Concentration game
The Project has 2 main folders
- mobile folder which has cross platform app
- backend folder has backend code
- NodeJs v6.x.x
- Cordova CLI v7.0.1
- Analysis 6 hours
- Backend 3 hours
- Frontend 16 hours Over 2 weekends.
- Choice of stack to use. For frontend I've chosen Polymer as I'm quite enthusiat about it, please take a look on article I wrote about it
- Backend is written is NodeJs. Framework used is SailsJs which is a superset of ExpressJs. Reason for that is it gives quite good support for writing data-driven/API-first REST apis. It bundles a powerful ORM which simplify data access layer & just works no matter what database you're using.
- Business:
- How to calculate score. I choosed trials based scoring system.
- Start/End game. Game starts directly after opening the app, user get to play, then user object (name, score) is persistent on the backend.
- Images fetching is happening on the app. The app directly calls 500px api. Images are cached per session.
- How to scramble cards.
- Web components are not fully supported in all mobile browser. One chanllenge I faced was on Safari was that shadow DOM was not fully supported on Safari.
- Native Module system is not fully supported as well. I decided to user require.js or any AMD but ditched the idea for simplicity.
- Touch delay on Safari. I user FastClick polyfill by FT Labs.
- Open terminal. Type
cd /backend
- Install dependencies.
npm install sails -g
node app.js
- Choose option 3 to select disk persistency & migration schema.
- Open terminal. Type
- Open terminal. Type
cd /mobile/src
- Install dependencies. Type
npm install http-server -g
to install simple server. - Type
to serve files. Then open browser at http://localhost:8080/ - LIMITATION: cross-origin requests needs to be enabled. Please read below.
- Open terminal. Type
- iOS app is localed at mobile/platforms/ios
- Android is located at mobile/platforms/android
- To run fronend code, cross-origin requests needs to be enabled. plugin can be used for Chrome.
- Development is in progress. Backend will not work on mobile unless hosted. (In progress)
- Android app is not built yet. Will update soon.
- After hosting backend code, the will be no need to run anything locally & app should work out of the box when connected to internet.