- (main) Satoshi Fukutomi [email protected]
- sbwhitecap
- (apollo) replaceable anonymous.
- (2ch interface) kkka
- (thumbnail patch) A shinGETsu user.
- (imghdr patch) A shinGETsu user.
- (js extensions) shinGETsu users.
- (run_cgi) Python Software Foundation.
- (Jinja2) the Jinja Team.
- (MarkupSafe) Armin Ronacher and contributors.
- (jQuery) The jQuery Foundation.
- (Twitter Bootstrap) Twitter.
- (jQuery Lazy) Daniel 'Eisbehr' Kern
- (Spoiler Alert) Joshua Hull, Jared Volpe, Dwayne Charrington
Saku stands for "Shingetsu Another Keen Utility". Both the word "saku" and "shingetsu" mean the new moon in Japanese.
Agree following terms and join shinGETsu network.
- Descrive your license in your articles. Or they are open, public and/or free: anyone can use, modify and/or distribute them.
- Do not use the network for illegality.
- Do not use the network at the cost of othor peolpe.
- Saku is a P2P anonymous BBS works on Python.
- We confirm that Saku works on CPython 3.2 on GNU/Linux. Saku may not work on MacOS(ver.9 or before).
- The features of shinGETsu are...
- 2ch.net style interface
- Wiki style hyperlink
- IRC style cache
- Uploader
- Python (ver.3.2 or later)
- Jinja2 (ver.2.6) if you install Saku
- markupsafe (ver.0.19 or later) if you install Saku
- PIL or Pillow (Python Imaging Libraty) if you need
- Open port 8000/tcp.
- Edit file/saku.ini.
- Start with % python ./saku.py -v
- Browse http://localhost:8000/.
- Stop with ^C.
Install Jinja2.
Open port 8000/tcp.
Compile and install.
# make install
You can use PREFIX option for make, and use setup.py directly. If your system do not read modules in /usr/bin/local, do
# ln -s /usr/local/lib/python3.2/site-packages/shingetsu \ /usr/lib/python3.2/site-packages
Configration files are installed into /usr/local/share/doc/saku/sample. You shoud install them:
# cp saku.init /usr/local/etc/init.d/saku # cp sample.ini /usr/local/etc/saku/saku.ini
and so on. The paths of config files are set in saku.ini, they are in /usr/local/etc/saku by defaults. saku.ini are loaded from following paths and the later settings have a priority.
* /usr/local/etc/saku/saku.ini * /etc/saku/saku.ini * ~/.saku/saku.ini
Setup user and directories refering config files.
Start with
# /usr/local/etc/init.d/saku start
Browse http://localhost:8000/.
Stop with
# /usr/local/etc/init.d/saku stop
Run /usr/local/bin/saku for user application.
- sudo aptitude install python3 python3-jinja2 python3-pip
- sudo aptitude install libjpeg-dev libopenjpeg-dev libtiff-dev libwebp-dev
- sudo pip-3.2 install Pillow
- The design is made referring to Vojta and Winny.
- I learned how to handle file name from YukiWiki written by Hiroshi Yuki.
- Module apollo.py is was made referring to apollo.c written by replaceable anonymous.
- Popup JavaScript was made referring to Kindan-no Tubo by Zero corp.
- XLST was made reffring to Landscape.