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Construct Lie algebras from root system (#3831)
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lgoettgens authored Jul 2, 2024
1 parent 09a2154 commit 170478d
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Showing 5 changed files with 356 additions and 66 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions docs/oscar_references.bib
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Expand Up @@ -466,6 +466,19 @@ @Article{CMS07
doi = {10.4171/dm/220}

author = {Cohen, Arjeh M. and Murray, Scott H. and Taylor, D. E.},
title = {Computing in groups of Lie type},
mrnumber = {2047097},
journal = {Math. Comp.},
fjournal = {Mathematics of Computation},
volume = {73},
number = {247},
pages = {1477--1498},
year = {2004},
doi = {10.1090/S0025-5718-03-01582-5}

author = {Conway, J. H. and Sloane, N. J. A.},
title = {Sphere packings, lattices and groups},
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229 changes: 165 additions & 64 deletions experimental/LieAlgebras/src/AbstractLieAlgebra.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,21 +21,17 @@
@req all(
r -> all(e -> parent(last(e)) === R, r), struct_consts
) "Invalid structure constants."
@req all(iszero, struct_consts[i, i] for i in 1:dimL) "Not anti-symmetric."
@req all(
iszero, struct_consts[i, i][k] for i in 1:dimL, k in 1:dimL
) "Not anti-symmetric."
@req all(
struct_consts[i, j][k] + struct_consts[j, i][k] for i in 1:dimL, j in 1:dimL,
k in 1:dimL
iszero, struct_consts[i, j] + struct_consts[j, i] for i in 1:dimL, j in 1:dimL
) "Not anti-symmetric."
@req all(
struct_consts[i, j][k] * struct_consts[k, l][m] +
struct_consts[j, l][k] * struct_consts[k, i][m] +
struct_consts[l, i][k] * struct_consts[k, j][m] for k in 1:dimL
) for i in 1:dimL, j in 1:dimL, l in 1:dimL, m in 1:dimL
struct_consts[i, j][k] * struct_consts[k, l] +
struct_consts[j, l][k] * struct_consts[k, i] +
struct_consts[l, i][k] * struct_consts[k, j] for k in 1:dimL
) for i in 1:dimL, j in 1:dimL, l in 1:dimL
) "Jacobi identity does not hold."
return new{C}(R, dimL, struct_consts, s)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,6 +81,7 @@ to the order of the roots in the root system.
function chevalley_basis(L::AbstractLieAlgebra)
@req has_root_system(L) "No root system known."
# TODO: once there is root system detection, this function needs to be updated to indeed return the Chevalley basis

npos = n_positive_roots(root_system(L))
b = basis(L)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,7 +171,7 @@ end
@doc raw"""
lie_algebra(R::Field, struct_consts::Matrix{SRow{elem_type(R)}}, s::Vector{<:VarName}; check::Bool) -> AbstractLieAlgebra{elem_type(R)}
Construct the Lie algebra over the ring `R` with structure constants `struct_consts`
Construct the Lie algebra over the field `R` with structure constants `struct_consts`
and with basis element names `s`.
The Lie bracket on the newly constructed Lie algebra `L` is determined by the structure
Expand All @@ -200,7 +197,7 @@ end
@doc raw"""
lie_algebra(R::Field, struct_consts::Array{elem_type(R),3}, s::Vector{<:VarName}; check::Bool) -> AbstractLieAlgebra{elem_type(R)}
Construct the Lie algebra over the ring `R` with structure constants `struct_consts`
Construct the Lie algebra over the field `R` with structure constants `struct_consts`
and with basis element names `s`.
The Lie bracket on the newly constructed Lie algebra `L` is determined by the structure
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,79 +288,183 @@ function lie_algebra(

@doc raw"""
lie_algebra(R::Field, dynkin::Tuple{Char,Int}) -> AbstractLieAlgebra{elem_type(R)}
lie_algebra(R::Field, rs::RootSystem) -> AbstractLieAlgebra{elem_type(R)}
Construct the simple Lie algebra over the ring `R` with Dynkin type given by `dynkin`.
Construct a simple Lie algebra over the field `R` with the root system `rs`.
The internally used basis of this Lie algebra is the Chevalley basis.
The experienced user may supply a boolean vector of length `n_positive_roots(rs) - n_simple_roots(rs)`
via the kwarg `extraspecial_pair_signs::Vector{Bool}` to specify the concrete Lie algebra to be constructed.
If $(\alpha,\beta)$ is the extraspecial pair for the non-simple root `root(rs, i)`,
then $\varepsilon_{\alpha,\beta} = 1$ iff `extraspecial_pair_signs[i - n_simple_roots(rs)] = true`.
For the used notation and the definition of extraspecial pairs, see [CMT04](@cite).
function lie_algebra(R::Field, S::Symbol, n::Int)
rs = root_system(S, n)
function lie_algebra(
extraspecial_pair_signs=fill(true, n_positive_roots(rs) - n_simple_roots(rs)),
struct_consts = _struct_consts(R, rs, extraspecial_pair_signs)

s = [
[Symbol("x_$i") for i in 1:n_positive_roots(rs)]
[Symbol("y_$i") for i in 1:n_positive_roots(rs)]
[Symbol("h_$i") for i in 1:n_simple_roots(rs)]

L = lie_algebra(R, struct_consts, s; check=false)
L.root_system = rs
return L

function _struct_consts(R::Field, rs::RootSystem, extraspecial_pair_signs)
cm = cartan_matrix(rs)
@req is_cartan_matrix(cm; generalized=false) "The type does not correspond to a classical root system"
@req is_cartan_matrix(cm; generalized=false) "The root system does not induce a finite dimensional Lie algebra."

nroots = n_roots(rs)
npos = n_positive_roots(rs)
nsimp = n_simple_roots(rs)

n = 2 * npos + nsimp

N = _N_matrix(rs, extraspecial_pair_signs)

struct_consts = Matrix{SRow{elem_type(R)}}(undef, n, n)
for i in 1:npos, j in 1:npos
# [x_i, x_j]
fl, k = is_positive_root_with_index(positive_root(rs, i) + positive_root(rs, j))
struct_consts[i, j] = fl ? sparse_row(R, [k], [1]) : sparse_row(R)
# [x_i, y_j] = δ_ij h_i
struct_consts[i, npos + j] = i == j ? sparse_row(R, [2 * npos + i], [1]) : sparse_row(R)
# [y_j, x_i] = -[x_i, y_j]
struct_consts[npos + j, i] = -struct_consts[i, npos + j]
# [y_i, y_j]
fl, k = is_negative_root_with_index(negative_root(rs, i) + negative_root(rs, j))
struct_consts[npos + i, npos + j] = fl ? sparse_row(R, [npos + k], [1]) : sparse_row(R)
for i in 1:nroots, j in i:nroots
if i == j
# [e_βi, e_βi] = 0
struct_consts[i, j] = sparse_row(R)
beta_i = root(rs, i)
beta_j = root(rs, j)
if iszero(beta_i + beta_j)
# [e_βi, e_-βi] = h_βi
struct_consts[i, j] = sparse_row(
R, collect((nroots + 1):(nroots + nsimp)), _vec(coefficients(coroot(rs, i)))
elseif ((fl, k) = is_root_with_index(beta_i + beta_j); fl)
# complicated case
if i <= npos
struct_consts[i, j] = sparse_row(R, [k], [N[i, j]])
elseif j <= npos
struct_consts[i, j] = sparse_row(R, [k], [-N[i - npos, j + npos]])
struct_consts[i, j] = sparse_row(R, [k], [-N[i - npos, j - npos]])
# [e_βi, e_βj] = 0
struct_consts[i, j] = sparse_row(R)

# # [e_βj, e_βi] = -[e_βi, e_βj]
struct_consts[j, i] = -struct_consts[i, j]
for i in 1:nsimp, j in 1:npos
# [h_i, x_j] = <α_j, α_i> x_j
struct_consts[2 * npos + i, j] = sparse_row(R, [j], [cm[j, i]])
# [h_i, y_j] = - <α_j, α_i> y_j
struct_consts[2 * npos + i, npos + j] = sparse_row(R, [npos + j], [-cm[j, i]])
# [x_j, h_i] = -[h_i, x_j]
struct_consts[j, 2 * npos + i] = -struct_consts[2 * npos + i, j]
# [y_j, h_i] = -[h_i, y_j]
struct_consts[npos + j, 2 * npos + i] = -struct_consts[2 * npos + i, npos + j]
for i in 1:nsimp, j in 1:nroots
# [h_i, e_βj] = <β_j, α_i> e_βj
struct_consts[nroots + i, j] = sparse_row(
[dot(coefficients(root(rs, j)), cm[i, :])],
# [e_βj, h_i] = -[h_i, e_βj]
struct_consts[j, nroots + i] = -struct_consts[nroots + i, j]
for i in 1:nsimp, j in 1:nsimp
# [h_i, h_j] = 0
struct_consts[2 * npos + i, 2 * npos + j] = sparse_row(R)
struct_consts[nroots + i, nroots + j] = sparse_row(R)

s = [
[Symbol("x_$i") for i in 1:npos]
[Symbol("y_$i") for i in 1:npos]
[Symbol("h_$i") for i in 1:nsimp]
return struct_consts

L = lie_algebra(R, struct_consts, s; check=true) # TODO: remove check
function _N_matrix(rs::RootSystem, extraspecial_pair_signs::Vector{Bool})
# computes the matrix N_αβ from CTM04 Ch. 3 indexed by root indices
nroots = n_roots(rs)
npos = n_positive_roots(rs)
nsimp = n_simple_roots(rs)
@req length(extraspecial_pair_signs) == npos - nsimp "Invalid extraspecial pair sign vector length."

N = zeros(Int, npos, nroots)

# extraspecial pairs
for (i, alpha_i) in enumerate(simple_roots(rs))
for (l, beta_l) in enumerate(positive_roots(rs))
fl, k = is_positive_root_with_index(alpha_i + beta_l)
fl || continue
j -> !is_positive_root_with_index(alpha_i + beta_l - simple_root(rs, j))[1],
1:(i - 1),
) || continue
p = 0
while is_root_with_index(beta_l - p * alpha_i)[1]
p += 1
N[i, l] = (extraspecial_pair_signs[k - nsimp] ? 1 : -1) * p
N[l, i] = -N[i, l]

# start temporary workaround # TODO: reenable code above
type = only(root_system_type(rs))
if type == (:F, 4)
# GAP uses a non-canonical order of simple roots for F4. Until we have our own implementation, we disable it to avoid confusion.
error("Not implemented for F4.")
# special pairs
for (i, alpha_i) in enumerate(positive_roots(rs))
for (j, beta_j) in enumerate(positive_roots(rs))
i < j || continue
fl = is_positive_root_with_index(alpha_i + beta_j)[1]
fl || continue
l = findfirst(
l -> is_positive_root_with_index(alpha_i + beta_j - simple_root(rs, l))[1], 1:nsimp
l == i && continue # already extraspecial
fl, l_comp = is_positive_root_with_index(alpha_i + beta_j - simple_root(rs, l))
@assert fl
t1 = 0
t2 = 0
if ((fl, m) = is_positive_root_with_index(beta_j - simple_root(rs, l)); fl)
root_m = positive_root(rs, m)
t1 = N[l, m] * N[i, m] * dot(root_m, root_m)//dot(beta_j, beta_j)
if ((fl, m) = is_positive_root_with_index(alpha_i - simple_root(rs, l)); fl)
root_m = positive_root(rs, m)
t2 = N[l, m] * N[j, m] * dot(root_m, root_m)//dot(alpha_i, alpha_i)
@assert t1 - t2 != 0
p = 0
while is_root_with_index(beta_j - p * alpha_i)[1]
p += 1
N[i, j] = Int(sign(t1 - t2) * sign(N[l, l_comp]) * p) # typo in CMT04
N[j, i] = -N[i, j]
coeffs_iso = inv(Oscar.iso_oscar_gap(R))
LG = GAP.Globals.SimpleLieAlgebra(GAP.Obj(string(type[1])), type[2], domain(coeffs_iso))
@req GAPWrap.Dimension(LG) == n "Dimension mismatch. Something went wrong."
s = [
[Symbol("x_$i") for i in 1:npos]
[Symbol("y_$i") for i in 1:npos]
[Symbol("h_$i") for i in 1:nsimp]
L = codomain(
_iso_gap_oscar_abstract_lie_algebra(LG, s; coeffs_iso)
# end temporary workaround

set_attribute!(L, :is_simple, true)
# rest
for (i, alpha_i) in enumerate(positive_roots(rs))
for (j, beta_j) in enumerate(positive_roots(rs))
if ((fl, k) = is_positive_root_with_index(alpha_i - beta_j); fl)
root_k = positive_root(rs, k)
N[i, npos + j] = Int(N[k, j] * dot(root_k, root_k)//dot(alpha_i, alpha_i))
if ((fl, k) = is_positive_root_with_index(beta_j - alpha_i); fl)
root_k = positive_root(rs, k)
N[i, npos + j] = Int(N[k, i] * dot(root_k, root_k)//dot(beta_j, beta_j))
return N

@doc raw"""
lie_algebra(R::Field, fam::Symbol, rk::Int) -> AbstractLieAlgebra{elem_type(R)}
Construct a simple Lie algebra over the field `R` with Dynkin type given by `fam` and `rk`.
See `cartan_matrix(fam::Symbol, rk::Int)` for allowed combinations.
The internally used basis of this Lie algebra is the Chevalley basis.
function lie_algebra(R::Field, S::Symbol, n::Int)
rs = root_system(S, n)
L = lie_algebra(R, rs)

characteristic(R) == 0 && set_attribute!(L, :is_simple, true)
return L

Expand Down
34 changes: 33 additions & 1 deletion experimental/LieAlgebras/src/iso_oscar_gap.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ function _iso_oscar_gap(LO::LinearLieAlgebra)
return MapFromFunc(LO, LG, f, finv)

function _iso_oscar_gap(LO::AbstractLieAlgebra)
function _iso_oscar_gap(LO::AbstractLieAlgebra; set_attributes::Bool=true)
coeffs_iso = Oscar.iso_oscar_gap(coefficient_ring(LO))
sc_table_G = [
Expand All @@ -56,5 +56,37 @@ function _iso_oscar_gap(LO::AbstractLieAlgebra)

f, finv = _iso_oscar_gap_lie_algebra_functions(LO, LG, coeffs_iso)

if set_attributes && has_root_system(LO)
# we need to construct the root system in GAP as otherwise it may detect a different order of simple roots
RO = root_system(LO)
RG = GAP.Globals.Objectify(
GAP.Globals.NewFamily(GAP.Obj("RootSystemFam"), GAP.Globals.IsObject),
GAP.evalstr("IsAttributeStoringRep and IsRootSystemFromLieAlgebra")),
GAP.Globals.SetUnderlyingLieAlgebra(RG, LG)

cartan_trO = transpose(cartan_matrix(RO))
transform_root(r::RootSpaceElem) = GAP.Obj(coefficients(r) * cartan_trO)[1]
GAP.Globals.SetPositiveRoots(RG, GAP.Obj(transform_root.(positive_roots(RO))))
GAP.Globals.SetNegativeRoots(RG, GAP.Obj(transform_root.(negative_roots(RO))))
GAP.Globals.SetSimpleSystem(RG, GAP.Obj(transform_root.(simple_roots(RO))))
can_basisG = GAP.Globals.CanonicalBasis(LG)
pos_root_vectorsG = can_basisG[1:n_positive_roots(RO)]
neg_root_vectorsG = can_basisG[(n_positive_roots(RO) + 1):(2 * n_positive_roots(RO))]
csa_basisG = can_basisG[(2 * n_positive_roots(RO) + 1):end]
GAP.Globals.SetPositiveRootVectors(RG, pos_root_vectorsG)
GAP.Globals.SetNegativeRootVectors(RG, neg_root_vectorsG)
RG, GAP.Obj([pos_root_vectorsG, neg_root_vectorsG, csa_basisG])
LG, GAP.Obj([pos_root_vectorsG, neg_root_vectorsG, csa_basisG])

GAP.Globals.SetCartanMatrix(RG, GAP.Obj(cartan_trO))
GAP.Globals.SetRootSystem(LG, RG)

return MapFromFunc(LO, LG, f, finv)

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