Ask a question you would usually ask google then run it through a google search and language model to extract the results.
- Example
How Old is Barack Obama where and when was he Born?
President of the United States of America was born August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii, the youngest of three children. Barack Obama Jr. was born at 6:11 a.m. in the maternity ward of Queen's Medical Center. The president's biological mother, Barack Obama Sr., was a student at the University of Hawaii. She was 18 and he was 24 when Barack Sr. and his infant son were married in 1964. - Note GPT-J-6B often faces issues with entity resolution.
git clone
git checkout -b myawesome_new_feature
python or python3 -m venv feature_branch_or_venv_name
git rm -r my_venv/ --cached fix after git add -A
source bin/activate in linux location or Scripts/activate.bat in windows
python or python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
git add -A
git diff --name-only # To preview changed files
git commit -m "This is what i changed"
git push # follow instruction of push message