- TBS simulator aims to simulate GPGPU's thread block scheduling.
- This simuation currently supports 6 scheduling algorithms.
- A new algorithm can be easily added by implementing a few framework routines.
- Multiple instances of computing or memory resources are newly supported.
- requires gcc, make build tools running on Linux OS
- # make
- ./simtbs <options> <config path>
- options list
- -h shows help messages
- -p <tbs policy> : assign TBS policy
available policies: rr(default), rrf, bfa, dfa - -v : verbose mode
- -g <new conf path> : auto workload generation mode
- A template configuration file is provieded as
./simtbs sample.conf
- run simtbs with rr policy using
configuration file
- run simtbs with rr policy using
./simtbs -p bfa sample.conf
- run simtbs with bfa policy
./simtbs -g newsim.conf sample.conf
- automatically generate kernel workloads based on sample.conf
file is newly created
- comment line: starting with # at a first column
- section line: starting with * at a first column
- supported sections: general, workload, sm, mem, overhead, kernel
- section has one or more lines
- each line has one or more fields separated by blank
- general section: general configuration
- Currently, only a maximum simulation time is supported.
- a maximum simulation time should be provided in auto workload generation mode.
- workload section: settings for automatic workload generation mode
- format:
level n_tbs_range tb_duration_range sm_req_spec
rsc_req n_tbs_range tb_duration_range` level
: minimum SM usage generating workload (1~100). If only a level is provided, kernels are generated randomly from kernel sections.n_tbs_range
: requested TB range for kerneltb_duration_range
: single TB execution time rangesm_rsc_req
: computing resource amount per each scheduled TB count. Multiple entries can be allowed. range(1-8) or multiple(1,3,8) format is possible.
- format:
- sm section: SM configuration
- format:
sm_count n_rscs_sched n_rscs_compute sm_rsc_max
: total SM count in a GPGPU device- n_rscs_sched: number of computing resources for scheduling.
- n_rscs_compute: number of computing resources, which are scheduled beyond their max usages.
: maximum computing resource count per SM. multiple items can be listed ifn_rscs_sched + n_rscs_compute > 1
- format:
- mem section: memory sizes for various memory types
- gobal/shared/etc memory size. multiple items should be given if multiple memory resources are simulated.
- overhead section: define TB execution overhead depending on SM computing resource usage
- this seciton must be provided
- each line has a used resource count and overhead.
- all lines should be sorted by a used resource count.
3 0.1
means that 10% TB execution overhead is added if 3 or less resources in SM are used.
- kernel section: define kernels for simulation
- each line has start timestamp, TB count in kernel, computing resource count and TB execution time(in timestamp)
- assign TB to SM in round robin fashion
- same as rr but move to the next SM only if crrent SM is fully used
- schedule TB to be spreaded to SM
- prioritize SM which has the smallest resource usage
- maintain balanced resource usage for all SM's
- schedule TB to be converged to the most used SM
- prioritize SM which has the largest resource usage
- Support multiple resources but assign TB to SM in round robin fashion
- Support multiple resources
- May schedule the same computing-bound TB if fine-grained resources are availalbe at function unit level.