Migrate content from external WordPress to Drupal (7.x).
This project provides an example on how to migrate custom content types contents, fields and vocabularies from WordPress to govCMS Drupal (7.x).
A drush command can also be used for creating the migration instance. Please check migrate_wordpress.drush.inc file for details.
##Installation Just download and activate this module ("migrate_wordpress") as normal.
###Target Drupal/govCMS site preparation
- Set up content types, fields and vocabularies (tags, categories etc.) before migration.
- Disable "redirect" module and re-enable it after migration.
- Set custom blog migration class:
$conf['wordpress_migrate_blog_class'] = 'GovCMSMigrateWordPress';
- Check if private files path is set. If it does not exist, set a valid path for example
$conf['file_private_path'] = 'sites/private/files';
###Migrate UI
- "User" migration. Set mapping "status" to 0
###Post migration
- Set up url alias patterns
- Search configurations
- Site information configurations
- Double check sitemap.xml
##Major issues
- Menu migration (Under development)
- Custom content types contents migration (hard-code)
- Custom vocabularies (hard-code)
- Custom fields (hard-code)