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LibProcessable:IsMillable(item[, ignoreMortar])

Returns whether the player can mill the given item.


  • item: item ID or link
  • ignoreMortar: whether the Draenic Mortar should be ignored or not (boolean, optional)

Return values:

  • isMillable: Whether or not the player can mill the given item (boolean)
  • millingSpellID: ItemID of the Draenic Mortar if used, otherwise spellID to use to mill the given item (number|nil)
  • useDraenicMortar: Whether or not a Draenic Mortar could be used


  • since Dragonflight it's required to use the tradeskill API to mill, e.g: C_TradeSkillUI.CraftSalvage(millingSpellID, numCasts, ItemLocation)


Returns whether the player can prospect the given item.


  • item: item ID or link

Return values:

  • isProspectable: Whether or not the player can prospect the given item (boolean)
  • prospectingSpellID: SpellID that needs to be used to prospect the given item (number|nil)


  • since Dragonflight it's required to use the tradeskill API to prospect, e.g: C_TradeSkillUI.CraftSalvage(prospectingSpellID, numCasts, ItemLocation)


Returns whether the player can disenchant the given item.


  • item: item ID or link

Return values:

  • isDisenchantable: Whether or not the player can disenchant the given item (boolean)


  • Many items that are not disenchantable will still return as true
    • These items are hard to keep track of since they're not flagged in any known database, and thus hard to keep track of


Returns whether the player can scrap the given item.


  • item: item ID or link

Return values:

  • isScrappable: Whether or not the player can scrap the given item (boolean)
  • scrappingSpellID: SpellID that needs to be used to scrap the given item (number|nil)


  • it's required to use the tradeskill API to scrap items, e.g: C_TradeSkillUI.CraftSalvage(scrappingSpellID, numCasts, ItemLocation)


Returns whether the player can open the given item with a class/racial ability.


  • item: item ID or link

Return values:

  • isOpenable: Whether or not the player can open the given item (boolean)
  • spellID: SpellID of the spell that can be used to open the given item (number)


Returns the profession data if the given item can be opened by a profession item that the player posesses.


  • item: item ID or link

Return values:

  • isOpenable: Whether or not the player can open the given item (boolean)
  • requiredRank: The skill level required in the profession (number)
  • professionID: The profession ID (number)
  • expansionID: The associated expansion with the profession (number/nil)
  • professionItem: The itemID for the unlocking item (number)


Returns whether the player has the given profession.

Here's a table with the profession ID for each profession.

Profession Name Profession ID
Alchemy 171
Blacksmithing 164
Enchanting 333
Engineering 202
Herbalism 182
Inscription 773
Jewelcrafting 755
Leatherworking 165
Mining 186
Skinning 393
Tailoring 197


  • professionID: The profession ID

Return values:

  • hasProfession: Whether or not the player has the profession (boolean)


Returns data of all category IDs for a given (valid) profession, indexed by the expansionID level index.


  • professionID: The profession ID (number)

Return values:

  • categories: Profession categories (table)


Returns data of all skill lines for a given (valid) profession, indexed by the expansion level index.


  • professionID: The profession ID (number)

Return values:

  • skillLines: Profession skill lines (table)