Hi Readers,
My name is Paul Colmer. This R code is demonstrating how to read two separate CSC Agility XLS workbook reports, and compare which blueprints have been added, and which blueprints have been removed.
This is based on Damon Hatchett's Python code that creates the report out of CSC Agility.
What is CSC Agility? - A cloud agnostic deployment tool. It provisions system blueprints into the cloud. http://www.csc.com/cloud/offerings/53410/104965-csc_agility_platform_cloud_management
Who are CSC? - IT Services Company with around 80,000 employees in more than 50 countries. No.4 by size in the world. No.1 by size in Australia. http://www.csc.com/about_us?ref=nmntop
Who is Paul Colmer? - https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulcolmer Chief Architect for the CSC MyWorkStyle Cloud Offering
What is MyWorkStyle? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bof4nq0Yb9I CSC's suite of next generation Digital Workplace offerings, that integrates with Microsoft Office 365 E3 service:
- Enterprise Email
- Business & Social Collaboration
- Unified Communications
- PC Devices
- Virtual Desktop
- Enterprise Mobility