- Requires Elixir buildpack -
heroku buildpacks:set https://github.com/HashNuke/heroku-buildpack-elixir
- Set the pool size so Phoenix doesn't overload Heroku -
heroku config:set POOL_SIZE=18
- Generate secret with
mix phx.gen.secret
and run -heroku config:set SECRET_KEY_BASE="$$$KEY$$$"
- After pushing to Heroku run the following -
heroku run "POOL_SIZE=2 mix ecto.migrate"
The included Procfile automatically tells Heroku to run mix phx.server
/restaurants/statistics - takes latitude, longitude and radius in GET request. Example:
Returns a JSON containing the count, average rating and std. deviation of restaurants in a given radius. -
/restaurants/byCity - takes city in a GET request. Example:
Returns a JSON containing all restaurants in a given city. -
/restaurants/byState - takes state in a GET request. Example:
Returns a JSON containing all restaurants in a given state. -
/restaurants/byRating - takes rating in a GET request. Example:
Returns a JSON containing all restaurants with a given rating. -
/restaurants/rating - takes no parameters. Example:
Returns a JSON with the percentage of restaurants with all ratings (0 - 5). -
/restaurants/create - takes the parameters to create a restaurant (can be seen in Postman). Returns a created_at timestamp.
/restaurants/delete - takes an id. Deletes a restaurant by id and returns a deleted_at timestamp.