To keep myself updated and involved with K8S, I will be exploring K8S beyond the certification topics and create challenges here on my findings. These challenges are good-to-know
and might be overkill
for CKA/CKAD based certifications.
I just mentioned few tips and nothing else for CKA,CKAD
certifications as the internet is flooded with many different blogs, repos, videos, training, exercises to prepare for all 3 Kubernetes certifications.
If you are looking for CKS
resources, scroll to the bottom of this page.
Note - Please feel free to make a pull request if there's something wrong, should be added, or updated.
- Challenge 1 - Encrypting Secret Data at Rest
- Challenge 2 - Expanding PVC Storage Size
- Challenge 3 - Startup Probe
- Challenge 4 - Check ServiceAccount Permissions
Kubectl aliases
alias k=kubectl
alias kn='k config set-context --current --namespace '
alias kd='k -o yaml --dry-run=client'
alias kall='k get all -o wide --show-labels'
alias kc='k config get-contexts'
In the exam, every question has a context
given, we need to switch over to that context. Some questions are expected to work on specific namespaces
. Sometimes we tend to forget adding -n
argument to create resources in a specific namespace.
These aliases
will help in quickly changing the namespace
and also checking the current context
before answering/debugging the questions.
- Example -
- Create a Deployment name
- Expose it using a Service named
- Write the output of all Service
to /opt/INC002/endpoints.txt - Everything needs to be done in
- Create a Deployment name
Without aliases
k create deploy nginx-frontend --image nginx -n rs67
k expose deploy nginx-frontend --name nginx-svc --port 80 -n rs67
k get ep -n rs67 > /opt/INC002/endpoints.txt
With aliases
kn rs67 # changing context to use rs67 namespace
kc # shows the current context and the namespace details
k create deploy nginx-frontend --image nginx
k expose deploy nginx-frontend --name nginx-svc --port 80
k get ep > /opt/INC002/endpoints.txt
kn default # I feel it is a good practice to switch back to default namespace after every question
These two additions were enough for me to edit/create YAMLs
using VI
sudo vi /etc/vim/vimrc
set number
set paste
During the exam, you can keep only one other browser tab open to refer to official documentation. I have uploaded the bookmarks which I have used for 1.19version. These bookmarks can be used for both CKA/CKAD.
Name | Resource |
Bookmark | Kubernetes-Chrome-Bookmarks |