Sapir is an opinionated Rust library for generating client-side zero-knowledge proofs.
- Spartan prover.
- R1CS
- Set of APIs to write R1CS in Rust.
- Common operations in gadgets/.
- Client-side constraints generation
- This alleviates the need to download a larger circuit file over the internet.
- Helper macros to compile circuit/prover into wasm.
This doc assumes that the reader is familiar with the concept of writing circuits. Prior experience with Circom, ZoKrates, Halo2, etc is preferable.
mkdir hello-sapir && cd hello-sapir
cargo init --lib
sapir = { git = "" }
In Sapir, you write a synthesizer to define the rules. The following is a synthesizer for a circuit that takes two private inputs and multiplies them.
use sapir::ark_ff::Field;
use sapir::constraint_system::ConstraintSystem;
fn my_synthesizer<F: Field>(cs: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>) {
let a = cs.alloc_priv_input();
let b = cs.alloc_priv_input();
let c = a * b;
Let's break down the above code.
A synthesizer should have the follwoing function signature.
fn my_synthesizer<F: Field>(cs: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>)
F: Field
This is the finite field which the circuit is defined over.cs: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>
We define the constraints by modifying this.
Next, we allocate two private inputs a
and b
, and constraint c
to be the result of multiplying a
and b
let a = cs.alloc_priv_input();
let b = cs.alloc_priv_input();
let c = a * b;
Lastly, we expose c
as a public input.
Now we can generate the witness of our circuit. We use the Circuit
struct to do so. A Sapir circuit can be instantiated on any elliptic curve that is available in the arkworks ecosystem. For this example, we use the secq256k1 curve.
First, add ark-secq256k1
as a dependency.
cargo add ark-secq256k1
Next, paste the following code in the same file as you defined my_synthesizer
use ark_secq256k1::Fr;
use sapir::frontend::circuit::Circuit;
fn test_witness_gen() {
let mut circuit = Circuit::new(my_synthesizer);
let pub_inputs = vec![Fr::from(6u32)];
let priv_inputs = vec![Fr::from(2u32), Fr::from(3u32)];
let witness = circuit.gen_witness(&pub_inputs, &priv_inputs);
assert!(circuit.is_sat(&witness, &pub_inputs));
The above code defines a test that
- Instantiates
- Generates the witness
- Checks that the witness satisfies the circuit
Run cargo test
. If the test passes, you have successfully generated a satisfying witness!
Now that we have our witness, we can generate a zero-knowledge proof.
Paste the following code and run cargo test --tests test_prove
use sapir::spartan::spartan::Spartan;
type Curve = ark_secq256k1::Projective;
fn test_prove() {
let mut circuit = Circuit::new(my_synthesizer);
let pub_inputs = vec![Fr::from(6u32)];
let priv_inputs = vec![Fr::from(2u32), Fr::from(3u32)];
let witness = circuit.gen_witness(&pub_inputs, &priv_inputs);
let r1cs = circuit.to_r1cs();
let spartan = Spartan::<Curve>::new(b"hello-sapir", r1cs);
// Generate a proof
let (proof, _) = spartan.prove(&witness, &pub_inputs);
// Verify the proof
spartan.verify(&proof, false);
You can use wasm-pack to compile the circuit and the prover into wasm. Install wasm-pack with the following command,
curl -sSf | sh
and add the following to your Cargo.toml
crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]
Sapir provides a helper macro embed_to_wasm
which generates code that embeds the circuit and the prover to the compiled wasm file.
Paste the following code and run wasm-pack build
use sapir::embed_to_wasm;
use sapir::wasm::prelude::*;
const DOMAIN_STR: &[u8] = b"hello-sapir";
embed_to_wasm!(my_synthesizer, Curve, DOMAIN_STR);
wasm-pack generates a pkg
module that you can import in a JavaScript file. You can find an example of this at