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Merge pull request HoTT#2199 from jdchristensen/decidable-exists
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Variants of decidable_exists_nat; add leq_ind_l
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jdchristensen authored Jan 17, 2025
2 parents 6450dca + eb8deaf commit 6ae0f16
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Showing 3 changed files with 81 additions and 51 deletions.
91 changes: 46 additions & 45 deletions theories/BoundedSearch.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types.
Require Import HoTT.Truncations.Core.
Require Import HoTT.Spaces.Nat.Core.
(** * Bounded Search *)

(** The main result of this file is [minimal_n], which say that if [P : nat -> Type] is a family such that each [P n] is decidable and [{n & P n}] is merely inhabited, then [{n & P n}] is inhabited. Since [P n] is decidable, it is sufficient to prove [{n & merely (P n)}], and to do this, we prove the stronger claim that there is a *minimal* [n] satisfying [merely (P n)]. This stronger claim is a proposition, which is what makes the argument work. Along the way, we also prove that [{ l : nat & (l <= n) * P l }] is decidable for each [n]. *)

Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.Decidable Basics.Trunc Basics.Tactics.
Require Import Types.Sigma Types.Prod.
Require Import Truncations.Core.
Require Import Spaces.Nat.Core.

Section bounded_search.

Context (P : nat -> Type)
(P_dec : forall n, Decidable (P n)).
Context (P : nat -> Type) (P_dec : forall n, Decidable (P n)).

(** We open type_scope again after nat_scope in order to use the product type notation. *)
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,59 +44,56 @@ Section bounded_search.
Local Definition bounded_search (n : nat) : smaller n + forall l : nat, (l <= n) -> not (P l).
induction n as [|n IHn].
- assert (P 0 + not (P 0)) as X; [apply P_dec |].
destruct X as [h|].
- destruct (dec (P 0)) as [h|n].
+ left.
refine (0;(h,_,_)).
* intros ? ?. exact _.
exact (0; (h, fun _ _ => _, _)).
+ right.
intros l lleq0.
assert (l0 : l = 0) by rapply leq_antisym.
rewrite l0; assumption.
- destruct IHn as [|n0].
+ left. apply smaller_S. assumption.
+ assert (P (n.+1) + not (P (n.+1))) as X by apply P_dec.
destruct X as [h|].
by rewrite (leq_antisym lleq0 _ : l = 0).
- destruct IHn as [s|n0].
+ left; by apply smaller_S.
+ destruct (dec (P n.+1)) as [h|nP].
* left.
refine (n.+1;(h,_,_)).
-- intros m pm.
assert ((n.+1 <= m)+(n.+1>m)) as X by apply leq_dichotomy.
destruct X as [leqSnm|ltmSn].
++ assumption.
++ unfold gt, lt in ltmSn.
assert (m <= n) as X by rapply leq_pred'.
destruct (n0 m X pm).
* right. intros l q.
assert ((l <= n) + (l > n)) as X by apply leq_dichotomy.
destruct X as [h|h].
-- exact (n0 l h).
-- unfold lt in h.
assert (eqlSn : l = n.+1) by (apply leq_antisym; assumption).
rewrite eqlSn; assumption.
refine (n.+1; (h, _, _)).
intros m pm.
apply leq_iff_not_gt.
unfold gt, lt; intro leq_Sm_Sn.
apply leq_pred' in leq_Sm_Sn.
destruct (n0 m leq_Sm_Sn pm).
* right.
by apply leq_ind_l.

Local Definition n_to_min_n (n : nat) (Pn : P n) : min_n_Type.
assert (smaller n + forall l, (l <= n) -> not (P l)) as X by apply bounded_search.
destruct X as [[l [[Pl ml] leqln]]|none].
- exact (l;(tr Pl,tr ml)).
destruct (bounded_search n) as [[l [[Pl ml] _]] | none].
- exact (l; (tr Pl, tr ml)).
- destruct (none n (leq_refl n) Pn).

Local Definition prop_n_to_min_n (P_inhab : hexists (fun n => P n))
: min_n_Type.
Local Definition prop_n_to_min_n (P_inhab : hexists P) : min_n_Type.
refine (Trunc_rec _ P_inhab).
intros [n Pn]. exact (n_to_min_n n Pn).
exact (n_to_min_n (P_inhab.1) (P_inhab.2)).

Definition minimal_n (P_inhab : hexists (fun n => P n))
: { n : nat & P n }.
Definition minimal_n (P_inhab : hexists P) : { n : nat & P n }.
destruct (prop_n_to_min_n P_inhab) as [n pl]. destruct pl as [p _].
destruct (prop_n_to_min_n P_inhab) as [n [p _]].
exact (n; fst merely_inhabited_iff_inhabited_stable p).

(** As a consequence of [bounded_search] we deduce that bounded existence is decidable. See also [decidable_exists_bounded_nat] in Spaces/Lists/Theory.v for a similar result with different dependencies. *)
Definition decidable_search (n : nat) : Decidable { l : nat & (l <= n) * P l }.
destruct (bounded_search n) as [s | no_l].
- destruct s as [l [[Pl min] l_leq_n]].
exact (inl (l; (l_leq_n, Pl))).
- right.
intros [l [l_leq_n Pl]].
exact (no_l l l_leq_n Pl).

End bounded_search.

Section bounded_search_alt_type.
Expand All @@ -101,14 +102,14 @@ Section bounded_search_alt_type.
(e : nat <~> X)
(P : X -> Type)
(P_dec : forall x, Decidable (P x))
(P_inhab : hexists (fun x => P x)).
(P_inhab : hexists P).

(** Bounded search works for types equivalent to the naturals even without full univalence. *)
Definition minimal_n_alt_type : {x : X & P x}.
set (P' n := P (e n)).
assert (P'_dec : forall n, Decidable (P' n)) by apply _.
assert (P'_inhab : hexists (fun n => P' n)).
pose (P' n := P (e n)).
pose (P'_dec n := P_dec (e n) : Decidable (P' n)).
assert (P'_inhab : hexists P').
strip_truncations. apply tr.
destruct P_inhab as [x p].
Expand All @@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ Section bounded_search_alt_type.
rewrite (eisretr e). exact p.
destruct (minimal_n P' P'_dec P'_inhab) as [n p'].
exists (e n). exact p'.
exact ((e n); p').

End bounded_search_alt_type.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions theories/Spaces/List/Theory.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1249,3 +1249,9 @@ Proof.
1: exact H1.
exact _.

(** A common special case. See also [decidable_search] in BoundedSearch.v for a similar result with different dependencies. *)
Definition decidable_exists_bounded_nat (n : nat) (P : nat -> Type)
(H2 : forall k, Decidable (P k))
: Decidable { k : nat & prod (k < n) (P k) }
:= decidable_exists_nat n _ (fun k => fst) _.
35 changes: 29 additions & 6 deletions theories/Spaces/Nat/Core.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -434,12 +434,15 @@ Proof.
Global Existing Instance leq_zero_l | 10.

Global Instance pred_leq {m} : nat_pred m <= m.
destruct m; exact _.

(** A predecessor is less than or equal to a predecessor if the original number is less than or equal. *)
Global Instance leq_pred {n m} : n <= m -> nat_pred n <= nat_pred m.
intros H; induction H.
1: exact _.
destruct m; exact _.
intros H; induction H; exact _.

(** A successor is less than or equal to a successor if the original numbers are less than or equal. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -501,6 +504,12 @@ Proof.
exact _.

(** [n.+1 <= m] implies [n <= m]. *)
Definition leq_succ_l {n m} : n.+1 <= m -> n <= m.
intro l; apply leq_pred'; exact _.

(** A general form for injectivity of this constructor *)
Definition leq_refl_inj_gen n k (p : n <= k) (r : n = k) : p = r # leq_refl n.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -568,10 +577,16 @@ Proof.
apply equiv_leq_succ.

(** [n.+1 <= m] implies [n <= m]. *)
Definition leq_succ_l {n m} : n.+1 <= m -> n <= m.
(** The default induction principle for [leq] applies to a type family depending on the second variable. Here is a version involving a type family depending on the first variable. *)
Definition leq_ind_l {n : nat} (Q : forall (m : nat) (l : m <= n.+1), Type)
(H_Sn : Q n.+1 (leq_refl n.+1))
(H_m : forall (m : nat) (l : m <= n), Q m (leq_succ_r l))
: forall (m : nat) (l : m <= n.+1), Q m l.
intro l; apply leq_pred'; exact _.
intros m leq_m_Sn.
inversion leq_m_Sn as [p | k H p]; destruct p^; clear p.
- exact (path_ishprop _ _ # H_Sn).
- exact (path_ishprop _ _ # H_m _ _).

(** *** Basic properties of [<] *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -995,6 +1010,14 @@ Proof.
1: right; exact _.

(** A variant. *)
Definition leq_succ_dichotomy {n m : nat} (l : m <= n.+1) : (m = n.+1) + (m <= n).
inversion l.
- left; reflexivity.
- right; assumption.

(** *** Trichotomy *)

(** Any two natural numbers are either equal, less than, or greater than each other. *)
Expand Down

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