Rust learning project. Sorts your fav pics into a directory structure
out of the box usage:
dick_sort <source> <destination>
will copy all images with an exif date into a dir yyyy/mm/dd/ in destination
dick_sort -m <source> <destination>
will move them instead
dick_sort -m -c <source> <destination>
will move them and also delete source dirs that are empty after the move;
including the <destination>
if all was moved.
dick_sort -d <source> <destination>
will only describe which files it would copy / move
dick_sort -r <source> <destination>
will do it recursively
dick_sort -f "[YEAR]_[MONTH]/[DATE]_" <source> <destination>
will replace the default target path from /year/month/date/filename to /year_month/date_filename. In case a flatter hierarchy is wanted. The year will always have 4, the month 2 and the day also 2 numbers e.g. /2023_11/05_my_little_pony.jpeg
- add the ability to parse and use tags from the filename e.g. --format "$person/$year/$location" --parse "person=.*/([a-z]).*Jpg” ...
- release binaries
- extract location maybe?