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The unofficial ros2 hardware interface for the Fanuc CRX robots

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This repository implements a ros2 hardware interface for the CRX family Fanuc robots. The code was tested on real hardware on Fanuc CRX-10iaL and CRX-20iaL with R30iB Mini Plus controller.

OS: Ubuntu 22.04

ROS: Humble (see the branch rolling for the rolling distro)

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  1. Prerequisites
  2. Content
  3. Installation on the remote PC
  4. Setting up your CRX robot
  5. Usage
  6. DPM
  7. Known issues


The communication between ROS and the robot happens via EthernetIP. The EtherNet/IP Adapter option must be loaded on your robot controller to use this package.

To check is the EthernetIP module is loaded on your robot, open the FanucTP app and check that the EthernetIP options shows up as in the image below.

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Function Description
fanuc_eth_ip Implementation of the communication via Ethernet/IP between the remote PC and the Fanuc controller.
fanuc_rmi Implementation of the communication via Remote Motion Interface (RMI) between the remote PC and the Fanuc controller. RMI is used as an alternative communication channel. From our experience, EthernetIP communication gives the best results in terms of real-time control of the robot.
ros2_fanuc_interface ROS2 Hardware Interface. Allows for controlling the robot via Ethernet/IP and RMI.
fanuc_srvs Services to call TP programs and allows for interaction with the Fanuc controller. Most of the services require TP programs to be written and running as Background Logics, that read Registers to start an action. More details will be added in future releases.

Installation on the remote PC

Install EIPScanner

The communication between the external pc and the Fanuc controller happens by means of the Ethernet/IP protocol. In particular, this package relies on the implementation provided in EIPScanner.
Please, download it from here, and follow the instructions here to install it.

NOTE: a previous version of this driver used a python driver for the Ethernet/IP communication. Please refer to the python-driver branch.

Package installation and dependencies

Install additional ros2_control and Moveit!

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install ros-<distro>-moveit
sudo apt install ros-<distro>-moveit-planners-chomp
sudo apt install ros-<distro>-ros2-control
sudo apt install ros-<distro>-ros2-controllers

Install the current repo:

cd <to-your-src>
git clone
cd ..
colcon build --symlink-install

Setting up your CRX robot

The EtherNet/IP Adapter option must be loaded on your robot controller to use this package.

Setting up the robot network

The robot controller and the external PC must be under the same network:

  1. Set your PC's IP address as static
  2. On the robot controller, in [MENU]->[SETUP]->[HOSTCOMM]->[TCP/IP], make sure the configuration looks like the image below, where Port#1 IP address must be under the same network of your PC.
  3. Make sure you can ping the robot from your PC.

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TP program installation

To actually move the robot, you need a teach-pendant (TP) program running on the robot controller.

  1. Copy the TP programs from this folder to your robot controller.
  2. Set the TP to AUTO mode.
  3. Load and run the program ROS2.TP.

DPM input setup (optional)

To use the DPM (Dynamic Path Modification) module provided by the Fanuc robots, it is necessary to configure 6 Group Inputs and map them to the DPM settings.


Real robot

  1. Make sure the program ROS2.TP is running on the robot controller.
  2. Make sure the TP is in AUTO mode.
  3. Launch:
    ros2 launch fanuc_control robot_ip:=your.robot.ip.address robot_type:=crx10ia_l

Available parameters:

  • "robot_type" [crx5ia, crx10ia, crx10ia_l, crx20ia_l, crx25ia_l]: the CRX robot model
  • "use_mock_hardware" [true/false]: if the real robot is controlled or a virtual one
  • "controllers_file" ["file location"]: where the list of available ros2_controllers is
  • "robot_ip" [string]: the IP of the actual robot
  • "read_only" [true/false]: useful for recording a trajectory under manual guidance (see below)
  • "use_rmi" [true/false]: allows to select the communication method (RMI or EthernetIP). If true, RMI is used. Default: false.

Real robot - read only

It is sometimes necessary to move the robot from the Teach Pendant, or via manual guidance, but still required to read the joint states (e.g. kinestetic teaching). This feature requires no programs running on the TP. To use it open a terminal and do the following command:

ros2 launch fanuc_control robot_ip:=your.robot.ip.address robot_type:=crx10ia_l read_only:=true

NOTE: with some version of the robot controller software we had some issues related to loss of communication. The reason is still unclear.

Simulated robot

To test this with mock components just add the "use_mock_hardware:=true" param to your launch command

ros2 launch fanuc_control robot_type:=crx10ia_l use_mock_hardware:=true

Trajectory execution velocity scaling

It is also possible to control the robot allowing dynamic velocity scaling of the trajectory under execution. This feature is unrelated to this package but is a useful tool that can be used for example to dynamically scale the velocity according to the distance between human and robot.

To test the velocity scaling controller you have to download the scaled_fjt_controller.

If you want to use the velocity scaler controller, pass the controller configuration to the launcher as follows:

ros2 launch fanuc_control robot_type:=crx10ia_l controllers_file:=scaled_velocity_controller.yaml

You should now see the "/speed_ovr" topic, where you can publish the desired velocity (as a percentage of the maximum velocity). See the documentation here.


This package allows the use of the Dynamic Path Modification (DPM) mode from Fanuc.

The DPM communication is implemented in a ROS node. The DPM node subscribes a topic with message type std_msgs/msg/Int64MultiArray.msg. The message required is in the form [x, y, z,rx, ry, rz].

NOTE: The values are integers because the DPM allows integers only as inputs. In the proposed case, the integers are mapped as 0.01 mm, and a conversion factor is implemented on the robot controller side. See the DPM manual for more info.

To run the node

ros2 launch fanuc_control

Then the DPM can be activated via a service std_srvs/SetBool.srv

To activate the dpm, after running the node

ros2 service call /activate_dpm std_srvs/srv/SetBool {"data: true"}

To move the robot from command line

 ros2 topic pub /dpm_move std_msgs/msg/Int64MultiArray {"data:[-10,0,0,0,0,0]"}

This command will move the robot in negative x direction.

to stop the DPM

ros2 service call /activate_dpm std_srvs/srv/SetBool {"data: false"}

In the dpm_params.yaml it is possible to set some parameters.

NOTE: The DPM is not directly integrated into the Ros2 control framework since it requires Cartesian relative commands. If you want to contribute, please let us know.

Known issues

  1. execution delay of about 0.2 seconds with Ethernet/IP - reduced compared to the previous version with python
  2. execution/feedback delay of about 0.6 seconds with RMI - To be tested


list of known todos and desiderata:

  1. integration of the Fanuc DPM into the ros control framework


Hardware Interface & Ethernet/IP driver: [email protected]
RMI driver: [email protected]
TP fanuc and services: [email protected], [email protected]
Tester and user: [email protected]


This package is developed by the ARM (Automation Robotics and Machines Laboratory) at SUPSI, Lugano, CH. This package also uses components developed by CNR-SIIMA, Lecco.
The EU project Fluently partially funded the development of this package.