You can download following file for login credentials (including FortiAnalyzer token IDs).
account_id / studentxpert / <password is in the credentials file>
student<xx> / <password is in the credentials file>
Use AWS region eu-west-1
Create an AWS Cloud9 instance using AWS Cloud9 service.
Hint#1 If there is no default VPC, create one using AWS console.
Hint#2 While creating a Cloud9 environment, choose SSH option under Network settings.
Key and secret is shared in credentials file. We will use the access key and secret for later usage during deployment.
Click "Continue to Subscribe", then accept terms and conditions.
FortiGate CNF
Note: "Try for free" to activate 30-day Free Trial. If portal says "Trial is ended", continue with selecting specific Offer ID from dropdown list (PAYG).
Clone following repo in /environment
in your Cloud9 environment.
git clone
See lab1
See lab2
At the end of our session:
- Remove the endpoints form your TF
- Re-apply your Terraform
- Destroy your Terraform infrastructure
- Remove all Fortigate CNF instances from the Fortigate CNF UI
- Remove all registered accounts from the Fortigate CNF UI
- Remove Cloudformation
from AWS regionOregon
- Remove the access key and secret (NOT the IAM user !!)
- Remove your Cloud9 instance
Thanks, the next student will thank you as well as the instructor who knows your name ;-)