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eQTL and meQTL practical in R

Nov 2021

Created by Matthew Suderman [email protected]


  1. Prepare the data for analysis
  2. Conduct an eQTL analysis using the MatrixEQTL R package
  3. Produce plots to visually inspect findings
  4. (Optional) Conduct an meQTL analysis
  5. (Optional) Identify trios of associated genes, CpG sites and SNPs


Clone a copy of this tutorial in your home directory.

git clone perishky/matrixeqtl-tutorial

Change to cloned repository for this practical:

cd ~/matrixeqtl-tutorial

It is good practice to save outputs to another directory so that it is easy to distinguish output files from other types of files such as data, script or documentation files. We create the output directory as follows:

mkdir output

Specifics for University of Bristol users

This tutorial can be run on BlueCrystal Phase 4. Login to the system using PuTTY and the following server name:

You shouldn't run this tutorial on the login node. Run the following command to request an interactive session on a compute node:

salloc --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --mem=3G  --time=02:00:00
srun --job-name="example" --pty bash -i

Change to the repository directory and create the output directory.

cd ~/matrixeqtl-tutorial
mkdir output

You are not ready to for analysis.


In this practical we will run eQTL and meQTL analyses on a small publicly available dataset:

Wagner, et al. The relationship between DNA methylation, genetic and expression inter-individual variation in untransformed human fibroblasts. Genome Biol. 2014 Feb 20;15(2):R37. GEO link

It includes:

  • genotype (Illumina Human1M-Duov3 DNA Analysis BeadChip),
  • DNA methylation (Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip), and
  • gene expression (Illumina HumanRef-8 v3.0 Expression Beadchip) profiles from 57 human skin fibroblast samples obtained from Coriell and McGill Cellbank.

Analysis steps

  1. Preprocessing.
    a. Population stratification.
    b. Gene expression outliers.
    c. Matching samples between datasets.
    d. Non-genetic variation removal.
  2. Software and data.
    a. R package MatrixEQTL.
    b. Genetic data.
    c. Population stratification covariates.
    d. Expression data.
    e. Gene and SNP locations.
  3. eQTL analysis.
  4. Aftermath.
    a. Number of associations.
    b. Top associations.
    c. Association plotting.
  5. (Optional) meQTL analysis.
  6. (Optional) Associated trios.

1a. Preprocessing: Population stratification

This is detected by visualizing genetic distances between all pairs of individuals using multi-dimensional scaling (MDS).

We will use PLINK for these computations. Please ensure that PLINK is installed before continuing.

On the Bluecrystal Phase 4 cluster, PLINK can be loaded as a module (so no need to install it).

module add apps/plink/2.00

Calculate genetic distances:

plink --bfile data/snp --genome --out output/plink

The output output/plink.genome file in the current directory gives all pairwise distances (see the DST column).

You can type the following command to see the first few lines in the file:

head output/plink.genome

1a. Preprocessing: Population stratification in 2-dimensions

We represent these distances in two dimensions as follows:

plink --bfile data/snp --read-genome output/plink.genome --cluster --mds-plot 2 --out output/plink

This generates a file output/plink.mds that looks something like this:

 FID       IID    SOL           C1           C2 
   1   GM02704      0  -0.00860421   -0.0114082 
   2   GM02706      0   -0.0145491    0.0005202 
   3   GM01650      0  -0.00431194  -0.00171059 
   4   GM01653      0  -0.00306369  -0.00175129 
   5   GM02640      0   -0.0035343  -0.00811608 
   6   GM02641      0  -0.00876442  -0.00616735 

FID - Family ID;
IID - Individual ID (or sample name);
SOL - Assigned solution code;
C1 - Position on first dimension;
C2 - Position on second dimension.

1a. Preprocessing: Population stratification visually

Ensure that R is installed.

On the Bluecrystal Phase 4 cluster, R can be loaded as a module (so no need to install it).

module add languages/r/4.1.0

To start R, simply type R.


We'll send outputs from R to the output directory we set up earlier. For convenience, we?ll save the location as a variable.

out.dir <- "output"

We now plot the coordinates in output/plink.mds in R as follows:

snp.mds <- read.table(file.path(out.dir, "plink.mds"), header=T, sep="", stringsAsFactors=F)
pdf(file.path(out.dir, "mds.pdf"))
plot(snp.mds[,"C1"], snp.mds[,"C2"], main="SNP MDS plot", xlab="first", ylab="second", pch=19)

Question: Can you identify the four potential outlier samples in the plot?


snp.mds[which(snp.mds[,"C1"] > 0.06 | snp.mds[,"C2"] > 0.06),]
   FID    IID SOL         C1        C2
39  39 WG2120   0 -0.0336041 0.0728445
40  40 WG2121   0 -0.0323253 0.0719037
43  43 WG1977   0  0.0725762 0.0344586
44  44 WG1978   0  0.0713593 0.0332588

Given how far these samples differ from the rest, we might actually consider removing them from the analysis. In this case, we'll attempt to adjust for these differences.

1b. Preprocessing: Gene expression outliers

We could use a similar approach to identify gene expression outliers.

rna <- read.csv("data/rna-data.csv", row.names=1)
rna.dist <- 1-abs(cor(rna))
rna.mds <- cmdscale(rna.dist,eig=TRUE, k=2)
pdf(file.path(out.dir, "mds-rna.pdf"))
plot(rna.mds$points[,1], rna.mds$points[,2],
     main="RNA MDS plot", xlab="first", ylab="second", pch=19)

1c. Preprocessing: Matching samples between datasets

All too often samples are mislabelled in the lab. Fortunately, it is possible to computationally detect mismatches between genetic and gene expression data using MixupMapper:

In this case, we will skip this step, assuming that the study authors haven't made such errors!

It is possible to do the same for genetic and DNA methylation data, particularly for data generated using the Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip. It actually measures a selection of SNPs in addition to the methylation levels.

1d. Preprocessing: Non-genetic variation removal

Gene expression measurements can be influenced by factors other than genetic variation. To maximize power to detect associations between genes and genetic variants, we can remove all non-genetic variation from the gene expression data. To save time, we will not do that here. In case you're curious, here are the basic steps:

  1. Calculate the principal components of the gene expression data.
  2. Test associations between principal components and genetic variants.
  3. Remove any components with strong genetic associations.
  4. Remove variation of the remaining principal components from the gene expression data.

2a. Software and data: R package MatrixEQTL

If MatrixEQTL has not already been installed, we install it as follows:

# Respond by typing 'yes' to any questions.

We then load the library in R as follows:


2b. Software and data: Genetic data

MatrixEQTL operates on SlicedData objects. These objects provide access to large datasets without using huge amounts of computer memory.

The genetic data is contained in the file data/snp-data.csv. We load it as follows: <- SlicedData$new()            ## create a new SlicedData object$fileDelimiter <- ","           ## columns in the file are separated by commas$fileOmitCharacters <- "NA"     ## missing values are represented by "NA"$fileSkipRows <- 1              ## the first column provides row names$fileSkipColumns <- 1           ## the first row provides column names$fileSliceSize <- 2000          ## only load the data 2000 rows at a time to save memory$LoadFile("data/snp-data.csv") 

Loading the data takes about half a minute.

2c. Software and data: Population stratification covariates

When we test associations between genetic variants, we will need to adjust for population stratification. This is encoded by the multi-dimensional scaling coordinates that we created earlier.

As required by MatrixEQTL, we load them as SlicedData objects: <- SlicedData$new()$initialize(t(snp.mds[,c("C1","C2")]))

2d. Software and data: Expression data

Next we convert the gene expression data to SlicedData objects and verify that samples match the genotype data samples. <- SlicedData$new()            ## create a new SlicedData object$fileDelimiter <- ","           ## columns in the file are separated by commas$fileOmitCharacters <- "NA"     ## missing values are represented by "NA"$fileSkipRows <- 1              ## the first column provides row names$fileSkipColumns <- 1           ## the first row provides column names$fileSliceSize <- 2000          ## only load the data 2000 rows at a time to save memory$LoadFile("data/rna-data.csv") 

Don't forget to make sure that the gene expression and genetic datasets have the samples in the same order!

stopifnot(all(colnames( == colnames(

2e. Software and data: Gene and SNP locations

Question: If we tested associations between all SNP-gene pairs, how many tests would we have to perform?


nrow( * nrow(
## [1] 869593928

That's a lot of tests. To save time, we will only consider cis pairs (i.e. SNPs that are with 1 million bases of the gene). MatrixEQTL can do this for us if we provide SNP and gene locations in the genome:

snp.loc <- read.csv("data/snp-features.csv", row.names=1)
rna.loc <- read.csv("data/rna-features.csv", row.names=1)

3. eQTL analysis: p-value thresholds

Question: MatrixEQTL requires a p-value threshold for significance. To adjust for the number of tests, we could divide 0.05 by the number of tests to be performed. Because we only test cis pairs, the exact number of difficult to estimate. Can you think of a simple lower bound and upper bound on the number of tests?


lower.bound <- nrow(
upper.bound <- nrow( * nrow(

We'll use the lower bound to estimate a p-value threshold so that we don't miss any associations with statistically significant p-values.

threshold <- 0.05/lower.bound

3. eQTL analysis: finally!

Finally we are ready to run the eQTL analysis.

eqtl <- Matrix_eQTL_main(snps =,
                         gene =,
                         cvrt =, ## population stratification
                         pvOutputThreshold = 0, ## consider only cis pairs
                         pvOutputThreshold.cis = threshold, 
                         output_file_name.cis = file.path(out.dir, "eqtl-cis.txt"),
                         snpspos = snp.loc, 
                         genepos = rna.loc[,c("geneid","chr","left","right")],
                         cisDist = 1e6, ## define cis as < 1Mb
                         useModel = modelLINEAR, ## test using linear models 
                         verbose = TRUE,
                         pvalue.hist = TRUE,
                = FALSE,
                         noFDRsaveMemory = FALSE)

This takes about 30 seconds.

4a. Aftermath: Number of associations

Here is the exact number of tests that were performed:

## [1] 4863929

Question: Above we guessed 1 test per SNP. How many tests were performed on average for each SNP? What p-value threshold should we apply given this number?


eqtl$cis$ntests/nrow(     ## number of tests per SNP
## [1] 27.28987
threshold <- 0.05/eqtl$cis$ntests  ## correct p-value threshold

At this threshold (p < 1.03e-08), we identify hundreds of associations.

eqtls <- eqtl$cis$eqtls
eqtls <- eqtls[which(eqtls$pvalue < threshold),]
## [1] 468

Question: How many eQTLs did we identify?


## [1] 403

4b. Aftermath: Top associations

We will plot the strongest association:

idx <- which.min(eqtls$pvalue)
##        snps         gene statistic       pvalue          FDR       beta
## 1 rs1025996 ILMN_2100085 -21.33979 1.096262e-27 8.063919e-22 -0.4323303

We save the corresponding gene and SNP:

top.gene <- as.character(eqtls$gene[idx])
top.snp <- as.character(eqtls$snps[idx])
## [1] "ILMN_2100085"
## [1] "rs1025996"

4c. Aftermath: Association plotting (data extraction)

To plot the association, we will need to extract the SNP and gene expression values for the pair. This can be a bit painful using SlicedData objects because they don't support direct access to individual rows or columns. Here we create our own function to do this. Don't worry about how it works, just copy and paste into R. <- function(object, row) {
    if (is.factor(row))
        row <- as.character(row)
    if (is.character(row)) {
        row <- which(rownames(object) == row)
        if (length(row) == 0)
            stop("Invalid row")
    slice.size <- nrow(object[[1]])
    slice.idx <- floor(row/slice.size) + 1
    slice <- object[[slice.idx]]
    row <- row - slice.size * (slice.idx - 1)
    ret <- slice[row,]
    names(ret) <- colnames(object)

4c. Aftermath: Association plotting

We can use this function to obtain the genotypes for any given SNP. For example, below we extract data for the top SNP-gene pair.

genotypes <-, top.snp)
genotypes <- factor(genotypes, levels=0:2, labels=c("AA","AB","BB"))
expression.levels <-, top.gene)

We plot their association as follows:

pdf(file.path(out.dir, "top-snp-gene.pdf"))
boxplot(expression.levels ~ genotypes,
stripchart(expression.levels ~ genotypes,
           method="jitter", add=TRUE, vertical=TRUE,
           col=c("blue","orange","black"), pch=19)

5. (Optional) meQTL analysis <- SlicedData$new()$fileDelimiter <- ","           ## columns are separated by commas$fileOmitCharacters <- "NA"     ## missing values are represented by "NA"$fileSkipRows <- 1              ## the first column provides row names$fileSkipColumns <- 1           ## the first row provides column names$fileSliceSize <- 2000          ## only load the data 2000 rows at a time$LoadFile("data/cpg-data.csv") 

cpg.loc <- read.csv("data/cpg-features.csv", row.names=1)

threshold <- 0.05/nrow(

meqtl <- Matrix_eQTL_main(snps =,
                          gene =,
                          cvrt =,
                          pvOutputThreshold = 0,  ## ignore trans associations
                          pvOutputThreshold.cis = threshold,
                          output_file_name.cis = file.path(out.dir, "meqtl-cis.txt"),
                          snpspos = snp.loc, 
                          genepos = cpg.loc[,c("geneid","chr","left","right")],
                          cisDist = 1e6,                  ## define cis as < 1Mb
                          useModel = modelLINEAR,
                          verbose = TRUE,
                          pvalue.hist = TRUE,
                 = FALSE,
                          noFDRsaveMemory = FALSE)

threshold <- 0.05/meqtl$cis$ntests
meqtls <- meqtl$cis$eqtls
meqtls <- meqtls[which(meqtls$pvalue < threshold),]

6. (Optional) Associated trios

Such trios are of interest because they could indicate cases where a SNP modifies methylation levels which in turn modify gene expression levels.

Construct the trios:

trios <- merge(data.frame(snp=eqtls$snps, gene=eqtls$gene, eqtl.statistic=eqtls$statistic),
               data.frame(snp=meqtls$snps, cpg=meqtls$gene, meqtl.statistic=meqtls$statistic))

There are 168 trios.

Calculate p-values for each gene/CpG site association:

trios$p.value <- sapply(1:nrow(trios), function(i) {
    expr <-, trios$gene[i])
    meth <-, trios$cpg[i])
    cor.test(meth, expr)$p.value

Identify the strongest gene/CpG site association.

idx <- which.min(trios$p.value)
##          snp         gene eqtl.statistic        cpg meqtl.statistic
## 5 rs10220917 ILMN_1656045       9.664163 cg25118879       -13.50116
##        p.value
## 5 2.513491e-15


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