This is a Django Project that's based on my favourite combat video game of all time - Tekken 7. The aim for starting this project is to showcase my Software/Platform engineering skills and hopefully impress my future employer.
- REST API Development using DJango Rest Framework:
- ModelSerialisers to encode/decode Queryset objects into JSON and vice versa
- ModelViewsets to process Retrieve and List requests.
- Unit testing using Django TestCase Client.
- Managing Environment Variables
- Containerization:
- Creating a Dockerfile for the Tekken API and serving the app through Gunicorn.
- Creating Dockerfile for the reverse proxy to serve traffic using nginx.
- Orchestrating container using Docker compose for local development and testing.
- CICD Pipeline:
- Running Code Quality tests.
- Running Unit test and generating a test coverage report on push to master.
- Building, Scanning with Snyk and uploading Docker Image to ECR
- Uploading Test coverage to CodeClimate.
- Generating Maintainability, Build and test Coverage Badges.