The ngvas library allows you to control the <canvas>
element from within Angular 2. Or is it 4 now?
Look in the /demo
directory for a working example.
Experiment with ngvas in a Plunker.
Example Angular Module:
import { NgvasModule, tweens, hitAreas } from "ngvas";
imports: [ BrowserModule, NgvasModule ],
declarations: [ AppComponent ],
bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
class AppModule { }
Example HTML with Ngvas components:
<ngvas [width]="500" [height]="500" (ready)="onNgvasInit()">
<template ngFor let-rect [ngForOf]="rects">
<ngvas-rectangle [fill]="rect.color" [translate]="rect.xy" [width]="rect.w" [height]="rect.h" origin="center"></ngvas-rectangle>
<ngvas-circle [fill]="'#0000ff'" [x]="100" [y]="100" [radius]="50" origin="center" (click)="onClickHandler($event)" [hitArea]="PixelHitArea"></ngvas-circle>
: NgvasComponent - The parent component. Think of it as the<canvas>
: NgvasArcComponent - CanvasRenderingContext2D.arc()<ngvas-bezier>
: NgvasBezierCurveComponent - CanvasRenderingContext2D.bezierCurveTo()<ngvas-circle>
: NgvasCircleComponent - CanvasRenderingContext2D.arc()<ngvas-image>
: NgvasImageComponent - CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage()<ngvas-line>
: NgvasLineComponent - CanvasRenderingContext2D.lineTo()<ngvas-polygon>
: NgvasPolygonComponent<ngvas-quadratic>
: NgvasQuadraticCurveComponent - CanvasRenderingContext2D.quadraticCurveTo()<ngvas-rectangle>
: NgvasRectangleComponent - CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillRect()<ngvas-text>
: NgvasTextComponent - CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillText()
@Input("name") | Data Type | Description |
active | boolean |
Sets if animation in the canvas is active or not. |
width | number |
Sets the width of the <canvas> element. |
height | number |
Sets the height of the <canvas> element. |
@Output("name") | Data Type | Description |
ready | NgvasComponent |
Fires once when the component is initialized. |
These input bindings are available on all <ngvas-*>
@Input("name") | Data Type | Description |
name | string |
The name of the component. Not used at this point. |
active | boolean |
Sets if the animation is active on the component. |
visible | boolean |
Sets if the component is visible on the canvas. |
x | number |
Sets the x coordinate of the shape. |
y | number |
Sets the y coordinate of the shape. |
origin | `[number, number] | "center"` |
width | number |
Sets the width of the shape. Not applicable for many shapes. |
height | number |
Sets the height of the shape. Not applicable for many shapes. |
rotation | number |
Sets the rotation of the shape in degrees. |
scaleX | number |
Sets the x scale of the shape. |
scaleY | number |
Sets the y scale of the shape in degrees. |
skewX | number |
Sets the x skew of the shape in degrees. |
skewY | number |
Sets the y skew of the shape. |
scale | TweenInput<S, [number, number]> |
Scale multiplier. |
size | TweenInput<S, [number, number]> |
Sets the width and height of the shape. |
skew | TweenInput<S, [number, number]> |
Sets the X and Y skew of the shape. |
rotate | TweenInput<S, number> |
Rotates the shape by the specified degrees. |
translate | TweenInput<S, [number, number]> |
Moves the shape the specified X and Y coordinates. |
animate | `((shape: S) => boolean) | undefined` |
constrain | `ConstraintFunction[] | undefined` |
hitArea | typeof PixelHitArea |
A function to calculate if the current mouse coordinates are within a shape. |
opacity | number |
Sets the overall opacity of the shape. It's proabably easier to use a fill or stroke ColorStyle with opacity. |
compose | { alpha?: number, overlay?: ComposeOverlay } |
Sets how the shape is overlayed on the canvas. CanvasRenderingContext2D.globalCompositeOperation |
fill | TweenInput<S, ColorStyle> |
Sets the fill color, gradient or pattern of the shape. CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillStyle |
stroke | TweenInput<S, { width:number, style:ColorStyle, join?:LineJoin, cap?:LineCap, dashOffset?:number, miterLimit?:number }> |
Sets the stroke settings of the shape. |
shadow | TweenInput<S, { blur:number, color:string, offsetX:number, offsetY:number }> |
Sets the shadow settings of the shape. |
These event bindings are available on all <ngvas-*>
components. Note: a hit area is required for mouse events to work.
@Output("name") | Data Type | Description |
click | MouseEvent |
Emits a MouseEvent if the shape is clicked. |
dblclick | MouseEvent |
Emits a MouseEvent if the shape is double-clicked. |
wheel | WheelEvent |
Emits a WheelEvent if the scroll wheel is used over the shape. |
mouseenter | MouseEvent |
Emits a MouseEvent if the mouse pointer enters the shape. |
mouseleave | MouseEvent |
Emits a MouseEvent if the mouse pointer leaves the shape. |
shape | BaseShape & BaseStyle |
On init, emits the underlying class of the shape. |
Draws a portion of a circle. connectToCenter
to make a pie-chart shape.
@Input("name") | Data Type | Description |
angle | TweenInput<ArcShape, number> |
The ending angle of the arc in degrees. |
radius | TweenInput<ArcShape, number> |
The radius of the arc. |
connectToCenter | boolean |
If true , connects the arc to the center point like a pie slice. |
<ngvas-arc fill="#ff0000" [x]="250" [y]="250" [radius]="50" [angle]="270" origin="center" [connectToCenter]="true"></ngvas-arc>
Draws one or more connected bezier curves.
@Input("name") | Data Type | Description |
curves | BezierCurve[] |
An array of connected bezier curves. |
<ngvas-bezier [stroke]="{ width: 4 }" [x]="50" [y]="50" [curves]="[[ [100, 100], [150, 450], [400, 300], [400, 400] ]]"></ngvas-bezier>
Draws a circle. Basically, an arc with a 360 degree angle.
@Input("name") | Data Type | Description |
radius | TweenInput<CircleShape, number> |
The radius of the circle. |
<ngvas-circle fill="#ff0000" [x]="250" [y]="250" [radius]="50" origin="center"></ngvas-circle>
Draws an image from the
@Input("name") | Data Type | Description |
src | string |
The URL path to the image. |
<ngvas-image fill="rgba(0,0,0,0)" [x]="10" [y]="10" [width]="100" [height]="100" src="../test/bird.jpg"></ngvas-image>
Note: As a temporary fix, <ngvas-image>
must set fill
to make it visible.
Draws one or more connected lines.
@Input("name") | Data Type | Description |
lines | Line[] |
An array of connected lines. |
<ngvas-line [stroke]="{ width: 4 }" [lines]="[ [[100, 100], [200, 200]], [[200, 200], [300, 100]] ]"></ngvas-line>
Draws a shape with any combination of lines, bezier curves and quadratic curves.
@Input("name") | Data Type | Description |
sides | `Array<Line | BezierCurve |
<ngvas-polygon fill="#ff0000" [x]="50" [y]="50" [sides]="sidesArray"></ngvas-polygon>
Draws one or more connected quadratic curves.
@Input("name") | Data Type | Description |
curves | QuadraticCurve[] |
An array of connected quadratic curves. |
<ngvas-quadratic [stroke]="{ width: 4 }" [x]="50" [y]="50" [curves]="[[ [100, 100], [150, 450], [400, 400] ]]"></ngvas-quadratic>
Draws text.
@Input("name") | Data Type | Description |
text | string |
The text to display. |
textStyle | { font?: string, align?: TextAlign, baseline?: TextBaseline } |
The style of the displayed text. |
<ngvas-text fill="#0000ff" [textStyle]="{ font: '48px Arial' }" [x]="50" [y]="250" text="This is text."></ngvas-text>
You can set almost any value of a component to tween from its current value to a target value over a specified period of time with specific easing.
import { tweens } from "ngvas";
type TweenFunc = (time: number, startValue: number, changeValue: number, duration: number) => number;
type TweenInput <S, T> = T | [ T, number, TweenFunc | undefined, ((s: S) => void) | undefined ];
// Set the amount of pixels to move, the tween duration in MS, and the easing function to use.
const translateTween = [ [250, 250], 1000, tweens.easings.easeInOutSine ];
Example HTML:
<ngvas-circle fill="#ff0000" [x]="50" [y]="50" [radius]="50" [translate]="translateTween" origin="center"></ngvas-circle>
- easeLinear
- easeInSine, easeOutSine, easeInOutSine
- easeInQuint, easeOutQuint, easeInOutQuint
- easeInQuart, easeOutQuart, easeInOutQuart
- easeInQuad, easeOutQuad, easeInOutQuad
- easeInExpo, easeOutExpo, easeInOutExpo
- easeInElastic, easeOutElastic, easeInOutElastic
- easeInCircular, easeOutCircular, easeInOutCircular
- easeInBack, easeOutBack, easeInOutBack
- easeInBounce, easeOutBounce, easeInOutBounce
- easeInCubic, easeOutCubic, easeInOutCubic
One function to calculate if the mouse coordinates are on a shape is available. It is pixel accurate and non-optimized. Use it judiciously until more effecient hit area functions become available.
import { hitAreas } from "ngvas";
import PixelHitArea = hitAreas.PixelHitArea;
Import interfaces:
import * as types from "ngvas";
// Point = [ x, y ]
type Point = [number, number];
// Line = [ startPoint, endPoint ]
type Line = [Point, Point];
// QuadraticCurve = [ startPoint, controlPoint, endPoint ]
type QuadraticCurve = [Point, Point, Point];
// BexierCurve = [ startPoint, controlPoint0, controlPoint1, endPoint ]
type BezierCurve = [Point, Point, Point, Point];
// Example: Point | [ Point, durationInMS, TweenFunc]
type TweenInput <S extends BaseStyle, T> = T | [ T, number, TweenFunc | undefined, ((s: S) => void) | undefined ]
type ComposeOverlay = "source-over" | "source-in" | "source-out" | "source-atop" |
"destination-over" | "destination-in" | "destination-out" | "destination-atop" |
"lighter" | "copy" | "xor" | "multiply" | "screen" | "overlay" | "darken" |
"lighten" | "color-dodge" | "color-burn" | "hard-light" | "soft-light" | "difference" |
"exclusion" | "hue" | "saturation" | "color" | "luminosity";
// ColorStyle: 0xff9966, "#ff9966", "#ff9966ff", "rgb(255,200,150)", "rgba(255,200,150,0.5)
type ColorStyle = number | string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern;
type LineJoin = "miter" | "bevel" | "round";
type LineCap = "butt" | "round" | "square";
type TextAlign = "left" | "right" | "center" | "start" | "end";
type TextBaseline = "top" | "hanging" | "middle" | "alphabetic" | "ideographic" | "bottom";
- Improve docs.
- Unit tests with >90% coverage.
- Improve
for curves and polygon. - Built-in Constraints.
- Add mouse events: mousedown, mouseup
- Add other hit area types: vector rectangle, circle.
- Optimization.
- Add drag and drop events.
- Add HammerJS support.
- Grouping components.
- Optimization.