This python client is only compatible with Apache Atlas REST API v2.
In this repository, we develop a python api to generate atlas entities and import them into atlas instances.
from atlaspyapi.client import Atlas
# login with your token
hostname = ""
port = 443
oidc_token = "<your_token>"
atlas_client = Atlas(hostname, port, oidc_token=oidc_token)
# login with your username and password
atlas_client = Atlas(hostname, port, username='',password='')
from atlaspyapi.entity_search.EntityFinder import EntityFinder
finder = EntityFinder(atlas_client)
search_result = finder.search_full_text("aws_s3_bucket", "test")
entity_number = EntityFinder.get_entity_number(search_result)
print("Find " + str(entity_number) + " result in total")
guid_list = EntityFinder.get_result_entity_guid_list(search_result)
for guid in guid_list:
print("result:" + guid)
from atlaspyapi.entity_management.s3.S3BucketManager import S3BucketManager
s3_bucket_manager = S3BucketManager(atlas_client)
# creat s3 bucket in atlas
name = "test"
domain = "s3://"
qualified_name = "s3://"
description = "test for me"
s3_bucket_manager.create_entity(name, domain, qualified_name, description)
# get s3 bucket via guid
guid = "9642d134-4d0e-467c-8b36-ca73902d4c14"
e = s3_bucket_manager.get_entity(guid)
e_attributes = s3_bucket_manager.get_entity_attributes(e)
e_attributes_key_list = s3_bucket_manager.get_s3_attributes_key_list(e)
# update s3 bucket attributes
s3_bucket_manager.update_entity(guid, 'description', 'update description from api')
# delete s3 bucket
hive_db = HiveDBManager(atlas_client)
hive_table = HiveTableManager(atlas_client)
hive_column = HiveColumnManager(atlas_client)
# insert hive tables
hive_db.create_entity("pengfei-stock", "", "database for my stock market",owner="pliu",location="")
hive_table.create_entity("favorite", "", "favorite stock")
hive_column.create_entity("stock_id", "int", "[email protected]", "id of the stock")
hive_column.create_entity("stock_name", "string", "[email protected]", "name of the stock")
If you want to use the Atlas rest api by yourself, we also provide you the support of json file generation
from atlaspyapi.entity_source_generation.S3BucketEntityGenerator import S3BucketEntityGenerator
name = "test"
domain = "s3://"
qualified_name = "s3://"
description = "test for me"
s3_bucket_json_source = S3BucketEntityGenerator.generate_s3_bucket_json_source(name, domain,qualified_name,description
, creator_id="toto")
In the entity_source_generation folder, you can find various templates and generators for generating atlas entities.
In the entity_search folder, you can find EntityFinder which help you to find entity in an Atlas instance
In the entity_management folder, you can find various rest client to upload entities into atlas
In the docs folder, you can find helper function which shows which entity type and attributes are supported by this api
This tool only requires python 3.7 or above
Windows XP/7/8/10
- Pengfei Liu
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
This package was created by using verdan/pyatlasclient project