Prometheus exporter for CISCO Unified Communication Manager performance metrics. Project utilize CISCO CUCM Performance API. System tested on version 10+. Detail API description is on CISCO DEVNET servers.
Program need configuration file with next structure and information.
monitor_names: [ '','' ]
goCollector: true
processStatus: true
callsActive: true
callsInProgress: true
callsCompleted: true
partiallyRegisteredPhone: true
registeredHardwarePhones: true
gatewaysSessionsActive: true
gatewaysSessionsFailed: true
phoneSessionsActive: true
phoneSessionsFailed: true
callsAttempted: false
gatewayRegistrationFailures: false
gatewaysInService: false
gatewaysOutOfService: false
annunciatorOutOfResources: false
annunciatorResourceActive: false
annunciatorResourceAvailable: false
annunciatorResourceTotal: false
authenticatedCallsActive: false
authenticatedCallsCompleted: false
authenticatedPartiallyRegisteredPhone: false
authenticatedRegisteredPhones: false
callManagerHeartBeat: false
cumulativeAllocatedResourceCannotOpenPort: false
encryptedCallsActive: false
encryptedCallsCompleted: false
encryptedPartiallyRegisteredPhones: false
encryptedRegisteredPhones: false
hwConferenceActive: false
hwConferenceCompleted: false
hwConferenceOutOfResources: false
hwConferenceResourceActive: false
hwConferenceResourceAvailable: false
hwConferenceResourceTotal: false
mtpOutOfResources: false
mtpRequestsThrottled: false
mtpResourceActive: false
mtpResourceAvailable: false
mtpResourceTotal: true
swConferenceActive: false
swConferenceCompleted: false
swConferenceOutOfResources: false
swConferenceResourceActive: false
swConferenceResourceAvailable: false
swConferenceResourceTotal: false
sipLineServerAuthorizationChallenges: false
sipLineServerAuthorizationFailures: false
sipTrunkApplicationAuthorizationFailures: false
sipTrunkApplicationAuthorizations: false
sipTrunkAuthorizationFailures: false
sipTrunkAuthorizations: false
sipTrunkServerAuthenticationChallenges: false
systemCallsAttempted: false
transcoderOutOfResources: false
transcoderRequestsThrottled: false
transcoderResourceActive: false
transcoderResourceAvailable: false
transcoderResourceTotal: false
unEncryptedCallFailures: false
videoCallsActive: false
videoCallsCompleted: false
videoOnHoldOutOfResources: false
videoOnHoldResourceActive: false
videoOutOfResources: false
port: 9719
apiUser: api_allowed_user
apiPwd: password
apiTimeout: 5
ignoreCertificate: true
allowStop: false
sleepBetweenRequest: 30
level: info
fileName: ''
jsonFormat: false
logProgramInfo: false
maxSize: 50
maxBackups: 5
maxAge: 30
quiet: false
- monitor_names - name of CUCM servers, use same names as in system CUCM configuration
- metrics - allowed or disabled metrics collected from CUCM cluster
- port - port where program start HTTP server with metrics
- apiAddress - FQDN or IP address of publisher server
- apiUser - user with rights to read performance metrics
- apiPwd - password for apiUser
- apiTimeout - API request timeout in second between 1 and 30 sec, default is 5
- ignoreCertificate - system ignore certificate validity
- allowStop - allow stopping the program from web UI
- sleepBetweenRequest - how long program sleep between requests in sec (5 - 120)
- log - setup logging from system
Actual supported metrics shows configuration definition (above). More detail is in official CISCO documentation.
- callsActive - This represents the number of voice or video streaming connections that are currently in use ( active).
- callsInProgress - This represents the number of voice or video calls that are currently in progress on this CallManager, including all active calls.
- callsCompleted - This represents the number of calls that were actually connected (a voice path or video stream was established) through this CallManager.
- partiallyRegisteredPhone - This represents the number of partially registered SIP Phones.
- registeredHardwarePhones - This represents the number of Cisco hardware IP phones (for example, models 7960, 7940, 7910, etc.) that are currently registered in the system.
- gatewaysSessionsActive - This is a real-time counter which specifies the total number of active recording sessions between a recording-enabled gateway and a recording server.
- gatewaysSessionsFailed - This is a cumulative counter which specifies the total number of gateway-preferred recording sessions which failed since the last restart of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager service.
- phoneSessionsActive - This is a real-time counter which specifies the total number of active recording sessions between a Cisco IP Phone and a recording server.
- phoneSessionsFailed - This is a cumulative counter which specifies the total number of phone-preferred recording sessions which failed since the last restart of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager service.
Program allow enabling/disabling standard GO client metrics. Detail about this metrics are described in Exploring Prometheus GO client Metrics.
- goCollector - enable/disable internal program GO metrics
- processStatus - enable/disable internal program status metrics
- level - Logging level, default Info, valid: Fatal, Error, Warning, Info, Debug, Trace
- fileName - File name for actual log file, empty doesn't log to file
- jsonFormat - Use JSON formatting, default false, valid: false, true
- logProgramInfo - Include in log line and source file from source program
- maxSize - maximal size of one log file in MB, default 50 MB, minimal1 MB, max 5 000 MB
- maxBackups - maximal backup log files, default 5, minimal 0 file, max 100 files
- maxAge - maximal log file age in day, default 30, minimal 1 day, maximal 365 days
- quiet - don't log any message to std output, default false, valid: false, true
Program support CLI parameters. All parameters are optional and overwrite same configuration values.
- --version - show actual program version
- - show actual configuration and ends
- --config.file file_name - start program with configuration file file_name, when omitted system use name " server.yml" in current directory
- --api.address fqdn_or_ip - overwrite value
from configuration file with fqdn_or_ip - --api.user user_name - overwrite value
from configuration file with user_name - --api.pwd user_pwd - overwrite value
from configuration file with user_pwd
We welcome any contributions. Please fork the project on GitHub and open Pull Requests for any proposed changes.
Please note that we will not merge any changes that encourage insecure behaviour. If in doubt please open an Issue first to discuss your proposal.
Many thanks Elevēo for support this project.