Terraform module adapted from this AWS blog post. In short, gives you the ability to associate a static IP address with an Applicaion Load Balancer (ALB) using a Network Load Balancer (NLB). This module consists of a Lambda that periodically runs and resolves the ALB's private IP addresses and attaches them to the NLB.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
alb_dns_name | The full DNS name (FQDN) of the ALB. | string | - | yes |
alb_listener | The traffic listener port of the ALB. | string | 443 |
no |
cw_metric_flag_ip_count | The controller flag that enables the CloudWatch metric of the IP address count. | string | true |
no |
event_schedule_expression | How often the lambda runs. For example, cron(0 20 * * ? *) or rate(5 minutes) . |
string | rate(1 minute) |
no |
invocations_before_deregistration | Then number of required Invocations before an IP address is deregistered. | string | 3 |
no |
lambda_timeout | The amount of time your Lambda Function has to run in seconds. | string | 300 |
no |
max_lookup_per_invocation | The max times of DNS look per invocation. | string | 50 |
no |
name | Base name to use when naming resouces. | string | - | yes |
nlb_tg_arn | The ARN of the NLBs target group. | string | - | yes |
s3_bucket | Bucket to track changes between Lambda invocations. | string | - | yes |
tags | A map of tags that should be applied to AWS infrastructure. | map | - | yes |
Name | Description |
lambda_arn | - |