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My ZSH Config

Setup Linux

pacman -S zsh exa ttf-fira-code

touch "$HOME/.cache/zshhistory"
git clone
rm -rf ./zsh/.git ./zsh/
cp -r zsh/. $HOME && rm -rf zsh
chsh -s /bin/zsh

Setup MacOS (iTerm)

brew install font-fira-mono-nerd-font --cask
brew install exa

mkdir "$HOME/.cache"
touch "$HOME/.cache/zshhistory"
git clone
rm -rf ./zsh/.git ./zsh/
cp -r zsh/. $HOME && rm -rf zsh
chsh -s $(which zsh)




Arch Dependencies

  • zsh-syntax-highlighting - syntax highlighting for ZSH in standard repos
  • zsh-autosuggestions - Suggestions based on your history
  • exa - modern replacement for the command-line program ls
  • nerd-fonts-fira-code - free monospaced font with programming ligatures

Custom keybindings

Keys Action
shift+tab Accept autosuggest
home Move to the beginning of the line. If already at the beginning of the line, move to the beginning of the previous line, if any.
end Move to the end of the line. If already at the end of the line, move to the end of the next line, if any.
del Delete the character under the cursor.
ctrl+ Move forward one word, vi-style.
ctrl+ Move to the beginning of the previous word, vi-style.
ctrl+backspace Kill the word behind the cursor, without going past the point where insert mode was last entered.
ctrl+del Kill from the cursor to the end of the line.

Linux Command Aliases

AUR Helpers

  • yaconf Update all AUR packages that have an update available.
  • yaclean Remove uninstalled AUR packages and clean build files.
  • yaclr Remove all cached AUR packages.
  • yaupg Update all AUR packages to their latest versions.
  • yasu Update all AUR packages to their latest versions without confirmation.
  • yain Install an AUR package.
  • yains Upgrade an installed AUR package.
  • yare Remove an installed AUR package.
  • yarem Remove an installed AUR package along with its dependencies and configuration files.
  • yarep Display information about an AUR package.
  • yareps Search for an AUR package.
  • yaloc Display information about an installed AUR package.
  • yalocs Search for an installed AUR package.
  • yalst List all explicitly installed AUR packages.
  • yaorph List orphaned AUR packages that are no longer required.
  • yainsd Install an AUR package as a dependency.
  • yamir Update the package database and the AUR.
  • yaupd Update the package database and the AUR.
  • upgrade Update all packages to their latest versions.
  • paclist List all explicitly installed AUR packages.


  • pacupg Update all packages to their latest versions.
  • pacin Install a package.
  • paclean Remove uninstalled packages and clean cache.
  • pacins Upgrade an installed package.
  • paclr Remove all cached packages.
  • pacre Remove an installed package.
  • pacrem Remove an installed package along with its dependencies and configuration files.
  • pacrep Display information about a package.
  • pacreps Search for a package.
  • pacloc Display information about an installed package.
  • paclocs Search for an installed package.
  • pacinsd Install a package as a dependency.
  • pacmir Update the package database and the mirror list.
  • paclsorphans List orphaned packages that are no longer required.
  • pacrmorphans Remove all orphaned packages.
  • pacfileupg Update the file list for all installed packages.
  • pacfiles Search for a file in the package database.
  • pacls List all files installed by a package.
  • pacown Determine which package a file belongs to.
  • pacupd Update the package database and the mirror list.
  • upgrade Update all packages to their latest versions.
  • pacmansignkeys Import and sign one or more PGP keys for use with pacman.
  • pacmanallkeys Refresh all PGP keys used by pacman.
  • pacupdate Update the mirror list using geoip.


  • ssh-start Start the SSH daemon.
  • ssh-stop Stop the SSH daemon.
  • update-grub Update the GRUB bootloader configuration.

MacOS Command Aliases


  • showHidden Show hidden files in the Finder.
  • hideHidden Hide hidden files in the Finder.
  • oo Open the current directory in the Finder.

Software Updates

  • osupdate Get macOS software updates and update installed Homebrew and their installed packages.


  • ip Show the public IP address of the machine.
  • localip Show the local IP address of the machine.
  • dns Show the DNS servers used by the machine.


  • lscleanup Clean up LaunchServices to remove duplicates in the "Open With" menu.

File Management

  • dsclean Recursively delete .DS_Store files.
  • dr Read the "defaults" values.
  • configbackup Backup configuration files using Mackup.
  • subl Open Sublime Text.


  • brewa auto uninstalls formulae that are no longer needed.
  • brewc cleans the cache.
  • brewC scrubs the cache, including downloads for the latest versions.
  • brewd checks your system for potential problems.
  • brewe edits given formula.
  • brewf shows information about given formula.
  • brewi installs given formula.
  • brewl lists installed formulae.
  • brewL lists installed formulae that don't depend on other installed formula.
  • brewo lists outdated installed formulae.
  • brewp removes all cache files older than 30d
  • brewr reinstalls given formula.
  • brews performs a search of formula names.
  • brewS manages background services with macOS' launchctl daemon manager.
  • brewt list installed packages with all dependencies
  • brewu updates Homebrew and all formulae.
  • brewU upgrades outdated and unpinned formulae.
  • brewx uninstalls a given formula.
  • brewX deletes all installed versions of given formula.
  • brewup updates everything with Homebrew

Homebrew Cask

  • caske edits given cask.
  • caskf shows information about given cask.
  • caski installs given cask.
  • caskl lists installed casks.
  • casko lists outdated installed casks.
  • caskr reinstalls given cask.
  • casks performs a search of cask tokens.
  • caskU upgrades given cask or all outdated casks, if none given.
  • caskx uninstalls given cask.
  • caskX uninstalls even if given cask does not appear to be present.
  • caskz zaps all files associated with given cask.

Advanced Command Aliases


These aliases are shortcuts for the exa command, a modern replacement for ls.

  • l Show files and directories with size, type, and human-readable format.
  • la Show almost all files and directories in long format with size, type, and human-readable format.
  • lr Show files and directories sorted by date in long format with size, type, and human-readable format.
  • lt Show files and directories sorted by date in long format with size, type, and human-readable format.
  • ll Show files and directories in long format with size, type, and human-readable format.
  • ldot List dot files.
  • lone Show files and directories in one line with indicators.
  • lrt Show files and directories sorted by date in one line with indicators.
  • lsr Recursive list of files and directories in long format with size, type, and human-readable format.
  • lamc Show files and directories in long format with size, type, and human-readable format, and access, modified, and created date.
  • llg Show files and directories in long format with size, type, and human-readable format in grid view.
  • tree Show the directory structure in a tree format up to a depth of 2.
  • treel Show almost all files and directories in long format with size, type, and human-readable format in a tree format up to a depth of 2.
  • treela Show almost all files and directories in long format with size, type, and human-readable format, including dot files, in a tree format up to a depth of 2.

If exa is not installed, these aliases are shortcuts for the ls command.

  • l Show files and directories with size, type, and human-readable format.
  • la Show almost all files and directories in long format with size, type, and human-readable format.
  • lr Show files and directories sorted by date in long format with size, type, and human-readable format.
  • lt Show files and directories sorted by date in long format with size, type, and human-readable format.
  • ll Show files and directories in long format with size, type, and human-readable format.
  • ldot List dot files.
  • lS Sort files and directories by size in a single column.
  • lart Sort files and directories by access time in a single column.
  • lrt Sort files and directories by modification time in a single column.
  • lsr Recursive list of files and directories in long format with size, type, and human-readable format.
  • lsn A column contains name of files and directories.
  • tree Show the directory structure in a tree format up to any depth.

Quick Access

  • zshrc Quickly access the .zshrc file.


  • grep Enable colored output for grep.
  • sgrep Recursive search with line numbers and context for non-version control directories.

Command Line Shortcuts

  • t Show the last few lines of a file and follow it as it updates.
  • H Show the first few lines of output.
  • T Show the last few lines of output.
  • G Filter output with grep.
  • L Show output in less with pagination.
  • M Show output in most with pagination.
  • LL Show all output in less.
  • CA Show all output with non-printing characters.
  • NE Hide all error output.
  • NUL Hide all output.
  • P Colorize Python traceback output.

File Management

  • dud Show the size of directories in the current directory.
  • duf Show the size of files and directories in the current directory.
  • dus Show the size of directories sorted by size in the current directory.
  • fd Find directories with a specific name.
  • ff Find files with a specific name.
  • filecount Show the number of files in the current directory.


  • h Show the command history.
  • hgrep Search command history.
  • help Show the manual for a command.
  • p Show information about running processes.
  • sortnr Sort in reverse numeric order.
  • unexport Remove an environment variable.
  • rm, cp, mv Prompt before overwriting or deleting files.
  • md Create a directory and any necessary parent directories.
  • .., ... Change the directory to the parent directory or grandparent directory.
  • cls Clear the terminal screen.
  • top If you have the htop process monitoring tool installed on your system, the alias will overwrite top with htop


The extract function is a utility function that can extract files from a variety of compressed formats. To use the function, simply call it with the name of the compressed file(s) you want to extract, like so:

extract -v file1.tar.gz

The gitpush function adds all changes to the git staging area, commits them with a message, pulls the latest changes from the remote repository, and pushes the changes to the remote repository.

The gitupdate function adds your SSH key to the ssh-agent, tests the connection to GitHub, and outputs a success message if the connection is established:



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