Releases: penolakushari/StopMotionHelper
SMH Update Public Test
Major update test:
- Works absolutely the same like SMH did before, despite being a complete rewrite by Winded with simpler code.
- For the new stuff
Can manipulate properties of advanced light entities, advanced cameras, prop_effects and soft lamps
Load/save windows are scalable
You can set custom names for recorded entities through properties menu
Multiple timelines per entity, can set up to 13 modifiers overall, can't assign same modifier to multiple timelines though.
Keyframes on specific timelines can be painted in certain colors
Entities with recorded frames will appear in property menu's list, you can select those entities from there rather than having to right click on them when menu is up.
You can save currently selected's entity's timeline setup with "smh_savepreset" console command, and such setup will be applied to any other entity you'll record from that point.
Keyframe multiselection! Press ctrl + left click to select keyframes one at a time, shift + left click to select all frames between last selected and the one you press on.
Selected keyframes obey the usual "commands" - left click to move them, they'll abide to the edges of your frame count, so as long as your selected keyframes weren't outside of the frame count, it'll be fine. If not, frames going below frame 0 will be deleted.
Copying (middle mouse / right click and ctrl) and deleting (just right click) also works
Left clicking any frame without holding ctrl or shift will unselect everything
Added "smooth playback" setting, which will try to playback your animation in a way close to what HAT did. Probably would be of use for people who do video recordings.
"smh_makescreenshot" and "smh_makejpeg" can optionally accept a number input, which will cause them to start rendering from that frame number.
"smh_startatone 0/1" - persistent console variable that changes whether your timeline starts at 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled). Mostly a UI change, doesn't impact anything apart from makescreenshot/jpeg taking that offset into account.
There's now a spawn window, that is accessible through load window, that allows you to spawn entities from your selected save. Only works with the newer version of the SMH, but you can just load your old save normally, save it, and it should work.
Spawn window also has an option to offset positions of your entities, and the recorded keyframes will also obey by those
Integrated SMH auto recorder, accessible through settings window, it also can record stuff like physics props rather than just ragdolls
World keyframes, you can select "world" timeline from properties menu, record keyframes there, and set their console commands (enter as you would enter stuff in the console) and button presses to simulate (it only can use gmod entities that are activated by certain keyboard keys, keys are separated by spaces and also look like they are in the tool menu. if there are spaces in the original name, replace them with _, so like "Numpad 8" would be "Numpad_8")
Keys that you can enter in the push/release world keyframes (They must be separated by spaces if you want to trigger multiple): 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h , i , j , k , l , m , n , o , p , q , r , s , t , u , v , w , x , y , z , Numpad_0 , Numpad_1 , Numpad_2 , Numpad_3 , Numpad_4 , Numpad_5 , Numpad_6 , Numpad_7 , Numpad_8 , Numpad_9 , Numpad_/ , Numpad_* , Numpad_- , Numpad_+ , Numpad_Enter , Numpad_. , [ , ] , SEMICOLON , ' , ` , , , . , / , \ , - , = , ENTER , SPACE , BACKSPACE , TAB , CAPSLOCK , NUMLOCK , ESCAPE , SCROLLLOCK , INS , DEL , HOME , END , PGUP , PGDN , PAUSE , SHIFT , RSHIFT , ALT , RALT , CTRL , RCTRL , LWIN , RWIN , APP , UPARROW , LEFTARROW , DOWNARROW , RIGHTARROW , F1 , F2 , F3 , F4 , F5 , F6 , F7 , F8 , F9 , F10 , F11 , F12 , CAPSLOCKTOGGLE , NUMLOCKTOGGLE , SCROLLLOCKTOGGLE
Update 1:
- Fixed prop_effects not spawning with the correct model through SMH's spawning function
Update 2:
- Fixed a mispell in the physics recorder stop message
- Fixed quicksave trying to send keyframes back to client despite the fact that we don't save them on the client yet
- Set disable tweening setting to be prioritized over smooth playback
Update 3:
- Renamed "Bones" modifier into "Nonphysical Bones" to be more precise
- Easing controls will now show up and disappear just as you record/delete a keyframe
Update 4:
- Easing controls will now update when switching selected entity
- Made ghosts inherit selected entity's Ragdoll Stretch modifier
Update 5:
- Adjusted UI to actually show the amount of frames it needs to rather than having 1 additional frame
- Selecting SMH ghost of a ragdoll will now select ragdoll that it is based on, rather than the ghost itself
Update 6:
Physics recorder update:
- It will now do recording serverside - should be more precise and should lessen the load on net messages
- Physics Recorder's sliders can now have their numbers set higher than their maximum limit through manually entering them
- You can select multiple entities to be recorded with physics recorder. Selection will be reset after recording is done.
Update 7:
- Now there is theoretically no limit on how many keyframes you can add on 1 entity before net messages overflow.
- Fixed an issue with ghosting all entities where modifiers from currently selected timeline would be loaded on all other ghosts.
Update 8:
- Fixed an issue with new net messages where it wouldn't send rest of the keyframes to the player, thus UI only showing first "1000" of the keyframes. Sorry!