Cabinet sandbox exists to provide an example of the Cabinet system at work. In this example (, a dataset of thumbnail images and their assoicated metadata are uploaded to Cabinet. The other functions in the cabinet_sdk library are then demonstrated using the uploaded data
A file system containing youtube video thumnbnails and a csv with associated metadata.
Link to dataset:
- Create 'youtube' table in Cabinet database
- this must be done from the cabinet_api repository
- Navigate to cabinet_api/src/ and add the following to the custom_blob_types dictionary: KEY = 'youtube', VALUE = {'photo_id':'VARCHAR', 'channel':'VARCHAR', 'category':'VARCHAR', 'title':'VARCHAR'}
- Edit initialize fn as needed to have youtube table created in desired environment(s)
- Navigate to cabinet_api/src/
- Define the Youtube Class and add it to Blob_type and blob_classes
- Install cabinet_sdk from
- Before installing cabinet_sdk
pip install pyyaml
- pyyaml is used by cabinet_sdk but for some reason causes an error when installed as a dependent of cabinet_sdk so must be installed seperately first.
- Before installing cabinet_sdk
- Download the dataset and unzip the contents
- make sure the metadata is in a file called metadata.csv and images are in a folder caled images
- Make sure the cabinet_api is running and that ENV is set to the desired environment before attempting to run
- Run youtube_example.ipybn