PactFlow - The most comprehensive contract testing platform. Worry less about testing and deploying distributed systems.
- PactFlow - The most comprehensive contract testing platform. Worry less about testing and deploying distributed systems.
- Bi-Directional Contract Testing Documentation
- Consumer Driven Contract Testing Documentation
- Pact Foundation Slack
Our new feature, Bi-Directional Contract Testing is a type of static contract testing where two contracts—one representing the consumer expectations, and another representing the provider capability—are compared to ensure they are compatible.
With this new feature you can choose:
- Your consumer side testing tool—Pact, Cypress, Wiremock, MSW, Mountebank or build your own
- Your provider side spec type—currently openAPI spec plus more coming soon
- Your provider side verification tool—you bring your own tool
- Your way of working—third parties, provider first, consumer first, design first, legacy systems
- Your way to share with your PactFlow Broker—CLI Ruby / CLI Docker / Standalone scripts
- To deploy on Fridays, with confidence, using PactFlow ⚡️
Read the documentation for an overview or dive right into one of the supported adapters.
If you’re looking for something more hands-on, watch one of the demos below.
Fast, easy and reliable testing for integrating web apps, APIs and microservices
Testing microservices shouldn't involve setting up complex end-to-end test environments, creating lengthy integration suites and managing test data. Stop wasting time, and start releasing.
Find bugs in dev - Prevent integration issues before you commit, instead of in production or during integration test
Deploy faster, safer & more often - Pact provides a guarantee that systems are compatible, so you can deploy your microservices and web apps independently and safely
Remove complex end-to-end environments - Reduce (or removing entirely) the need for complex, costly and hard-to-manage integration test environments
Stop relying on unreliable test data - Finding and managing test data is a key pain point for engineering teams - with Pact, you can significantly reduce your reliance on flakey test data
Say goodbye to painful release processes - With Pact and the Pact Broker, you can orchestrate complex CI and CD pipelines and use can-i-deploy to tell you when a component is safe to release
Collaborate with the Pactflow Broker - Integrate into your CI/CD pipelines, manage and promote contracts with the Pact Broker
Work offline with API stubs - Pact's API stubs are guaranteed to represent behaviour of the real system, so you can test with confidence
Create bulletproof pipelines - Pact CLI tools + Pact Broker = powerful automation capabilities