A set of python tools to ease Orthanc scripting.
Functionalities are very limited now ! Backward compat will break a lot in the near future !
pip3 install orthanc-tools
The cloners copies everything that is currently in the source Orthanc into the destination Orthanc and, once this is done continues the cloning process for every DICOM instance that is received by the source.
from a python script:
from orthanc_tools import OrthancCloner, ClonerMode
from orthanc_api_client import OrthancApiClient
orthanc_a = OrthancApiClient('http://localhost:8042', user='orthanc', pwd='orthanc')
orthanc_b = OrthancApiClient('http://localhost:8043', user='orthanc', pwd='orthanc')
cloner = OrthancCloner(source=orthanc_a, destination=orthanc_b)
# if the destination is declared as a peer:
cloner = OrthancCloner(source=orthanc_a, destination_peer='orthanc-b', mode=ClonerMode.TRANSFER)
from a shell:
python3 -m orthanc_tools.orthanc_cloner --source_url= --source_user=user --source_pwd=pwd --dest_url= --dest_user=user --dest_pwd=pwd --run_only_at_night_and_weekend=true --night_start_hour=19 --night_end_hour=6
or, inside a docker-compose file:
version: "3"
image: orthancteam/python-orthanc-tools:0.6.0
volumes: ["orthanc-cloner:/status"]
TZ: "Etc/UTC"
SOURCE_URL: "http://orthanc-a:8042"
# SOURCE_USER: "user"
# SOURCE_PWD: "pwd"
DEST_URL: "http://orthanc-b:8042"
# DEST_USER: "user"
# DEST_PWD: "pwd"
MODE: "Default"
PERSIST_STATE_PATH: "/status/status.txt"
entrypoint: python -m orthanc_tools.orthanc_cloner
Here are a set of measures performed during a long transfer between 2 VMs running on Azure using OrthancCloner v 0.6.3.
The source Orthanc (v1.9.0) is running on a 4 vCPU VM with 16GB RAM. Postgresql is running on the same VM and DICOM files are stored on data disks are attached to the VM.
The destination Orthanc (v1.11.2) is running on a 4 vCPU VM with 16GB RAM. It is using a flexible managed Postgresql server and an object storage to store DICOM files.
Cloner Mode | WorkersThreadCount | throughput [GB/h] | throughput [instances/h] |
Default | 12 | 38 | ? |
Default | 18 | 67 | 142.000 |
Default | 24 | 66 | 160.000 |
Transfer, Transfers.Threads=6, ConcurrentJobs=2 | 3 | 20 | ? |
Transfer, Transfers.Threads=6, ConcurrentJobs=12 | 6 | 15 | ? |
$ docker exec -it xxxx bash
/# pip3 install orthanc-tools
/# python3 -m orthanc_tools.orthanc_folder_importer --folder_path=/import --url=http://localhost:8042 --user=test --password=test --skip_extensions=.cne,.bmp,.ini --worker_threads_count=5
The forwarder simply forwards the content of an Orthanc to another DICOM destination and then, deletes
the instances. This is usefull for, e.g. implementing an Inbox in front of a PACS that does some
and/or applies sanitization in a lua script or a python plugin.
from a shell:
python3 -m orthanc_tools.orthanc_forwarder --source_url= --source_user=user --source_pwd=pwd --destination=target_modality_alias --trigger=StableStudy
More info in the PacsMigrator class
$ docker exec -it xxxx bash
/# pip3 install orthanc-tools
/# python3 -m orthanc_tools.pacs_migrator --url=http://localhost:8042 --user=user --password=pwd --destination_modality=orthanc-debug --from_study_date=20000101 --to_study_date=20191231 --run_only_at_night_and_weekend --night_start_hour=18 --night_end_hour=6
Running in a Docker environment:
$ docker run -d --name comparator --network=mysetup_default python:3.9 bash -c "pip3 install orthanc-tools && python3 -u -m orthanc_tools.orthanc_comparator --level=Instance --url=http://pacs-2022:8042 --modality=pacs-2017 --from_study_date=20220201 --to_study_date=20220302 --transfer_missing_to_modality --ignore_missing_from_orthanc --run_only_at_night_and_weekend --night_start_hour=19 --night_end_hour=6"
The OrthancTestDbPopulator generates test images and uploads them in Orthanc. All images have only 4 pixels and take a minimum amount of space on disk. By default, the generator always generates the same data, use a different seed if you need variation.
From a shell:
python3 -m orthanc_tools.orthanc_test_db_populator --url= --user=user --password=pwd --studies=5000 --seed=42
Allows to clean the Orthanc by deleting the oldest studies according to the labels applied on them.
With that sample, all studies with the LABEL1 and older than 6 weeks will be deleted all studies with the LABEL2 and older than 12 weeks will be deleted.
The script will be executed every day at 2:30 (24 format!)
python3 -m orthanc_tools.orthanc_cleaner --url=http://localhost:8042 --user=orthanc --password=orthanc --execution_time=2:30 --labels_file_path=./tests/stimuli/labels.csv
image: orthancteam/python-orthanc-tools:0.10.0
ports: ["2575:2575"]
volumes: ["/worklists:/worklists"]
restart: unless-stopped
entrypoint: ["python", "-m", "orthanc_tools.hl7_worklist_server_for_orthanc"]
Then, add this env var to Orthanc:
ORTHANC__WORKLISTS__DATABASE: /var/lib/orthanc/worklists