plugins/Policies. The tool is being offered for installation via Docker and Kubernetes at this time.mocktainer
PublicMicro-service that returns mock api responses across a number of endpoint spanning various verticals. Great for testing API gateways such as Kong, K8s, Service Mesh deployments, and CI/CD and devops pipelines.restful_relay
PublicRestful Relay is a PHP Based Microservice that relays remote SFTP, SSH, SMTP commands through a RESTful interface. Microservice also can create JWT tokens as well as conduct request fanning. This utility works great in combination with API Gateway solution such as Kong (, in a Kubernetes cluster, or a service mesh.kong-log-google
PublicLog Kong gateway calls to Google Analyticsrestapidocs