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Fixed forward in closure and added tests
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PhucVH888 committed Jun 21, 2017
1 parent 84b763f commit 219fc4b
Showing 19 changed files with 290 additions and 80 deletions.
16 changes: 10 additions & 6 deletions src/back/CodeGen/Closure.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -43,10 +43,13 @@ translateClosure closure typeVars table
params = A.eparams closure
body = A.body closure
id = Meta.getMetaId . A.getMeta $ closure
idAsync = id ++ "_async"
funName = closureFunName id
funNameAsync = closureFunName idAsync
nameForwarding = forwardingClosureImplName $ (ID.Name . show) funName
envName = closureEnvName id
traceName = closureTraceName id
traceNameAsync = closureTraceName idAsync
boundVars = map (ID.qName . show . A.pname) params
freeVars = map (first ID.qnlocal) $
filter (ID.isLocalQName . fst) $
@@ -79,7 +82,7 @@ translateClosure closure typeVars table
,returnStmnt bodyName resultType]
forwardingClosureImpl =
Function (Static $ Typ "value_t") funName
Function (Static $ Typ "value_t") funNameAsync
[(Ptr (Ptr encoreCtxT), encoreCtxVar),
(Ptr (Ptr ponyTypeT), encoreRuntimeType),
(Typ "value_t", Var "_args[]"),
@@ -92,12 +95,13 @@ translateClosure closure typeVars table
,returnStmnt forwardingBodyName unitType])
Concat $ [buildEnvironmentForward envName freeVars fTypeVars] ++
Concat $ [buildEnvironmentForward envName freeVars fTypeVars] ++
[tracefunDecl traceName envName freeVars fTypeVars extractEnvironment,
normalClosureImpl] ++
if null $ Util.filter A.isForward body
then [tracefunDecl traceName envName freeVars fTypeVars extractEnvironment,
else [tracefunDecl traceName envName freeVars fTypeVars extractEnvironmentForward,
then []
else [tracefunDecl traceNameAsync envName freeVars fTypeVars extractEnvironmentForward,
| otherwise =
"Tried to translate a closure from something that was not a closure"
101 changes: 67 additions & 34 deletions src/back/CodeGen/Expr.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ instance Translatable A.Expr (State Ctx.Context (CCode Lval, CCode Stat)) where
let string = head args
rest = tail args
unless (Ty.isStringType $ A.getType string) $
error "Expr.hs: Print expects first argument to be a string literal"
error $ "Expr.hs: Print expects first argument to be a string literal"
targs <- mapM translate rest
let argNames = map (AsExpr . fst) targs
argDecls = map snd targs
@@ -1032,7 +1032,8 @@ instance Translatable A.Expr (State Ctx.Context (CCode Lval, CCode Stat)) where
If futVar
(Seq [Statement forwardingCall])
(Seq [Statement oneWayMsg])] ++
else do
(sendn, sendt) <- translate A.MessageSend{A.emeta
@@ -1059,25 +1060,26 @@ instance Translatable A.Expr (State Ctx.Context (CCode Lval, CCode Stat)) where
isAsyncForward <- gets Ctx.isAsyncForward
let ty = getRuntimeType chain
dtraceExit = getDtraceExit eCtx
result =
case eCtx of
Ctx.ClosureContext clos -> []
_ -> [dtraceExit, Return Skip]
result = case eCtx of
Ctx.ClosureContext clos -> []
_ -> [dtraceExit, Return Skip]
futureChain =
if Util.isForwardInExpr chain
Call futureChainActor
[AsExpr encoreCtxVar, AsExpr nfuture, ty, AsExpr nchain]
Call futureChainWithFut
[AsExpr encoreCtxVar, AsExpr nfuture, ty, AsExpr nchain, AsExpr futVar]
then Call futureChainActor
[AsExpr encoreCtxVar, AsExpr nfuture, ty, AsExpr nchain]
else Call futureChainWithFut
[AsExpr encoreCtxVar, AsExpr nfuture, ty, AsExpr nchain
,AsExpr futVar, AsExpr $ AsLval $ Nam "false"]
when (A.isVarAccess chain) $
unless (A.isIdClosure chain) $
error $ "Expr.hs: The closure that contains forward must be defined in chain."
if isAsyncForward
then do
return (unit, Seq $
Statement futureChain] ++
else do
tmp <- Ctx.genSym
result <- Ctx.genSym
@@ -1146,53 +1148,84 @@ instance Translatable A.Expr (State Ctx.Context (CCode Lval, CCode Stat)) where
(nfuture,tfuture) <- translate future
(nchain, tchain) <- translate chain
result <- Ctx.genSym
isAsyncForward <- gets Ctx.isAsyncForward
let ty = getRuntimeType chain
fwdInClos = case eCtx of
Ctx.ClosureContext _ -> True
_ -> False
when (A.isVarAccess chain && isAsyncForward) $
if (fwdInClos)
then error $ "Expr.hs: The closure that contains forward must be defined in chain."
else return ()
return $ (Var result,
Seq $ [tfuture,
(Assign (Decl (C.future, Var result))
(Call futureChainActor
[AsExpr encoreCtxVar, AsExpr nfuture, ty, AsExpr nchain]
))] ++
if (Util.isForwardInExpr chain) then [assignVar futNam (Nam result)]
if (Util.isForwardInExpr chain && isAsyncForward)
then Statement $
(Call futureChainWithFut
[AsExpr encoreCtxVar, AsExpr nfuture, ty, AsExpr nchain,
AsExpr ((Deref envName) `Dot` futNam), AsExpr $ AsLval $ Nam "true"])
else Assign (Decl (C.future, Var result))
(Call futureChainActor [AsExpr encoreCtxVar, AsExpr nfuture, ty, AsExpr nchain])
] ++
if (Util.isForwardInExpr chain && isAsyncForward)
then [assignVar futNam (Decl (C.future, Var result))]
else [])
metaId = Meta.getMetaId . A.getMeta $ chain
envName = closureEnvName metaId
assignVar lhs rhs = Assign rhs ((Deref envName) `Dot` lhs)
assignVar lhs rhs = Assign (Decl (C.future, lhs)) ((Deref envName) `Dot` rhs)

translate clos@(A.Closure{A.eparams, A.body}) = do
tmp <- Ctx.genSym
fut <- Ctx.genNamedSym "fut"
futClos <- Ctx.genNamedSym "fut_closure"
globalFunctionNames <- gets Ctx.getGlobalFunctionNames
isAsyncForward <- gets Ctx.isAsyncForward
let bound = map (ID.qLocal . A.pname) eparams
freeVars = filter (ID.isLocalQName . fst) $
Util.freeVariables bound body
ty = runtimeType . A.getType $ body
futArg = if isAsyncForward
then futVar
else (Var fut)
fillEnv <- insertAllVars freeVars fTypeVars
(Var tmp,
Seq $
mkEnv envName : fillEnv ++
(if isAsyncForward || (not $ Util.isForwardInExpr body)
then []
else [Assign (Decl (future, Var fut))
(Call futureMkFn [AsExpr encoreCtxVar, ty])]) ++
(if Util.isForwardInExpr body
then [assignVar futNam futArg]
else []) ++
[Assign (Decl (closure, Var tmp))
(Call closureMkFn [encoreCtxName, funName, envName, traceName, nullName])])
Seq $
mkEnv envName : fillEnv ++
if isAsyncForward then
if forwardInBody
then [Assign (Decl (future, Var futClos))
(Call futureMkFn [AsExpr encoreCtxVar, ty])
,assignVar futNam (Var futClos)
,Assign (Decl (closure, Var tmp))
(Call closureMkFn [encoreCtxName, funNameAsync, envName, traceNameAsync, nullName])]
else [Assign (Decl (closure, Var tmp))
(Call closureMkFn [encoreCtxName, funName, envName, traceName, nullName])]
[Assign (Decl (closure, Var tmp))
(Call closureMkFn [encoreCtxName, funName, envName, traceName, nullName])])
forwardInBody = Util.isForwardInExpr body
metaIdAsync = metaId ++ "_async"
idClos = A.isIdClosure body
funNameAsync = if idClos || not forwardInBody then funName
else closureFunName metaIdAsync
traceNameAsync = if idClos || not forwardInBody then traceName
else closureTraceName metaIdAsync
metaId = Meta.getMetaId . A.getMeta $ clos
funName = closureFunName metaId
envName = closureEnvName metaId
traceName = closureTraceName metaId
metaIdAsync = metaId ++ "_async"
idClos = A.isIdClos body
fwdInBody = Util.isForwardInExpr body
funNameAsync = if idClos || not fwdInBody
then funName
else closureFunName metaIdAsync
traceNameAsync = if idClos || not fwdInBody
then traceName
else closureTraceName metaIdAsync
fTypeVars = Util.freeTypeVars body
futureMake f ty = Assign (Decl (future, Var f))
(Call futureMkFn [AsExpr encoreCtxVar, ty])
mkEnv name =
Assign (Decl (Ptr $ Struct name, AsLval name))
(Call encoreAllocName [AsExpr (Deref encoreCtxVar), Sizeof $ Struct name])
21 changes: 19 additions & 2 deletions src/back/CodeGen/MethodDecl.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -73,12 +73,14 @@ translateGeneral mdecl@(A.Method {A.mbody, A.mlocals})
,returnStatement mType bodyn])
forwardingMethodImpl =
Function void nameForwarding (args ++ [(future, futVar)])
(Seq [dtraceMethodEntry thisVar mName argNames
(Seq $[dtraceMethodEntry thisVar mName argNames
,dtraceMethodExit thisVar mName
,Return Skip])
,Statement $ returnForForwardingMethod returnType
,Return Skip]
code ++ return (Concat $ locals ++ closures ++
[normalMethodImpl] ++
@@ -87,6 +89,13 @@ translateGeneral mdecl@(A.Method {A.mbody, A.mlocals})
then []
else [forwardingMethodImpl])
returnForForwardingMethod returnType =
let fulfilArgs = [AsExpr encoreCtxVar
,AsExpr $ futVar
,asEncoreArgT returnType
(Cast returnType forwardingBodyName)]
If futVar (Statement $ Call futureFulfil fulfilArgs) Skip
mName = A.methodName mdecl
localNames = map (ID.qLocal . A.functionName) mlocals
localized = map (localize cname (A.methodName mdecl)) mlocals
@@ -133,6 +142,14 @@ translateGeneral mdecl@(A.Method {A.mbody, A.mlocals})
show oldName
in A.setFunctionName newName fun

returnForForwardingMethod returnType =
let fulfilArgs = [AsExpr encoreCtxVar
,AsExpr $ futVar
,asEncoreArgT returnType
(Cast returnType forwardingBodyName)]
If futVar (Statement $ Call futureFulfil fulfilArgs) Skip

callMethodWithFuture m cdecl@(A.Class {A.cname}) code
| A.isActive cdecl ||
A.isShared cdecl =
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion src/ir/AST/AST.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ data Expr = Skip {emeta :: Meta Expr}
val :: Expr}
| Suspend {emeta :: Meta Expr}
| FutureChain {emeta :: Meta Expr,
future :: Expr,
future :: Expr,
chain :: Expr}
| FieldAccess {emeta :: Meta Expr,
target :: Expr,
@@ -765,14 +765,26 @@ isThisAccess :: Expr -> Bool
isThisAccess VarAccess {qname = QName{qnlocal}} = qnlocal == Name "this"
isThisAccess _ = False

isIdClos :: Expr -> Bool
isIdClos VarAccess{qname = QName{qnlocal}} = qnlocal == Name "_id_fun_tmp"
isIdClos _ = False

isClosure :: Expr -> Bool
isClosure Closure {} = True
isClosure _ = False

isIdClosure :: Expr -> Bool
isIdClosure VarAccess{qname = QName{qnlocal}} = qnlocal == Name "_id_fun_tmp"
isIdClosure _ = False

isForward :: Expr -> Bool
isForward Forward {} = True
isForward _ = False

isVarAccess :: Expr -> Bool
isVarAccess VarAccess{} = True
isVarAccess _ = False

isNull :: Expr -> Bool
isNull Null{} = True
isNull _ = False
25 changes: 18 additions & 7 deletions src/runtime/future/future.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ static void future_finalizer(future_t *fut);
static inline void future_gc_send_value(pony_ctx_t *ctx, future_t *fut);
static inline void future_gc_recv_value(pony_ctx_t *ctx, future_t *fut);
static void future_chain(pony_ctx_t **ctx, future_t *fut, pony_type_t *type,
closure_t *c, future_t *r);
closure_t *c, future_t *r, bool withForward);

pony_type_t future_type = {
.id = ID_FUTURE,
@@ -197,6 +197,12 @@ static inline encore_arg_t run_closure(pony_ctx_t **ctx, closure_t *c, encore_ar
return closure_call(ctx, c, (value_t[1]) { value });

static inline void run_closure_fwd(pony_ctx_t **ctx, closure_t *c, encore_arg_t value)
closure_call(ctx, c, (value_t[1]) { value });

bool future_fulfilled(future_t *fut)
@@ -305,30 +311,35 @@ future_t *future_chain_actor(pony_ctx_t **ctx, future_t *fut, pony_type_t *type,
ENC_DTRACE3(FUTURE_CHAINING, (uintptr_t) *ctx, (uintptr_t) fut, (uintptr_t) type);
future_t *r = future_mk(ctx, type);
future_chain(ctx, fut, type, c, r);
future_chain(ctx, fut, type, c, r, false);
return r;

void future_chain_with_fut(pony_ctx_t **ctx, future_t *fut, pony_type_t *type,
closure_t *c, future_t *r)
closure_t *c, future_t *r, bool keepFwd)
ENC_DTRACE3(FUTURE_CHAINING, (uintptr_t) *ctx, (uintptr_t) fut, (uintptr_t) type);
future_chain(ctx, fut, type, c, r);
future_chain(ctx, fut, type, c, r, keepFwd);

static void future_chain(pony_ctx_t **ctx, future_t *fut, pony_type_t *type,
closure_t *c, future_t *r)
closure_t *c, future_t *r, bool withForward)

if (fut->fulfilled) {
acquire_future_value(ctx, fut);
value_t result = run_closure(ctx, c, fut->value);
future_fulfil(ctx, r, result);
if (withForward) {
run_closure_fwd(ctx, c, fut->value);
else {
value_t result = run_closure(ctx, c, fut->value);
future_fulfil(ctx, r, result);
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/runtime/future/future.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ future_t *future_chain_actor(pony_ctx_t **ctx, future_t *fut, pony_type_t *type,
closure_t *c);

void future_chain_with_fut(pony_ctx_t **ctx, future_t *fut, pony_type_t *type,
closure_t *c, future_t *r);
closure_t *c, future_t *r, bool keepFwd);

/** Registers a callback and returns void

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