This plugin gives an easy wrapper around the already available command line utility figlet. This is useful for giving a stylish look to your config files.
Note: 🙇I am a noob in lua and plugin development, So this is just my attempt to write a plugin. Any suggestions are appreciated.
- You should have command line utility called figlet
sudo pacman -S figlet
- Fonts for figlet in initial release I have used font called as ANSI shadow and ANSI Regular. You should have these fonts installed. PS : fallback to default will be implemented in future
git clone
cp figlet-fonts/* /usr/share/figlet/fonts/
- Comment Support using comment.nvim Please Install comment.nvim if you want comment support
You can use any plugin Manager you use
- Packer.nvim
requires = "numToStr/Comment.nvim",
:FigComment <pattern>
:Fig <pattern>
:FigCommentHighlight <pattern>
Syntax :FigComment <pattern_string>
Example :FigComment NeoVim
Syntax :Fig <pattern_string>
Example :Fig neovim
Syntax :FigCommentHighlight <pattern_string>
Example :FigCommentHighlight neovim
Syntax :FigSelect
Example :FigSelect
Syntax :FigSelectComment
Example :FigSelectComment
Syntax :FigList
Example :FigList
- Add Telescope List to show fonts
- Visual Select -> Figlet
- Follow Best practice