Releases: originalnicodr/CinematicUnityExplorer
Cinematic Unity Explorer 1.3.0
Refactored bones panel and added pose serialization
The bones panels now display the bones in a tree-like structure to be able to easily identify the main bones, as well as to understand their parent-son relationships. Streamlining any posing work in the process.
I have also added an input field to be able to search bones by name in the whole skeleton, as well as being able to save and load poses. If a game shares skeletons between different characters you should be able to reuse saved poses across different characters.
Serialization of camera paths
Given that making cinematics is an iterative process it's more than understandable that being able to save camera paths across sessions would be very useful for cinematic artists, so serialization is now part of the CamPaths panel!
You can save and load paths, as well as load a path relative to the current camera position if you want to move the entire path around, or want to use a camera path in another level/scene.
New freecam methods
Given that sometimes the user needs to research what game objects or components need to get disabled to be able to move the camera freely, I have put some work into streamlining this process. Even tho there isn't a single solution to beat them all, these new two methods should make it easier to get a freecam working.
- Cloned: It clones the game object that has the gameplay camera component. The idea behind it is, that in cases in which there is another object controlling the gameplay camera, we can have a new instance of the camera with all of its postprocessing effects.
- ForcedMatrix: Forces some internal matrices into the gameplay camera. This way we can override what's being displayed without game logic getting in the way. It isn't a silver bullet as there are some games that have some problems with this approach (the ones that use the HD rendering pipeline mainly), but it should make things easier for users.
- Added new freecam methods, one for cloning the gameplay camera and another one for replacing internal matrices of the gameplay camera.
- Added search function in the bones panel.
- Refactored bone panels with a tree-like structure.
- Added serialization for NPC bones, which allows you to save and load custom poses.
- Added camera path serialization.
- Added look-at feature in the freecam panel.
- Added a button in the game object inspector panel to move the object to the camera position (and rotation).
- Added option to reset the freecam transform between freecam sessions.
- Improved UI/UX on the Animator and CamPaths panels.
- Fixed using default LOD bias when disabling high LODs (thanks @Scoolnik!)
- Increased UnityIGCSConnector game compatibility by adding 32bits support (#91 thanks @etra0!).
- Improved singleton finding on object explorer (#90 thanks @MegaPiggy!)
- Improved the mods UI scaling on wide ARs.
- Improved NPCs meshes refreshing when refreshing the animator's list, as well as the bone panel.
Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.3.0
Installation and usage guide.
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Cinematic Unity Explorer 1.2.0
Added Bones Manager panel
The animator panel now has a button to open another Bones Manager panel. This new panel allows you to move, rotate, and resize (and sometimes toggle, depending on the mesh) bones and mesh objects on a character. Very useful to set up specific poses that aren't possible in the game, fix clipping, or tweak animation keyframes.
You can read more about it in the guide.
Apart from that I have also included a handy slider to select a specific keyframe on an animation, as shown in the video. Consider this a little beta as I am still improving compatibility since some games won't let you start animations at a time that isn't the beginning.
Besides that, I have also added a new mesh toggle in the animator panel that should make things easier to identify the character you want to modify (or just hide them from the scene).
- Added a button to open a "bones panel" in the animator to access and control the bones of a character.
- Added animation sliders to more precisely choose the animation frame in which you want to set up a character.
- Added mesh toggle to the animator panel.
- IGCSDOF: Go back to the original position after an EndSession. (#74)
- Allow the timescale input field to accept values above the slider maximum.
- Added setting to toggle menu UI autoscaling off.
- Properly disable CinemachineBrain when enabling the freecam on IL2CPP games.
- Append new animations instead of discarding the previous ones when refreshing the animators.
Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.2.0
Installation and usage guide.
Looking for nightly builds? Go here then.
Found a bug? Feel free to report it on the issues page.
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Cinematic Unity Explorer 1.1.0
Added IGCSConnector support
The Cinematic Unity Explorer now supports IGCSConnector, and therefore IGCSDOF, the best modded DOF available. This is an accumulated DOF solution similar to Forza Horizon's or other offline rendering software. This accumulated solution brings some advantages compared to real-time solutions, such as:
- Accurate near-plane bleed.
- Particle & alpha effects in DOF.
- Depth-accurate reflections.
- Layered defocusing of transparent and translucent materials.
To read more about it as well as the install instructions head over to the Framed guide. For more information about IGCSDOF head over to Frans doc page.
- Added support for IGCSConnector and IGCSDOF. Thanks @etra0 for the PR!
- Improved compatibility with Hellpoint and potentially more games.
- Improved post-processing logging messages.
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0
By EchoSmoker
By originalnicodr
By EchoSmoker
Installation and usage guide.
Looking for nightly builds? Go here then.
Found a bug? Feel free to report it on the issues page.
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Cinematic Unity Explorer 1.0.0
The initial release of the Cinematic Unity Explorer.
Trailer showcasing the fork features on 1.0.0
The changes compared to the last commit of the UnityExplorer are too big to list. You can find the list of commits here.