jarbas is a cli chatgpt implementation that uses gpt APIs to answer questions
- Give the option to save all the chat messages in a .jarbas folder located in the home dir (filename = guid.txt) the file will contain the response from the api will all the messages.
- Give the option to open the list of convesations and select one of them to continue.
- Add the possibility to use claude api
- Add the possibility to use the openai api
- Take the local list of conversations and show them in the chat
- take the local list of conversations and show them as a chat history without the need to open the chat
- Add agents concepts to the chat, so that the user can select the agent to use.
- Improve agent capabilities, by adding the possibility to scrape the web in real time, get an article and summarize it.
- Allow the user to select the api to use
- Add Mistral - le chat api
$ go run main.go chat
$ go build main.go
$ go run main.go "QUESTION"
or after bulding it
$ ./main "QUESTION"
Note: create a link on to the main
so that it will be accessible anywhere
$ ln main /usr/local/bin/jarbas