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Merge pull request #4909 from ayush-848/main #9

Merge pull request #4909 from ayush-848/main

Merge pull request #4909 from ayush-848/main #9

Workflow file for this run

# name: Pull Request Validation
# on:
# pull_request_target:
# types:
# - opened
# - synchronize
# jobs:
# pr-validation:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repository
# uses: actions/checkout@v2
# - name: Set up Node.js
# uses: actions/setup-node@v2
# with:
# node-version: '14'
# - name: Install dependencies
# run: npm install --prefix .github octokit
# - name: Validate pull request
# id: validate_pr
# uses: actions/github-script@v4
# with:
# github-token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
# script: |
# const prNumber = context.payload.pull_request.number;
# const repoOwner = context.payload.repository.owner.login;
# const repoName =;
# const { data: pr } = await github.pulls.get({
# owner: repoOwner,
# repo: repoName,
# pull_number: prNumber
# });
# // Check if the PR content contains an issue reference
# const hasIssueReference = /#[0-9]+/.test(pr.body);
# if (!hasIssueReference) {
# // Close the PR
# await github.pulls.update({
# owner: repoOwner,
# repo: repoName,
# pull_number: prNumber,
# state: 'closed'
# });
# // Comment on the closed PR
# await github.issues.createComment({
# owner: repoOwner,
# repo: repoName,
# issue_number: prNumber,
# body: `Hey @${pr.user.login},\nPlease make sure to link the relevant issue using the appropriate syntax, such as "#issueNumber" 👀. \n Follow the proper guideline and make a new PR again 😀. \n Happy Hacking 💗`
# });
# console.log(`Closed and commented on pull request #${prNumber} due to missing issue reference.`);
# return; // Stop further processing
# }
# // Get the issue number from the PR content
# const issueNumber = pr.body.match(/#([0-9]+)/)[1];
# // Get the issue details
# const { data: issue } = await github.issues.get({
# owner: repoOwner,
# repo: repoName,
# issue_number: issueNumber
# });
# // Check if the issue is open
# if (issue.state !== 'open') {
# // Close the PR
# await github.pulls.update({
# owner: repoOwner,
# repo: repoName,
# pull_number: prNumber,
# state: 'closed'
# });
# // Comment on the closed PR
# await github.issues.createComment({
# owner: repoOwner,
# repo: repoName,
# issue_number: prNumber,
# body: `Hey @${pr.user.login},\n You can't work on a closed issue 👀! \n Follow the proper guideline and make a new PR again 😀. \n Happy Hacking 💗`
# });
# console.log(`Closed and commented on pull request #${prNumber} due to closed issue reference.`);
# return; // Stop further processing
# }
# // Check if the issue has the "level3" label
# const hasLevel3Label = issue.labels.some(label => === 'level3');
# if (hasLevel3Label) {
# // Get the PR files
# const { data: files } = await github.pulls.listFiles({
# owner: repoOwner,
# repo: repoName,
# pull_number: prNumber
# });
# // Check for required changes in the PR
# const changes = [];
# // Check if a new folder is created inside the "Games" folder and contains a new file
# const gamesFolderPath = 'Games/';
# const newFolderRegex = new RegExp(`${gamesFolderPath}([^/]+)/.*$`);
# const newFolderCreated = files.some(file => newFolderRegex.test(file.filename));
# // Check if a file is added in the newly created folder
# const readmeRegex = new RegExp(`${gamesFolderPath}([^/]+)/$`);
# const readmeAdded = files.some(file => readmeRegex.test(file.filename));
# // Comment with the required changes, if any
# if (!newFolderCreated) {
# changes.push('- Please create a new folder inside the "Games" folder.');
# }
# if (!readmeAdded) {
# changes.push('- Please add a file inside the newly created folder.');
# }
# // Check if the main file is modified
# const mainReadmeModified = files.some(file => file.filename === '');
# if (!mainReadmeModified) {
# changes.push('- Please modify the main file.');
# }
# // Check if an image is added to the assets/images directory
# const imageAdded = files.some(file => file.filename.startsWith('assets/images/'));
# if (!imageAdded) {
# changes.push('- Please add an image to the assets/images directory.');
# }
# if (changes.length > 0) {
# const comment = [
# `Hello @${pr.user.login},`,
# `You need to make the following changes:`,
# => ` ${change}`),
# '',
# 'Hoping that you will make those changes soon 🚀'
# ].join('\n');
# // Comment on the pull request
# await github.pulls.createReview({
# owner: repoOwner,
# repo: repoName,
# pull_number: prNumber,
# body: comment
# });
# // Add labels to the pull request
# await github.issues.addLabels({
# owner: repoOwner,
# repo: repoName,
# issue_number: prNumber,
# labels: ['Changes Requested ⚒️', 'Pending ⏱️']
# });
# console.log(`Commented on pull request #${prNumber} with required changes.`);
# } else {
# const existingLabels = =>;
# if (existingLabels.includes('changes requested') || existingLabels.includes('pending')) {
# // Remove the "changes requested" and "pending" labels
# await github.issues.removeLabel({
# owner: repoOwner,
# repo: repoName,
# issue_number: prNumber,
# name: 'Changes Requested ⚒️'
# });
# await github.issues.removeLabel({
# owner: repoOwner,
# repo: repoName,
# issue_number: prNumber,
# name: 'Pending ⏱️'
# });
# // Approve the changes
# await github.pulls.createReview({
# owner: repoOwner,
# repo: repoName,
# pull_number: prNumber,
# event: 'APPROVE'
# });
# // Add the "under review" label
# await github.issues.addLabels({
# owner: repoOwner,
# repo: repoName,
# issue_number: prNumber,
# labels: ['Pending ⏱️']
# });
# console.log(`Updated pull request #${prNumber} with approved changes.`);
# } else {
# // Add label to the pull request
# await github.issues.addLabels({
# owner: repoOwner,
# repo: repoName,
# issue_number: prNumber,
# labels: ['Pending ⏱️']
# });
# console.log(`Pull request #${prNumber} is valid and meets the requirements.`);
# }
# }
# } else {
# console.log(`Pull request #${prNumber} does not have the "level3" label. No further validation is performed.`);
# }