A small tool for generating and transformation accomplishments from BibTex format files.
PYPI: https://pypi.org/project/pais-accomplishments-tool/
For install package run it.
pip install pais-accomplishments-tool
For upgrade tools to latest version run it
pip install pais-accomplishments-tool --upgrade
nano ~/.zshrc
And the following line to the .zshrc
with the actual path of the [package_name] script
export PATH="/path/to/package:$PATH"
For Python 3.11.5 on MacOS 14
export PATH="/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pais-accomplishments-tool/paisAccTool.py:$PATH"
nano ~/.bash_profile
And the following line to the .bash_profile
with the actual path of the [package_name] script
export PATH="/path/to/package:$PATH"
For Python 3.11.5 on MacOS 14
export PATH="/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pais-accomplishments-tool/paisAccTool.py:$PATH"
For watch help message run paisAccTool.py:
python3 paisAccTool.py -h
For watch to work run paisAccTool.py for sample accomplishments file it
python3 paisAccTool.py accomplishments_sample.bib -c -en
Terminal output:
Hello everyone!
This is the micro tools for contain and formating accomplishments from BibTex source
[ ] misc accomplishment: rand1 done
[ ] misc accomplishment: rand2 done
[ ] misc accomplishment: rand3 done
[ ] misc accomplishment: rand4 done
[ ] conf accomplishment: conf1 done
1. Наставник образовательной программы Звездный путь.Зима, разработка системы автоматизированного тестирования : Московского государственного университета : 15.02.2023
2. Наставник образовательной программы Тёмная материя.Весна, Разработка системы машинного обучения : Санкт-петербургского государственного университета : 2023-04-10 00:00:00
3. Победитель образовательной программы Космос.Лето, Разработка системы компьютерного зрения : Новосибирского государственного университета : 2023-06-20 00:00:00
4. Участник олимпиады искусственный интеллект.Осень, Разработка системы естественного языка : Томского государственного университета : 2023-09-15 00:00:00
5. Публикация "Система NLP для марсианского языка" : Екатерина Кузнецова : Студенческая конференция Масла и Камня, Банка Китая : 11.04.2023
python3 paisAccTool.py <source .bib file> [-d <destination>, -t "template string", -m "field" "for" "transformation", -c, -en]
path to config file.-c
mean that each new entry will start with a capital letter;-en
mean that the list of accomplishments will be output with numbering.
usage: paisAccTool.py [-h] [-d DESTINATION] [--config CONFIG] [-c] [-en] source
The micro tools for contain and formating accomplishments from BibTex source
positional arguments:
source Path to source .bib file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to destination .bib file
--config CONFIG Path to config.yml file
-c, --capitalize Flag
-en, --enumerate Flag
Command to output the list of accomplishments to a file
python3 paisAccTool.py accomplishments_sample.bib -c -en -d output.txt
Command with its own custom config. You can make a config file along the sample.
python3 paisAccTool.py accomplishments_sample.bib --config /path/to/config.yml
Each accomplishment is stored in a .bib file in bibtex format.
Below are the fields that are used to store misc achievements.
prefix = {Твоя роль на мероприятии},
title = {Название мероприятия},
type = {Тип мероприятия},
author = {ФИО},
organization = {Организация, которая проводит мероприятие},
section = {Секция на конференции или номинация на олимпиаде, и тп.},
location = {Место проведения},
url = {url подтверждения достижения},
start = {дата начала},
end = {дата окончания},
year = {год},
month = {месяц},
certificate = {результат, документ подтверждающий результат или участие (диплом, ...)},
order = {место в конкурсе или статус на мероприятии}
Below are the fields that are used to store conf achievements.
prefix = {публикация},
title = {Студенческая конференция Масла и Камня},
type = {конференция},
author = {Екатерина Кузнецова},
organization = {Банк Китая},
topic = {Система NLP для марсианского языка},
section = {},
location = {Зотеро},
url = {some url},
start = {11.04.2023},
end = {15.04.2023},
year = {2023},
month = {4},
certificate = {сборник},
order = {}
If you do not have a field to enter your specific information, you can add such a field:
<key> = {value}
The Accomplishments.bib file can be stored locally on your pc or in a remote git repository, so every commit means a new achievement (very convenient).
The Config file represent as a yaml file. Its format:
template: 'template string'
- <field 1>
- <field 2>
field: <key of field>
reversed: <boolean>
For example, you can look on the default config:
template: '{prefix} {type} {title}, {section} : {organization} : {start}'
- type
- organization
template: '{prefix} "{topic}" : {author} : {title}, {organization} : {start}'
- organization