vue-media-recorder makes it easy to capture media (Microphone, Camera, Video) in your Vue.js apps.
Use the package manager npm to install vue-media-recorder.
npm install vue-media-recorder
Using vue-media-recorder is easy:
<PhotoCapture v-model="imageBase64" />
<VideoCapture uploadUrl="<>" v-model="videoUrl" />
import {PhotoCapture, VideoCapture} from 'vue-media-recorder'
export default {
return {
imageBase64: '',
videoUrl: '',
For the VideoCaptrue component to work correctly, pass an uploadUrl prop for your server. Kindly see a sample server here:
VideoCapture Server Configuration
Prop | Value | IsRequired | Example |
uploadUrl | The server url to which the component will upload the video to | true | 'localhost:3000' / '' |
recordBtnContent | content for the video record button | false | '⬤' |
stopBtnContent | content for the stop recording button | false | '◼' |
cancelBtnContent | button for clearing the recorderd video content | false | 'ⅹ' |
doneBtnContent | button to confirm video is fine and handling its url | false | '✓' |
Prop | Value | IsRequired | Example |
capturedBtnContent | content for the image capture button | false | '📷' |
cancelBtnContent | button for clearing the captured image content | false | 'ⅹ' |
doneBtnContent | button to confirm image is fine and handling its base64 format | false | '✓' |
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.