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Releases: packdigital/pack-hydrogen-theme-blueprint

v1.10.2 Replaces color select with color picker, replaces video url with media selector, fixes sitemap.xml url's

15 Jan 06:02
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  • Changes all color schema fields from a select list of theme colors to the color picker field [commit]

    • Passes in a default array of theme hex codes for quicker selection with the color picker
    • Updates HeroContent to use <style> to accommodate different text colors between mobile and desktop, as a caveat of the new color picker
    • Changes the grayscale default theme colors to neutral- for generalized semantics for different themes
  • Changes all video url text fields to use the image (i.e. media) schema field, which accepts video; Updates some video cms data [commit]

    • Adds video option to Banner section
    • Renames ImageCms type to MediaCms
    • Switches all mention/use of src with url to better follow Shopify pattern

v1.10.1 Alleviates Vite HMR error, fixes Mobile Menu products slider page break, minor fixes to products hook, contexts provider and locale, package updates, misc minor updates

31 Dec 00:28
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  • Updates the GraphQL imports to alleviate the Vite (from release v1.10.0) HMR error. Previously, saving a change with the GraphQL queries or fragments would log an error in the terminal and the query update would only be observed after restarting localhost. Also separates Pack and Shopify GraphQL queries into separate files as cleanup [commit]
  • Updates MobileMenu products slider to account for invalid products. Previously, an invalid product would break the page [commit]

Minor fix:

  • Ensures useProductsByIds hook returns products in intended order [commit]
  • Separates useContext hooks from its Provider file to alleviate Vite React Refresh error [commit]
  • Accounts for .data prefix when parsing locale from request in server [commit]


  • Update @shopify, @remix-run, @vite packages to latest [commit]


  • Changes SocialImagesGrid to SocialMediaGrid and add video support [commit]


  • Misc minor code cleanup [commit]

v1.10.0 Vite migration, Hydrogen package updates, new sitemap generation, Klaviyo analytics, code improvements

09 Dec 17:55
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  • Updates hydrogen packages to 2024.10 and all other packages to latest [commit] [commit]
  • Adds additional consent settings required for hydrogen 2024.10 version [commit]
  • Adds "type": "module" to package.json and adjusts file exports or file extensions accordingly [commit]


  • Utilizes Hydrogen's sitemap to paginate sitemaps for product and collection pages. Previously, large stores would generate a singular sitemap that would not be functional due to the large number of server side requests. Also cleans up logic for other sitemaps and product feed [commit]


  • Adds default KlaviyoEvents component to Analytics [commit]

Minor fix:

  • Fixes the currency code fallback for the view cart analytics event. Previously an empty cart had a currency code of "XXX" [commit]
  • Corrects hook usage in usePreviewModeCustomerFetch from change in release v1.9.3 [commit]

Minor improvement:

  • Updates the cart graphql query to accommodate product bundles [commit]
  • Adds logic to automatically scroll to hash on navigation [commit]
  • Checks for PACK_SECRET_TOKEN before the Pack client initializes [commit]

Minor cleanup:

  • Graphql cleanup and adds codegen dependencies [commit]
  • Minor misc code cleanup [commit]

v1.9.7 Reverts PDP url param set method, adds logic to ignore tracking url params as product options

08 Nov 00:22
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  • Reverts the use of useSearchParams to update the product page url from release v1.9.4. If the product page had a url param that wasn't a product option, e.g. tracking url param, the user would be unable to successfully select any variant other than the first one [commit]
  • Adds additional check to not include common tracking url parameters as possible product options when a product page first loads [commit]

v1.9.6 Renames PackAnalytics, fixes double login analytics events, removes redundant providers from GlobalProvider, fixes loading specific content envs, adds cache control to xml routes, misc cleanup

06 Nov 00:23
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  • Renames PackAnalytics to just Analytics to avoid confusion the analytics logic is custom to Pack [commit]


  • Fixes double events firing for login and register analytics events [commit]

Minor fix:

  • Removes redundant providers left over in GlobalProvider [commit]
  • Fixes loading specific content environments [commit]
  • Adds missing px to all Image's with the width attribute [commit]


  • Adds cache control to xml routes [commit]
  • Updates application error verbiage to limit confusion while in customizer [commit]


  • Misc minor code cleanup [commit]

v1.9.5 Correction to cookie domain used for analytics

22 Oct 19:40
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  • Passes cookieDomain to Analytics.Provider [commit]
  • Adds Domain= to the pack_session cookie and removes SameSite=Strict [commit]

v1.9.4 Corrects cart line product url, updates PDP variant url change function, new cart redirect route, minor code cleanup

18 Oct 23:44
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Minor fix:

  • Corrects product url for cart line item [commit]
  • Sets PDP variant url change via useSearchParams to be more in line with Remix [commit]


  • Adds ($locale).cart.$lines route to account for any cart redirect links [commit]

Minor cleanup:

  • Renames header schema fields menuItems to navItems and menuItem to navItem for correct semantics. Adds missing optional chaining in mobile menu. [commit]
  • Adds additional conditional for rendering quick shop add to cart button [commit]
  • Misc minor style tweaks [commit]
  • Misc minor code cleanup [commit] [commit]


  • Updates packages to latest. Locks cookie package to 0.7.2 to prevent upgrade to 1.0.0 which was causing an infinite loop. Adds SHOP_ID to remix.env.d [commit]

v1.9.3 Critical fix to promobar state change, separate GlobalProvider into separate context providers, wrap components in memo for added performance

06 Oct 02:36
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Critical Fix:

  • Fix state change for Promobar visibility on scroll to only set state when necessary. Previously, this state change would occur on every pixel with scrolling causing all components that subscribed to useGlobal to re-render each time. This did not affect page load, rather unnecessarily increased cpu usage with the browser upon scrolling. [commit]


  • Corrects UI logic from the optimistic selection of product options as links from release v1.8.2. Prevents disabled option links from being optimistically (visibly) selected [commit]

Performance Improvement:

  • Separates GlobalProvider into separate context providers and updates components that subscribe to useGlobal with the new accompanying hook. This prevents components from re-rendering based on state change for unrelated state [commit]
  • Wraps relevant components with memo for added memoization and performance improvement [commit]

v1.9.2 Fix article paths without blogs, fix for product item color variant edge case, video element keys, misc cleanup

03 Oct 18:36
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  • Fixes article route update from previous release [commit]
    • Previously, all articles were redirected to the path blogs/$blogHandle/$handle, but if an article didn't have a blog assigned, navigating to it would result in a 404. This adds back the legacy article route component to account for those legacy articles.
  • Fixes rare edge case with ProductItem color variants causing syntax error by optional chaining [commit]
  • Adds key to all video elements to re-render a video if the video src is changed [commit]
  • Adds sms: link support in the Markdown url transform [commit]
  • Adds check for product id as a number in useProductsByIds hook [commit]
  • Cleans up Graphql queries and naming [commit]
  • Updates packages to latest [commit]

v1.9.1 Updates Image component for latest Hydrogen versions, fixes add to cart button text shift, adds tel url support for markdown

27 Sep 18:31
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  • Removes the customization within Image component. After recent version updates to Image from @shopify/hydrogen-react, the custom srcSetOptions passed in and the isStatic logic is no longer needed. This will address any lower res images becoming visibly blurry after upgrading to latest versions [commit]
  • Fixes the "Added To Cart" misalignment in the AddToCart button [commit]
  • Adds a url transform for tel: links for support in Markdown [commit]