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Introduce various methods to handle Moebius transformations.
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HechtiDerLachs committed Apr 26, 2024
1 parent 9fbe585 commit a64740e
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222 changes: 193 additions & 29 deletions experimental/Schemes/elliptic_surface.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2074,41 +2074,54 @@ function _pushforward_lattice_along_isomorphism(step::MorphismFromRationalFuncti

# fiber over some point ≂̸ ∞.
t = first(gens(OO(UBY)))
match = -1

codomain_charts = copy(affine_charts(Y))

# Restrict the codomain charts if applicable
for (i, (p, _, F, E, _)) in enumerate(reducible_fibers(Y))
p[2] == 0 && continue # Fiber over infinity already caught above
t0 = p[1]//p[2]
ideal(OO(UBY), t - t0) == Q(UBY) || continue

# Collect all patches
codomain_charts = AbsAffineScheme[V for V in affine_charts(Y) if any(I->!isone(I(V)), components(F))]
if i > n - mwr # If D is a section
pt = X.MWL[i-(n-mwr)]
res = _pushforward_section(step, pt; divisor=D, codomain_charts)
result[D] = WeilDivisor(Y, co_ring, IdDict{AbsIdealSheaf, elem_type(co_ring)}(res::AbsIdealSheaf => one(co_ring)); check=false)
loc_map, dom_chart, cod_chart = _prepare_pushforward_prime_divisor(step, I; codomain_charts)
loc_map === nothing && error("preparation for pushforward did not succeed")
match = i

K = _local_pushforward(loc_map, I(domain(loc_map)))
JJ = ideal(OO(cod_chart), gens(K))
res = PrimeIdealSheafFromChart(Y, cod_chart, JJ)
if i > n - mwr # If D is a section
pt = X.MWL[i-(n-mwr)]
res = _pushforward_section(step, pt; divisor=D, codomain_charts)
result[D] = WeilDivisor(Y, co_ring, IdDict{AbsIdealSheaf, elem_type(co_ring)}(res::AbsIdealSheaf => one(co_ring)); check=false)
loc_map, dom_chart, cod_chart = _prepare_pushforward_prime_divisor(step, I; codomain_charts)
loc_map === nothing && error("preparation for pushforward did not succeed")

result[D] = WeilDivisor(Y, co_ring, IdDict{AbsIdealSheaf, elem_type(co_ring)}(res::AbsIdealSheaf => one(co_ring)); check=false)
K = _local_pushforward(loc_map, I(domain(loc_map)))
JJ = ideal(OO(cod_chart), gens(K))
res = PrimeIdealSheafFromChart(Y, cod_chart, JJ)

result[D] = WeilDivisor(Y, co_ring, IdDict{AbsIdealSheaf, elem_type(co_ring)}(res::AbsIdealSheaf => one(co_ring)); check=false)
match == -1 && error("no fiber found")
# "pushforward will be a section"
if i > n - mwr # If D is a section
pt = X.MWL[i-(n-mwr)]
res = _pushforward_section(step, pt; divisor=D, codomain_charts=[weierstrass_chart_on_minimal_model(Y)])
if res === nothing
# The only section not visible in the weierstrass chart is the zero section
result[D] = zero_section(Y)

result[D] = WeilDivisor(Y, co_ring, IdDict{AbsIdealSheaf, elem_type(co_ring)}(res::AbsIdealSheaf => one(co_ring)); check=false)
loc_map, dom_chart, cod_chart = _prepare_pushforward_prime_divisor(step, I, domain_chart = dom_chart, codomain_charts = [weierstrass_chart_on_minimal_model(Y)])
loc_map === nothing && error("preparation for pushforward did not succeed")

if loc_map === nothing
# The only section not visible in the weierstrass chart is the zero section
result[D] = zero_section(Y)

K = _local_pushforward(loc_map, I(domain(loc_map)))
JJ = ideal(OO(cod_chart), gens(K))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2216,7 +2229,7 @@ function _pushforward_section(
inc_loc = first(maps_with_given_codomain(inc, U))
U_C = domain(inc_loc)
phi_loc, _, V = _prepare_pushforward_prime_divisor(phi, I; domain_chart=U, codomain_charts)
phi_loc === nothing && error("pushforward preparation did not succeed")
phi_loc === nothing && return nothing # Indicate that the given selection of codomain charts did not lead to a result
W = codomain(fibration(X)[U])
iso_loc = _restrict_properly(cheap_realization(iso, W, U_C), U_C)
inc_dom_phi_loc = inclusion_morphism(domain(phi_loc))
Expand All @@ -2229,6 +2242,8 @@ function _pushforward_section(
return JJ

# Find a moebius transformation which sends a given set of three points in ℙ¹ to another set
# of three points.
function find_moebius_transformation(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2261,20 +2276,168 @@ function find_moebius_transformation(
return x->(C[1,1]*x + C[1, 2], C[2,1]*x + C[2,2])

function lift_moebius_transformation(X::EllipticSurface, trafo::Any)
kkt = base_field(generic_fiber(X))
WX = weierstrass_chart_on_minimal_model(X)
R = ambient_coordinate_ring(WX)
# Given a bivariate polynomial over a univariate function field,
# normalize the associated elliptic curve so that the usual constructor
# for elliptic surfaces digests it, and then return it, together with the
# transformation on the algebraic side.
function _elliptic_surface_with_trafo(g::MPolyRingElem{<:AbstractAlgebra.Generic.FracFieldElem})
x, y = gens(parent(g))
E = elliptic_curve(g, x, y)
kkt = base_field(E)
kk = coefficient_ring(base_ring(kkt))

FFt, t = rational_function_field(kk, :t)

# The following three commands won't work unless we convert to a rational_function_field
EE = base_change(x->evaluate(x, t), E)

EE = tates_algorithm_global(EE)
EE, _ = short_weierstrass_model(EE)
EE, _ = integral_model(EE)

# ...and back.
E2 = base_change(x->evaluate(x, gen(kkt)), EE)

@assert is_isomorphic(E, E2)
a, b, _ = rational_maps(isomorphism(E, E2))

R = parent(g)
F = fraction_field(R)
(x, y, t) = gens(R)
p, q = trafo(t)
img_gens = F.([x, y, p//q])
return morphism_from_rational_functions(X, X, WX, WX, img_gens, check=true)

phi = hom(R, parent(a), [a, b])
Phi = extend_domain_to_fraction_field(phi)
return elliptic_surface(E2, 2), Phi

# Given two abstractly isomorphic elliptic surfaces X and Y over ℙ¹,
# find all moebius transformation of the base which preserve the critical
# values of the projections, try to lift them to morphisms X -> Y and
# return the list of such morphisms for which the lift was successful.
function admissible_moebius_transformations(
EX = generic_fiber(X)
EY = generic_fiber(Y)

# kkt = base_field(EX)
# @assert kkt === base_field(EY) "base fields of the generic fibers must coincide"
kk = base_ring(X)
@assert kk === base_ring(Y) "elliptic surfaces must be defined over the same field"

dX = numerator(discriminant(EX))::PolyRingElem
dY = numerator(discriminant(EY))::PolyRingElem

vX = roots(dX)
@assert all(is_one(degree(a)) for (a, k) in factor(dX)) "not all critical values are rational over the given ground field"

vY = roots(dY)
@assert all(is_one(degree(a)) for (a, k) in factor(dY)) "not all critical values are rational over the given ground field"

for (c, _) in reducible_fibers(X)
@assert !is_zero(c[2]) "the case of reducible fibers over the point at infinity is not implemented"
for (c, _) in reducible_fibers(Y)
@assert !is_zero(c[2]) "the case of reducible fibers over the point at infinity is not implemented"

# Use the first three elements of vX and map them to three elements of vY.
# Then check whether the resulting transformation preserves everything.

candidates = Function[]

@assert length(vX) >= 3 "at least three reducible fibers are needed"
length(vX) == length(vY) || return candidates # No moebius transformation is possible in this case

p1 = vX[1:3]
for i in vY
for j in vY
i == j && continue
for k in vY
(i == k || j == k) && continue
p2 = [i, j, k]
mt = find_moebius_transformation(p1, p2)
any(is_zero(mt(x)[2]) for x in vX) && continue # reducible fibers over ∞ are not implemented at the moment.
any(!(mt(x)[1]//mt(x)[2] in vY) for x in vX) && continue # the transformation does not preserve all admissible fibers in this case
push!(candidates, mt)

result = MorphismFromRationalFunctions[]

# Set up some variables
kkt = base_field(EX)
t = gen(kkt)
WX = weierstrass_chart_on_minimal_model(X)
RX = ambient_coordinate_ring(WX)
FRX = fraction_field(RX)
WY = weierstrass_chart_on_minimal_model(Y)
RY = ambient_coordinate_ring(WY)
FRY = fraction_field(RY)

# Go through the candidates again and for those which do indeed lead to isomorphic
# surfaces, construct the isomorphism.
for mt in candidates
p, q = mt(t)
img_t = (p//q)::typeof(t)
EYbc = base_change(f->evaluate(f, img_t), EY)
is_isomorphic(EYbc, EX) || continue
# Construct the isomorphism of elliptic surfaces explicitly
iso_ell = isomorphism(EX, EYbc)

a, b, _ = rational_maps(iso_ell)
kkTxy = parent(a)
to_FRX = hom(kkTxy, FRX, x->evaluate(x, FRX(RX[3])), FRX.([RX[1], RX[2]]))
A = to_FRX(a)
B = to_FRX(b)
P, Q = mt(FRX(RX[3]))
img_T = (P//Q)::elem_type(FRX)
img_gens = [A, B, img_T]
loc_res = morphism_from_rational_functions(X, Y, WX, WY, img_gens; check=true)
set_attribute!(loc_res, :is_isomorphism=>true)
push!(result, loc_res)

return result

# An internal helper routine to verify that a given isomorphism of elliptic surfaces
# does indeed give an isomorphism on their generic fibers.
function check_isomorphism_on_generic_fibers(phi::MorphismFromRationalFunctions{<:EllipticSurface, <:EllipticSurface})
X = domain(phi)
Y = codomain(phi)
@assert domain_chart(phi) === weierstrass_chart_on_minimal_model(X)
@assert codomain_chart(phi) === weierstrass_chart_on_minimal_model(Y)
EX = generic_fiber(X)
EY = generic_fiber(Y)
a, b, c = coordinate_images(phi)

hX = equation(EX)
RX = parent(hX)
FX = fraction_field(RX)
kktX = coefficient_ring(RX)

hY = equation(EY)
RY = parent(hY)
FY = fraction_field(RY)
kktY = coefficient_ring(RY)

A = evaluate(a, [RX[1], RX[2], RX(gen(kktX))])
B = evaluate(b, [RX[1], RX[2], RX(gen(kktX))])
C = evaluate(c, [RX[1], RX[2], RX(gen(kktX))])

help_map = hom(RY, FX, t->evaluate(t, C), [A, B])

hh = help_map(hY)

return divides(hX, numerator(hh))[1]

# Given two elliptic surfaces X and Y with abstractly isomorphic generic
# fibers, construct the corresponding isomorphism X -> Y.
function isomorphism_from_generic_fibers(
X::EllipticSurface, Y::EllipticSurface;
X::EllipticSurface, Y::EllipticSurface
EX = generic_fiber(X)
EY = generic_fiber(Y)
Expand All @@ -2300,6 +2463,7 @@ function isomorphism_from_generic_fibers(
to_FRX = hom(kkTxy, FRX, x->evaluate(x, FRX(RX[3])), FRX.([RX[1], RX[2]]))
A = to_FRX(a)
B = to_FRX(b)
img_gens = [A, B, base_change(FRX(RX[3]))]
img_gens = [A, B, FRX(RX[3])]
return morphism_from_rational_functions(X, Y, WX, WY, FRX.(img_gens); check=true)

48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions test/AlgebraicGeometry/Schemes/elliptic_surface.jl
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Expand Up @@ -211,3 +211,51 @@ end
@test res_mat*A*transpose(res_mat) == A

@testset "moebius transformations" begin
k = GF(113)
kt,t = polynomial_ring(k,:t)
Ft = fraction_field(kt)

E = elliptic_curve(Ft, Ft.([0,0,0,(56*t^8 + 56),0]));
basis_mwl = [[112*t^4 + 112*t^3 + 56*t^2 + 15*t + 1, 100*t^6 + 24*t^5 + 56*t^4 + 13*t^3 + 64*t^2 + 89*t + 31],
[31*t^4 + 15*t^2 + 82, 44*t^5 + 14*t^3 + 69*t],
[82*t^4 + 13, 37*t^4 + 10],
[91*t^4 + 16*t^3 + 25*t^2 + 14*t + 22, 18*t^6 + 55*t^5 + 45*t^4 + 44*t^3 + 110*t^2 + 58*t + 69],
[32*t^4 + 72*t^2 + 81, 78*t^6 + 79*t^4 + 58*t^2 + 40],
[56*t^4 + 49*t^3 + 85*t^2 + 57*t + 57, 72*t^6 + 25*t^5 + 22*t^4 + 101*t^3 + 104*t^2 + 88*t + 50],
[22*t^4 + 87*t^3 + 77*t^2 + 26*t + 22, 44*t^6 + 27*t^5 + 68*t^4 + 98*t^3 + 45*t^2 + 27*t + 69],
[112*t^4 + 44*t^3 + 49*t^2 + 44*t + 112, 100*t^6 + 74*t^5 + 49*t^4 + 8*t^3 + 49*t^2 + 74*t + 100]]
basis_mwl = [E(i) for i in basis_mwl];

X = elliptic_surface(E, 2, basis_mwl)

moeb = Oscar.admissible_moebius_transformations(X, X)

@test length(moeb) == 16 # This must really be the number for this particular surface.

for phi in moeb
@test Oscar.check_isomorphism_on_generic_fibers(phi)

phi = moeb[5] # Just pick one which is not the identity

W = weierstrass_chart_on_minimal_model(X)

for (i, U) in enumerate(affine_charts(X))
phi_loc = Oscar.cheap_realization(phi, W, U)
@test all(iszero(pullback(phi_loc)(lifted_numerator(g))) for g in gens(modulus(OO(U))))

# Do something reasonable to see whether this is really working
lat, _, L = algebraic_lattice(X)
A = gram_matrix(ambient_space(L))

ll = Oscar._pushforward_lattice_along_isomorphism(phi)
res_mat = [Oscar.basis_representation(X, d) for d in ll]

res_mat = matrix(QQ, res_mat)
# Check that the base change matrix is indeed orthogonal for the given lattice
@test res_mat*A*transpose(res_mat) == A

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