Back Office Planning System (BOPS)
First build and launch the images:
docker-compose up
Once your containers are running, you can use the Makefile to get a prompt and setup your database:
make prompt
root@232515c34d14:/app# bin/rails db:setup
$ bundle install
$ yarn install
$ rails db:setup
$ rails server
Because of the local authority being inferred on the request's
subdomain, your options to get work locally include using Docker or
using the
domain which points back to your localhost:
Otherwise you can use localhost though you'll have to double the
subdomain since localhost
is missing the second component found in
You should ask for an account to be set up for you on GOV.UK Notify
To enable 2FA in development, you must set the env variable 2FA_ENABLED
to true
and set the keys for OTP_SECRET_ENCRYPTION_KEY
. You may find this in 1password and within your GOV.UK Notify notify account
These keys are set within github actions for our testing and CI builds
To utilise all the map functionality, you will need to set an OS_VECTOR_TILES_API_KEY
in .env
You can find this value from the parameter store on AWS
BOPS allows planning officers to request changes to an application; these requests are presented to applicants through a separate app called BOPS-applicants. Applicants receive an email containing a special URL that will be opened in BOPS applicants and contain the right parameters for it to query back at BOPS.
If you're using Docker, bops-applicants
is already part of the
Compose group and should be running on port 3001. If you're not,
you'll have to clone/setup/boot the app manually and point BOPS to it
through the environment variable APPLICANTS_APP_HOST
. See
Another benefit of using Docker is being able to run some end-to-end tests that integrate both BOPS and BOPS applicants:
make e2e # actually runs the Cucumber tests tagged with `@e2e`
Note that because of the limitations of Docker network aliases (which
can't accept wildcards, we will add a small DNS service eventually),
BOPS applicants has to operate against the Southwark local authority
(i.e southwark.localhost
) for now.
API documentation is available at /api-docs/index.html.
Once you have the application running, you can submit planning application through the API. You can do this through the provided swagger documentation at /api-docs/index.html
- Click Authorize and fill in the API key ('123' if not otherwise specified at db:seed)
- POST /api/v1/planning_applications > Try it out > Choose 'Full' example > Click Execute.
We need a single openapi file to exist, but to keep the code easier to maintain we have multiple files that are then compiled into this single file:
So to create a new api endpoint, create your yaml doc inside public/api-docs/v1 and reference it in
like so:
$ref: "./your_new_file_name.yaml"
Make changes to your new file, and when you're happy aggregate them into our single file by installing this package in your machine:
npm install -g swagger-cli
and running:
swagger-cli bundle public/api-docs/v1/swagger_doc.yaml --outfile public/api-docs/v1/_build/swagger_doc.yaml --type yaml
We are using Stimulus to handle our minimal JavaScript requirements.
After adding a new Stimulus controller run ./bin/rails stimulus:manifest:update
. Alternatively you can create the controller with ./bin/rails generate stimulus controllerName
As much as possible, we follow the GOV.UK Design System. You will find most of the HTML components you need here. For help with forms we use the GOV.UK Ruby on Rails Form Builder gem. See here for a simple example of implementation.