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Patrick Nicodemus committed Feb 22, 2025
1 parent 9507c7b commit 894bd59
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Showing 5 changed files with 431 additions and 225 deletions.
41 changes: 28 additions & 13 deletions theories/WildCat/Core.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,20 @@ Class IsGraph (A : Type) :=
Hom : A -> A -> Type

Module Graph.
Record type := Build_Graph {
Ob : Type;
is_graph : IsGraph (Ob : Type)
End Graph.
(* Have to define these outside the module because
you have to import the module to use it
and it seems preferable to keep a more fine-grained
namespace. *)
Coercion Graph.Ob : Graph.type >-> Sortclass.
Existing Instance Graph.is_graph.
Notation Graph := Graph.type.

Notation "a $-> b" := (Hom a b).

Definition graph_hfiber {B C : Type} `{IsGraph C} (F : B -> C) (c : C)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,34 +122,35 @@ Class Is1Cat (A : Type) `{!IsGraph A, !Is2Graph A, !Is01Cat A} :=

Global Existing Instance is01cat_hom.
Global Existing Instance is0gpd_hom.
Global Existing Instance is0functor_postcomp.
Global Existing Instance is0functor_postcomp.
Global Existing Instance is0functor_precomp.
Arguments cat_assoc {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} f g h.
Arguments cat_assoc_opp {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} f g h.
Arguments cat_idl {_ _ _ _ _ _ _} f.
Arguments cat_idr {_ _ _ _ _ _ _} f.

Module Category.
Record class_of (A : Type) := Class {
Class class_of (A : Type) := Class {
is_graph : IsGraph A;
is_01_cat : Is01Cat A;
is01cat : Is01Cat A;
is2graph : Is2Graph A;
is1cat : Is1Cat A (* This can be seen as the "mixin" in the sense of packed classes. *)

Record Category := {
Ob :> Type;
Record type := {
Ob : Type;
is_class_of : class_of Ob

Module Exports.
Notation Category := Category.
End Exports.
End Category.
Export Category.Exports.

(** An alternate constructor that doesn't require the proof of [cat_assoc_opp]. This can be used for defining examples of wild categories, but shouldn't be used for the general theory of wild categories. *)
Coercion Category.Ob : Category.type >-> Sortclass.
Existing Instance Category.is_class_of.
Existing Instance Category.is_graph.
Existing Instance Category.is2graph.
Existing Instance Category.is01cat.
Existing Instance Category.is1cat.
Notation Category := Category.type.

(** An alternate constructor that doesn't require the proof of [cat_assoc_opp]. This can be used for defining examples of wild categories, but shouldn't be used for the general theory of wild categories. *)
Definition Build_Is1Cat' (A : Type) `{!IsGraph A, !Is2Graph A, !Is01Cat A}
(is01cat_hom : forall a b : A, Is01Cat (a $-> b))
(is0gpd_hom : forall a b : A, Is0Gpd (a $-> b))
Expand Down
201 changes: 0 additions & 201 deletions theories/WildCat/FunctorCat.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,204 +7,3 @@ Require Import WildCat.NatTrans.

(** * Wild functor categories *)

(** ** Categories of 0-coherent 1-functors *)

Record Fun01 (A B : Type) `{IsGraph A} `{IsGraph B} := {
fun01_F : A -> B;
fun01_is0functor : Is0Functor fun01_F;

Coercion fun01_F : Fun01 >-> Funclass.
Global Existing Instance fun01_is0functor.

Arguments Build_Fun01 A B {isgraph_A isgraph_B} F {fun01_is0functor} : rename.

Definition issig_Fun01 (A B : Type) `{IsGraph A} `{IsGraph B}
: _ <~> Fun01 A B := ltac:(issig).

(* Note that even if [A] and [B] are fully coherent oo-categories, the objects of our "functor category" are not fully coherent. Thus we cannot in general expect this "functor category" to itself be fully coherent. However, it is at least a 0-coherent 1-category, as long as [B] is a 1-coherent 1-category. *)

Global Instance isgraph_fun01 (A B : Type) `{IsGraph A} `{Is1Cat B} : IsGraph (Fun01 A B).
srapply Build_IsGraph.
intros [F ?] [G ?].
exact (NatTrans F G).

Global Instance is01cat_fun01 (A B : Type) `{IsGraph A} `{Is1Cat B} : Is01Cat (Fun01 A B).
srapply Build_Is01Cat.
- intros [F ?]; cbn.
exact (nattrans_id F).
- intros F G K gamma alpha; cbn in *.
exact (nattrans_comp gamma alpha).

Global Instance is2graph_fun01 (A B : Type) `{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B}
: Is2Graph (Fun01 A B).
intros [F ?] [G ?]; apply Build_IsGraph.
intros [alpha ?] [gamma ?].
exact (forall a, alpha a $== gamma a).

(** In fact, in this case it is automatically also a 0-coherent 2-category and a 1-coherent 1-category, with a totally incoherent notion of 2-cell between 1-coherent natural transformations. *)

Global Instance is1cat_fun01 (A B : Type) `{IsGraph A} `{Is1Cat B} : Is1Cat (Fun01 A B).
srapply Build_Is1Cat.
- intros [F ?] [G ?]; srapply Build_Is01Cat.
+ intros [alpha ?] a; cbn.
+ intros [alpha ?] [gamma ?] [phi ?] nu mu a.
exact (mu a $@ nu a).
- intros [F ?] [G ?]; srapply Build_Is0Gpd.
intros [alpha ?] [gamma ?] mu a.
exact ((mu a)^$).
- intros [F ?] [G ?] [K ?] [alpha ?].
srapply Build_Is0Functor.
intros [phi ?] [mu ?] f a.
exact (alpha a $@L f a).
- intros [F ?] [G ?] [K ?] [alpha ?].
srapply Build_Is0Functor.
intros [phi ?] [mu ?] f a.
exact (f a $@R alpha a).
- intros [F ?] [G ?] [K ?] [L ?] [alpha ?] [gamma ?] [phi ?] a; cbn.
srapply cat_assoc.
- intros [F ?] [G ?] [K ?] [L ?] [alpha ?] [gamma ?] [phi ?] a; cbn.
srapply cat_assoc_opp.
- intros [F ?] [G ?] [alpha ?] a; cbn.
srapply cat_idl.
- intros [F ?] [G ?] [alpha ?] a; cbn.
srapply cat_idr.

(** It also inherits a notion of equivalence, namely a natural transformation that is a pointwise equivalence. Note that this is not a "fully coherent" notion of equivalence, since the functors and transformations are not themselves fully coherent. *)

Global Instance hasequivs_fun01 (A B : Type) `{Is01Cat A} `{HasEquivs B}
: HasEquivs (Fun01 A B).
srapply Build_HasEquivs.
1: intros F G; exact (NatEquiv F G).
all: intros F G alpha; cbn in *.
- exact (forall a, CatIsEquiv (alpha a)).
- exact alpha.
- intros a; exact _.
- apply Build_NatEquiv'.
- cbn; intros; apply cate_buildequiv_fun.
- exact (natequiv_inverse alpha).
- intros; apply cate_issect.
- intros; apply cate_isretr.
- intros [gamma ?] r s a; cbn in *.
refine (catie_adjointify (alpha a) (gamma a) (r a) (s a)).

(** Bundled opposite functors *)
Definition fun01_op (A B : Type) `{IsGraph A} `{IsGraph B}
: Fun01 A B -> Fun01 A^op B^op.
intros F.
rapply (Build_Fun01 A^op B^op F).

(** ** Categories of 1-coherent 1-functors *)

Record Fun11 (A B : Type) `{Is1Cat A} `{Is1Cat B} :=
fun11_fun : A -> B ;
is0functor_fun11 : Is0Functor fun11_fun ;
is1functor_fun11 : Is1Functor fun11_fun

Coercion fun11_fun : Fun11 >-> Funclass.
Global Existing Instance is0functor_fun11.
Global Existing Instance is1functor_fun11.

Arguments Build_Fun11 A B
{isgraph_A is2graph_A is01cat_A is1cat_A
isgraph_B is2graph_B is01cat_B is1cat_B}
F {is0functor_fun11 is1functor_fun11} : rename.

Coercion fun01_fun11 {A B : Type} `{Is1Cat A} `{Is1Cat B}
(F : Fun11 A B)
: Fun01 A B.
exists F; exact _.

Global Instance isgraph_fun11 {A B : Type} `{Is1Cat A} `{Is1Cat B}
: IsGraph (Fun11 A B)
:= isgraph_induced fun01_fun11.

Global Instance is01cat_fun11 {A B : Type} `{Is1Cat A} `{Is1Cat B}
: Is01Cat (Fun11 A B)
:= is01cat_induced fun01_fun11.

Global Instance is2graph_fun11 {A B : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B}
: Is2Graph (Fun11 A B)
:= is2graph_induced fun01_fun11.

Global Instance is1cat_fun11 {A B :Type} `{Is1Cat A} `{Is1Cat B}
: Is1Cat (Fun11 A B)
:= is1cat_induced fun01_fun11.

Global Instance hasequivs_fun11 {A B : Type} `{Is1Cat A} `{HasEquivs B}
: HasEquivs (Fun11 A B)
:= hasequivs_induced fun01_fun11.

(** * Identity functors *)

Definition fun01_id {A} `{IsGraph A} : Fun01 A A
:= Build_Fun01 A A idmap.

Definition fun11_id {A} `{Is1Cat A} : Fun11 A A
:= Build_Fun11 _ _ idmap.

(** * Composition of functors *)

Definition fun01_compose {A B C} `{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, IsGraph C}
: Fun01 B C -> Fun01 A B -> Fun01 A C
:= fun G F => Build_Fun01 _ _ (G o F).

Definition fun01_postcomp {A B C}
`{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : Fun11 B C)
: Fun01 A B -> Fun01 A C
:= fun01_compose (A:=A) F.

(** Warning: [F] needs to be a 1-functor for this to be a 0-functor. *)
Global Instance is0functor_fun01_postcomp {A B C}
`{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : Fun11 B C)
: Is0Functor (fun01_postcomp (A:=A) F).
apply Build_Is0Functor.
intros a b f.
rapply nattrans_postwhisker.
exact f.

Global Instance is1functor_fun01_postcomp {A B C}
`{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : Fun11 B C)
: Is1Functor (fun01_postcomp (A:=A) F).
apply Build_Is1Functor.
- intros a b f g p x.
rapply fmap2.
rapply p.
- intros f x.
rapply fmap_id.
- intros a b c f g x.
rapply fmap_comp.

Definition fun11_fun01_postcomp {A B C}
`{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : Fun11 B C)
: Fun11 (Fun01 A B) (Fun01 A C)
:= Build_Fun11 _ _ (fun01_postcomp F).

Definition fun11_compose {A B C} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
: Fun11 B C -> Fun11 A B -> Fun11 A C.
intros F G.
nrapply Build_Fun11.
rapply (is1functor_compose G F).

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