My first React project. Designed to be simple, for the user and for the admnisitrator. It is still on progress and needs several upgrades (home page have to be designed, css conflicts to be solved, set a responsive behaviour on some pages, build an upload mechanism for mobile devices, put all admin pages behind an authentification/login protection). Also, the code could be improved and commented.
- A simple React portfolio website
- Possibility to upload pictures and manage them
- Simple interface to add new galleries to your web site
- A minimal editor for the galleries
- Served by a separated API, with SQLite database and different endpoints to interact. Check my other repository () for more information.
This project is currently deployed on a Heroku server. You can check it here :
To build some examples locally, clone this repository :
git clone
Then install dependencies and run:
npm install
npm start
For the moment, the API is on an online separated server. The urls are already set up, so the website should work on localhost without issues if you have internet connection active.
That's it !