This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
, build on top of StartP theme.
The project is bootstrapped with
- Nextjs
- Typescript
- Bootstrap
- Sass
- Dynamic Contact Form
- Stripe
The project works in connection with a Headless CMS which can be found here:
Before starting you will need:
Nodejs v.18+
(global)TypeScript v4.5.2
- Env variables in .env.development
If you want to see the content and work on content, you will need to set up the (Headless CMS)[]
npm i
- Then run the development server:
npm run dev
- Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
is autogenerated so do not edit it. If you need to eclare custom type usecustom-types.d.ts
- Check
to learn which other useful scripts you can run. - Next.js includes a custom TypeScript plugin and type checker, which VSCode and other code editors can use for advanced type-checking and auto-completion.
You can enable the plugin in VS Code by:
Opening the command palette (Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + P)
Searching for "TypeScript: Select TypeScript Version"
Selecting "Use Workspace Version"
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
- sync
branch with remote repository - run
npm i
again to be sure packages are in sync - If you need content remember to check out (cms repo)[] to see how to
- create a new branch from
and give it a meaningful name following best practice
- push your branch to
- Open a PR and wait to be merge
- each PR will have a preview link. Please review your code in production-like envirnoment
- If you have to change content remember to check out (cms repo)[] to see how to
This repo is connected and automatically deployed to Netlify.
Whenever a new commit is pushed, a Preview link will be created and shared in Gituhub.
Whenever a code is merged in main
it will be automatically be pushed on production.
Production configuration are saved in Netlify.
You can try the production configuration filling in the .env.production
file and
running the production server with:
npm run build
npm start