Hello! I'd love to share a bit more about my pinned projects 😁
- Robot Rumble is an AI competition website that became my pandemic project. The logic repo contains the code that simulates robot battles and determines their results.
- My first programming experience was a 2000 LOC single-file platformer that I wrote in Python during high school. Ascension Rust was my attempt to rewrite it in Rust.
- pico-kit is a collection of useful Lua functions that I put together for the PICO-8 game engine/console. Most of these came out of a coding club I ran in high school.
- Chicago-Traveler was my first web project in which I attempted to make a train/bus tracker for the CTA using React Native.
- ChessEngine is a Python "chess engine" that uses brute force to calculate moves. It beats the easiest AI on lichess!