This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
- Pagoda is one GPU runtime system which virtualizes GPU hardware resources to increase the utilization of GPU in narrow task workloads.
- 1.0
Install CUDA library >= 7.5 and python >=2.6
To change the value of SM_NUM in common/para.h based on your GPU.
To change the path of CUDA and the value of sm (e.g. sm_35 or sm_52 ...) in common/make.config
Database configuration
How to run tests
To execute ppopp17 script after setting of the configuration
The run script file in each benchmark folder
Deployment instructions
Writing tests
- People can follow Pagoda APIs used in pagoda folders in each benchmark to work out your own pagoda programs.
Code review
baseline: this folder contains proglems composed by standard CUDA APIs
pagoda : this folder includes programs that consist of Pagoda APIs
Other guidelines
- Contact: [email protected]